Can I Get The One Time Adjustment??
The big question that is often thought of or presumed with what actually happens in chiropractic offices is…”Can I get the one-time adjustment?” Unfortunately some chiropractic offices create the illusion that you will only need ONE adjustment to solve all of your problems. Which just so happens to be the farthest thing from the truth. Let’s have some fun with this thought process as well as debunking why it just isn’t so.
Why Can’t I Get the “One and Done”?
The reason you cannot get the one and done is because it does not exist. Why do I have pain and then get adjusted and feel better? When a subluxation is adjusted the body automatically creates a chemical reaction releasing feel good hormones as well as a surge of ATP and dopamine. ATP is your energy currency that every cell requires, thus allowing you to take on the day. Dopamine rushes to your brain and releases a flood of feel good endorphins. It does not mean that you are better though. It means that you just started on the path to healing.
Doesn’t the Bone Move?
Yes and no. Your chiropractor’s responsibility is to adjust the subluxation which is creating dysfunction within your central nerve system. Adjusting the subluxation takes time and repetition to restore proper alignment within the spine. The bone does not just move from point A to point B in a matter of a milliseconds and skip all the healing properties that are required to establish proper neural memory. THAT is drastic thinking and does not happen. The bone moves over time to establish proper alignment. Think of braces along the teeth. Same concept.
Awesome Analogies
Time and repetition are fundamental to maintaining your central nerve system’s functionality and peak performance. Healthy central nerve system = healthy body. You use it every day so maintain its integrity and limit the dysfunction that it comes in contact with. Here are some analogies that relate to the “one and done” adjustment.
- Hairstylist- Can I have the one time hair-cut so I don’t have to ever get it cut again…please?
- Mechanic- Can I just get my oil changed just once…please?
- Fitness Trainer- Can I just work-out once and have amazing six-pack abs…please?
- Parenting- I am just going to parent one day and teach my kids one time…hope it works!
- Nutrition- Can I just eat all the healthy foods just for one day and call it quits…pretty please??
- Religion- I read my Bible only on August 1st 2010 and learned everything I needed to!
- Book-keeping- Can you please just balance my books once so I don’t ever have to do it again?
- Doctor- So I want the labs to check for everything… please!