Are You Doubting Your Newest Trend…Stick To What Works

Are You Doubting Your Newest Health Trend?…Stick To What Works

The newest and latest trends will always be just that…trends!  They will only last an instance, yet they still seem to draw some people in.  Why?  Sometimes it’s easy to get sidetracked and some people are just susceptible to trying to find the easy way.  The Health Industry will always attempt to sell you the newest and latest trend.  They prey on people that are looking for the “easy way.”  It’s not like we are talking about the car industry.  In the car industry you can upgrade to a new car, downgrade to an old beat up junker, add accessories, fix it up yourself, or even better, just continue to lease and not even own it.  With your health, you own it and you only get one shot.  There is no trading, leasing, accessorizing, or upgrading.  Yet, the health industry wants you to believe it’s possible.

Create Your Health Trend Time Capsule

History is available to teach us and it’s our responsibility to learn from it.  Health trends are no different than clothing styles or the latest and greatest hair-do.  Save your Shake – It – Weight and other health claims in a time capsule and I guarantee in some way, shape or form they will reappear in the future.  The same can be said for your drugs.  Save them, they will be around in another form or a new name later on in the future.  Why?  Simple.  Pharmaceutical companies don’t create cures, they create customers.  The health industry creates the illusions of the newest and latest.

Stick To What Works

Chiropractic is not new.  Hippocrates said, “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.”  This is the Chiropractic mantra due to the fact that it is the truth.  Basic, entry level physiological textbooks, whether chiropractic or medical, (they are completely the same) state that your Central Nerve System is the master system.  The CNS is housed and protected via the spinal column and skull.  A healthy spinal column entails a healthy body.  BASIC.  What else works?  Exercise and eating clean…basic fundamental lifelong principles that are hard to do.  Take the road less traveled much?


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