You Have No Role In Your OWN Healing…False!
The statement that we have been told in our society is that “you have no role in your own healing,” and we need to ‘trust’ the system. What a big, fat LIE. The more you actually believe this, the sicker we become. Contrary to popular belief, you have every chance and opportunity to enable your body to heal. You just need to listen to it. You need to be taught the RIGHT way. As a doctor of Chiropractic, I embrace the role of doctor. Doctor means teacher. Let’s continue.
Healing Starts from The Inside
The capacity for cells to heal starts from the inside with the Central Nerve System. The CNS makes and coordinates every cell in your body, and cannot afford to take days off. So, why do some heal faster than others? If your CNS is intact and properly coordinating messages to every part of your body, your body will adapt and overcome. Guess what? You do not have to take any pill, supplement, or get zapped by a laser beam for this to happen.
Limiting Healing Starts from the Inside As Well
If dysfunction is present within your CNS, it’s called a subluxation. A subluxation breaks down the communication line between your brain and body. When the brain is unaware of what to properly heal…it doesn’t. A subluxation will disable your body from adapting and healing properly because it is creating chaos from the inside. This is why taking care of your spinal hygiene is crucial.
It All Comes Down To Hard Work
To be honest, to be healthy is hard work. If you take care of your spine, it will take care of you and anything else you throw at your body. Be wary of “new” things that people will try to sell you that are bright and shiny and get you out of the hard work. Healing and adapting is 100% innately given. Trust it well.