Be Wary Of the Man Behind the Curtain… The Cover-Up
Nowadays in our society we are told about cover-ups, patches, and band-aids that manly just do just that…cover up the problem. The man behind the curtain relates to our so-called “health care” system. The two truths that will always remain the same in our lives are time and health. Unfortunately these truths can become blurred with false promises from the man behind the curtain, or our health care system. The only way for our patients to clarify what time and health mean to them personally, is to go back to the fundamental truths.
The Truth
Health was created by you! The very first entity that was developed and created was brain cellular tissue. Then the brain was BORN! Boom! Next, the brain made a body, and it accomplished this development and creation via a “construction” highway called your spinal cord. Collectively, the brain and spinal column is deemed your central nerve system. You were born healthy. “Look to the spine for the cause of disease,” -Hippocrates. Taking care of your spine via spinal check-ups is advertently taking care of your health.
The Man Behind The Curtain
The man behind the curtain is the taste of things that “muddy the waters”. What do we mean by this? In our society the man behind the curtain will get you to believe that time and health are easily bought. Fundamental truth number 1: You live your life through your central nerve system. Every human experience you have is processed, coordinated, controlled, and CREATED by your Central Nerve System. If you neglect your spinal hygiene, then any other therapy, pill, lotion, potion or external stimulant will be lesser or produce no benefit whatsoever. Biased? No. Just the truth. This is not a law that we make up, this is nature’s law. Don’t get caught up in what the man behind the curtain says…listen to your body’s innate intelligence.
Get To Work
Time and health cannot be bought. The super groin stretch that fixes your spine, the super diet pill, the 5 minute exercise burn that eliminates 20 pounds… it does not work. We are not truth-seekers or whistle blowers. Just use your mind and THINK. We understand that we were born to be healthy and health is created from the inside out and from the top down. Taking care of the fundamental truth will give you the best time that you have on this earth while providing the health to have the time.