Do You Have A Back Problem Or A Health Problem?
Chiropractic care is unfortunately seen as synonymous with back pain. While we do help with musculoskeletal back pain, you are missing the BIG picture if you only come in for back pain. The BIG picture is understanding the central nerve system (CNS). Chiropractic care is strictly focusing on establishing optimal potential with the CNS in your own body.
I Do Not Have Back Pain, BUT I Am Chronically Sick
This is obliviously a health problem that is attributed to your immune system. Guess what? Your immune system is controlled, regulated, and was even made by your CNS. Guess what again? Your CNS is housed and protected via your spinal bones and skull, which just so happens to be also called your BACK. There are people out there who are chronically sick and do not have “back pain”. It does not matter, the back pain is irrelevant. If you are chronically sick, your CNS is failing to control and properly regulate the immune system.
Organs supplied by impinged nerves exhibit pathological changes and the more the serious the impingement, the more serious the damage. – Henry Winsor, MD.
A Back Problem Is a Health Problem
A subluxation creates tension and chronic irritation to a spinal nerve thus disrupting the brain to body connection. Subluxations can cause symptoms such as allergies and GI issues that will eventually damage your organs. Is pain present when a subluxation first occurs? No. Pain is the last symptom you will “feel” and it will be the first symptom to disappear. This is why when people only visit a chiropractor for pain, they will only get temporary relief. Basically a band-aid. In order to address the health problem, you need to address the health of the BACK via the spine. Specific chiropractic adjustments provide motion and stability via the spine. The spine provides nourishment to the CNS. Everything in the human body is designed for motion. Motion is more than just energy. Motion is life! #getchecked