It’s Actually NOT Doctor Recommended

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It’s Actually NOT Doctor Recommended

Most of us in some place and some time have heard of this tag line before “It is doctor recommended”.  Well, what is actually being recommended?  In this day and age, the newest recommendations have no ethical standards of what is being recommended, YET!  If you put the tagline “it is doctor recommended”, then automatically people think it is a good thing to do.  Speaking as a doctor and from a doctor’s perspective, here are some thoughts to consider…

We Did Not Go To Sales School

Buy this, use this, and double down on this?  Doctors did not go to school to sell you things.  There was no classroom that was solely and specially based on learning the art and craft of selling things to patients.  Be weary when things are “suggested” or “recommended” in the doctor’s office.  Why?  That is not the doctor’s responsibility.  As a doctor of chiropractic my job is to be a teacher and inform patients of what health is and what it is not; what your health needs and what it does not need and more importantly how and why it does what it does.  Health does not come in form of lotions, potions, or ‘snake-oils’ that are constantly being invented as the newest and latest health craze.

Always Be The Thinker

Think for yourself and, as my mother always taught me, always consider your source.  When considering your health and the doctor’s recommendation, consider this.  Chiropractic is a philosophy, science and art of things NATURAL.  Lines become often blurred when ethical boundaries are mixed with compensation and things that are not natural.  Take for instance cigarettes.  Google the wording ‘doctors and cigarettes’ and click on images and see what pops up; comical to say the least.  You could say in that day and age they did not know any better.  Which is a false statement.  The recommendations have not changed.  Instead of the wording ‘cigarettes’, we are substituting that for pills, diets, lotions, and potions that are “safe” because they are Doctor Recommended.  Be a thinker when it comes to your health and avoid sales tactics.

Why Lions, Tigers, Bears and Lifting Fridges While Drinking Whiskey Do Not Mix

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Why Lions, Tigers, Bears and Lifting Fridges While Drinking Whiskey Do Not Mix

This statement itself is stating the obvious, right?  Hopefully you read the title and innately knew that this title was absurd and none of these activities or animals should be played with.  Now, we are not speaking from experience nor would we condone lifting a fridge while drinking whiskey and messing with lions, tigers, and bears.  What’s the purpose of this week’s blog, then?  The purpose of this week’s blog is… stating the obvious. 

Know Us Before You Need Us.

Most people judge their health by how they feel.  Since the first symptom of our Western lifestyle induced diseased state is typically death or some sort of life altering hospital visit, it is safe to say that assessing how you feel is not the most accurate way to measure your health. Stating the obvious.

Know us before you need us.  The ‘us’ is in reference to your chiropractor.  Only go to your chiropractor when you are in pain…said nobody ever!  Only going to the chiropractor when you are in pain is equivalent to eating healthy foods only when you are sick.  Stating the obvious.

It does not make sense.  Back pain, neck pain, and any kind of pain is no fun.  We understand that.  While chiropractic can help you with the pain and get you out of pain naturally, it does not mean you are better.  Healing the body is a process.  Ignore the process of healing and ADAPTING and you will begin the insanity cycle.  Stating the obvious.

Can I Get The Quick Fix?

Every cell, organ, and tissue is controlled by your Central Nerve System.  Since your spine protects the Central Nerve System, wouldn’t it be a good idea to keep it aligned?  Stating the obvious. 

The “one and done” adjustment does not work in chiropractic nor in life.  Buyer beware!  It’s the maintenance that counts.  Your health, or more importantly, the system that regulates your health (central nerve system), is no different than anything else in life.  It requires regular check-ups.  Stating the obvious.

The Truth…

Although regular checks-ups and the maintenance of the central nerve system is important, it is not a chiropractic law.  It’s nature’s law.  Preventing future problems from occurring and old ones from returning is continual adaptation to keep one in the ideal state of health.  Stating the obvious.

Are You Doubting Your Newest Trend…Stick To What Works

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Are You Doubting Your Newest Health Trend?…Stick To What Works

The newest and latest trends will always be just that…trends!  They will only last an instance, yet they still seem to draw some people in.  Why?  Sometimes it’s easy to get sidetracked and some people are just susceptible to trying to find the easy way.  The Health Industry will always attempt to sell you the newest and latest trend.  They prey on people that are looking for the “easy way.”  It’s not like we are talking about the car industry.  In the car industry you can upgrade to a new car, downgrade to an old beat up junker, add accessories, fix it up yourself, or even better, just continue to lease and not even own it.  With your health, you own it and you only get one shot.  There is no trading, leasing, accessorizing, or upgrading.  Yet, the health industry wants you to believe it’s possible.

Create Your Health Trend Time Capsule

History is available to teach us and it’s our responsibility to learn from it.  Health trends are no different than clothing styles or the latest and greatest hair-do.  Save your Shake – It – Weight and other health claims in a time capsule and I guarantee in some way, shape or form they will reappear in the future.  The same can be said for your drugs.  Save them, they will be around in another form or a new name later on in the future.  Why?  Simple.  Pharmaceutical companies don’t create cures, they create customers.  The health industry creates the illusions of the newest and latest.

Stick To What Works

Chiropractic is not new.  Hippocrates said, “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.”  This is the Chiropractic mantra due to the fact that it is the truth.  Basic, entry level physiological textbooks, whether chiropractic or medical, (they are completely the same) state that your Central Nerve System is the master system.  The CNS is housed and protected via the spinal column and skull.  A healthy spinal column entails a healthy body.  BASIC.  What else works?  Exercise and eating clean…basic fundamental lifelong principles that are hard to do.  Take the road less traveled much?


Can I Get The One Time Adjustment…

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Can I Get The One Time Adjustment??

The big question that is often thought of or presumed with what actually happens in chiropractic offices is…”Can I get the one-time adjustment?”  Unfortunately some chiropractic offices create the illusion that you will only need ONE adjustment to solve all of your problems.  Which just so happens to be the farthest thing from the truth.  Let’s have some fun with this thought process as well as debunking why it just isn’t so.

Why Can’t I Get the “One and Done”?

The reason you cannot get the one and done is because it does not exist.  Why do I have pain and then get adjusted and feel better?  When a subluxation is adjusted the body automatically creates a chemical reaction releasing feel good hormones as well as a surge of ATP and dopamine.  ATP is your energy currency that every cell requires, thus allowing you to take on the day.  Dopamine rushes to your brain and releases a flood of feel good endorphins.  It does not mean that you are better though.  It means that you just started on the path to healing.

Doesn’t the Bone Move?

Yes and no.  Your chiropractor’s responsibility is to adjust the subluxation which is creating dysfunction within your central nerve system.  Adjusting the subluxation takes time and repetition to restore proper alignment within the spine. The bone does not just move from point A to point B in a matter of a milliseconds and skip all the healing properties that are required to establish proper neural memory.  THAT is drastic thinking and does not happen.  The bone moves over time to establish proper alignment.  Think of braces along the teeth. Same concept.

Awesome Analogies

Time and repetition are fundamental to maintaining your central nerve system’s functionality and peak performance.  Healthy central nerve system = healthy body.  You use it every day so maintain its integrity and limit the dysfunction that it comes in contact with.  Here are some analogies that relate to the “one and done” adjustment.

  1.  Hairstylist- Can I have the one time hair-cut so I don’t have to ever get it cut again…please?
  2. Mechanic- Can I just get my oil changed just once…please?
  3. Fitness Trainer- Can I just work-out once and have amazing six-pack abs…please?
  4. Parenting- I am just going to parent one day and teach my kids one time…hope it works!
  5. Nutrition- Can I just eat all the healthy foods just for one day and call it quits…pretty please??
  6. Religion- I read my Bible only on August 1st 2010 and learned everything I needed to!
  7. Book-keeping- Can you please just balance my books once so I don’t ever have to do it again?
  8. Doctor- So I want the labs to check for everything… please!

Be Wary Of The Man Behind Curtain… The Cover-Up

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Be Wary Of the Man Behind the Curtain… The Cover-Up

Nowadays in our society we are told about cover-ups, patches, and band-aids that manly just do just that…cover up the problem.  The man behind the curtain relates to our so-called “health care” system.  The two truths that will always remain the same in our lives are time and health.  Unfortunately these truths can become blurred with false promises from the man behind the curtain, or our health care system.  The only way for our patients to clarify what time and health mean to them personally, is to go back to the fundamental truths.

The Truth

Health was created by you!  The very first entity that was developed and created was brain cellular tissue.  Then the brain was BORN!  Boom!  Next, the brain made a body, and it accomplished this development and creation via a “construction” highway called your spinal cord.  Collectively, the brain and spinal column is deemed your central nerve system.  You were born healthy.  “Look to the spine for the cause of disease,” -Hippocrates.  Taking care of your spine via spinal check-ups is advertently taking care of your health.

The Man Behind The Curtain

The man behind the curtain is the taste of things that “muddy the waters”.  What do we mean by this?  In our society the man behind the curtain will get you to believe that time and health are easily bought.  Fundamental truth number 1: You live your life through your central nerve system.  Every human experience you have is processed, coordinated, controlled, and CREATED by your Central Nerve System.  If you neglect your spinal hygiene, then any other therapy, pill, lotion, potion or external stimulant will be lesser or produce no benefit whatsoever.  Biased?  No.  Just the truth.  This is not a law that we make up, this is nature’s law.  Don’t get caught up in what the man behind the curtain says…listen to your body’s innate intelligence.

Get To Work

Time and health cannot be bought.  The super groin stretch that fixes your spine, the super diet pill, the 5 minute exercise burn that eliminates 20 pounds… it does not work.  We are not truth-seekers or whistle blowers.  Just use your mind and THINK.  We understand that we were born to be healthy and health is created from the inside out and from the top down.  Taking care of the fundamental truth will give you the best time that you have on this earth while providing the health to have the time.

Do You Have A Back Problem Or A Health Problem?

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Do You Have A Back Problem Or A Health Problem?

Chiropractic care is unfortunately seen as synonymous with back pain.  While we do help with musculoskeletal back pain, you are missing the BIG picture if you only come in for back pain.  The BIG picture is understanding the central nerve system (CNS).  Chiropractic care is strictly focusing on establishing optimal potential with the CNS in your own body.

I Do Not Have Back Pain, BUT I Am Chronically Sick

This is obliviously a health problem that is attributed to your immune system.  Guess what?  Your immune system is controlled, regulated, and was even made by your CNS.  Guess what again?  Your CNS is housed and protected via your spinal bones and skull, which just so happens to be also called your BACK.  There are people out there who are chronically sick and do not have “back pain”.  It does not matter, the back pain is irrelevant.  If you are chronically sick, your CNS is failing to control and properly regulate the immune system.

Organs supplied by impinged nerves exhibit pathological changes and the more the serious the impingement, the more serious the damage. – Henry Winsor, MD.

A Back Problem Is a Health Problem

A subluxation creates tension and chronic irritation to a spinal nerve thus disrupting the brain to body connection.  Subluxations can cause symptoms such as allergies and GI issues that will eventually damage your organs.  Is pain present when a subluxation first occurs?  No.  Pain is the last symptom you will “feel” and it will be the first symptom to disappear.  This is why when people only visit a chiropractor for pain, they will only get temporary relief.  Basically a band-aid.  In order to address the health problem, you need to address the health of the BACK via the spine.  Specific chiropractic adjustments provide motion and stability via the spine.  The spine provides nourishment to the CNS.  Everything in the human body is designed for motion. Motion is more than just energy. Motion is life! #getchecked

You Have No Role In Your OWN Healing…Lie

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You Have No Role In Your OWN Healing…False!

The statement that we have been told in our society is that “you have no role in your own healing,” and we need to ‘trust’ the system.  What a big, fat LIE.  The more you actually believe this, the sicker we become.  Contrary to popular belief, you have every chance and opportunity to enable your body to heal.  You just need to listen to it.  You need to be taught the RIGHT way.  As a doctor of Chiropractic, I embrace the role of doctor.  Doctor means teacher.  Let’s continue.

Healing Starts from The Inside

The capacity for cells to heal starts from the inside with the Central Nerve System.  The CNS makes and coordinates every cell in your body, and cannot afford to take days off.  So, why do some heal faster than others?  If your CNS is intact and properly coordinating messages to every part of your body, your body will adapt and overcome.  Guess what?  You do not have to take any pill, supplement, or get zapped by a laser beam for this to happen.

Limiting Healing Starts from the Inside As Well

If dysfunction is present within your CNS, it’s called a subluxation.  A subluxation breaks down the communication line between your brain and body.  When the brain is unaware of what to properly heal…it doesn’t.  A subluxation will disable your body from adapting and healing properly because it is creating chaos from the inside.  This is why taking care of your spinal hygiene is crucial.

It All Comes Down To Hard Work

To be honest, to be healthy is hard work.  If you take care of your spine, it will take care of you and anything else you throw at your body.  Be wary of “new” things that people will try to sell you that are bright and shiny and get you out of the hard work.  Healing and adapting is 100% innately given.  Trust it well.

Learning From Goldilocks, Putting Health Into Perspective

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Learning From Goldilocks; Putting Health into Perspective

Everyone remembers the fairytale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  What can we learn from Goldilocks?  During her quest to find what was ‘just right’ she went through porridge, chairs, and beds.  Goldilocks found some things too hot, and some things too cold before finding the just right.  The body’s self-regulating capacity is extraordinary and innately knows what is “just right.”  Unfortunately, our society allows us to cover-up and suppress innate actions that we were born with.

Temperature IS A GOOD Thing…In Perspective

Goldilocks knew when sampling the porridge which one was the right temperature.  When your body produces too much temperature, aka inflammation, initially it is a good thing, as long as your body adequately adapts to what it is “inflaming” from.  Too little temperature and the body suffers as well. Maintaining balance is regulated and controlled via your central nerve system.

Get Rid Of The Cover-Ups… Get Rid Of Goldilocks

The cover-ups that inhibit your body from healing and adapting are artificial stimulants, or drugs.  When we consume mind altering substances they attempt to artificially make things ‘just right’ by creating improper chemical reactions.  Drugs are a crude attempt to make everything ‘just right’ in the body.  You must take care of yourself on a regular basis to remain healthy and it is not in the form of a pill.  Goldilocks did not belong just like cover-ups do not belong.  Listen to what your body needs, let your body be your guide.

Health Is Your Central Nerve System

Health begins and ends with the master controller, the central nerve system (CNS), which is perfectly protected by your skull and spine.  By removing interference and stress on the spine, the CNS will make sure that everything in your body is ‘just right.’  Influence the system that controls all other systems of your body and natural NORMAL healing ensues.  #getchecked

4.5 Reasons To See A Chiropractor During Your Pregnancy

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4.5 Reasons to See a Chiropractor during Your Pregnancy

4.5 reasons to see a chiropractor during your pregnancy.  Why 4.5?  This is a blog, and literacy standards and protocols go out the window and we are allowed to do whatever we want.  A mom’s body is constantly changing and altering in order to develop a child. Every source of nutrition, function, and coordination to the developing child is sustained and controlled via the mother’s central nerve system and her spinal health.  Healthy spine = Healthy Pregnancy.

1. The Most Notorious = Pain

Low back pain is caused by pelvis dysfunction.  The body is changing and adapting to the new physical stress placed on it.  Most expecting mothers will try to off-set the developing child and create a type of “sway-back” that ultimately creates more problems than it should.  According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) 16/17 women saw clinical improvement from of back pain and relief from discomfort after seeking chiropractic care.

2. Shorter Labor

According to the CCA, 50% of mothers will experience easier labor and delivery with regular chiropractic check-ups.  With regular spinal checkups the pelvis and sacrum can be balanced, creating the environment for an ideal birth.  A balanced pelvis eliminates undue tension to muscles and ligaments which will enhance optimal fetal positioning.

3. Regulating Your Hormones

Relaxin.  One of the “top” hormones that is essential for pregnant mothers is also a hormone that creates constant instability in muscle tissue.  80% of pregnant women did not receive treatment for muscle pain related to pregnancy while under chiropractic care.  Regular spinal checkups can help regulate relaxin levels, resulting in less muscle pain and tension.

4. Supporting Mother’s Health

Healthy living can be over-whelming and daunting for expectant mothers.  With regular check-ups not only are you supporting your physical needs, your emotional needs become elevated as well.  Your overall quality of pregnancy will increase by allowing you to maintain your activity level (motion).  Because life is motion and motion is life.

4.5  The Just In Case

The breech position.  Chiropractors have been trained in and can utilize a specific technique called the Webster’s Technique.   The Webster’s Technique has an 82% success rate in moving babies from breech to cephalic position.  Considering the high rate of cesareans today (plus the unwillingness of more OBs to deliver a breech baby), the Webster technique should be an option for every eligible pregnant woman.  Just in case.