X-rays: You Pose. We Expose

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X-rays: You Pose. We Expose

“To see is to know, to not see is to guess.” – Unknown

Does one build a house without blueprints? Absolutely not. That would be a clown show trying to build a house without being able to reference blueprints. The same goes for our spine. Chiropractors want to see the big picture of what they are dealing with. X-rays give chiropractors more insight on the shape of a patient’s spine and what should or should not be adjusted.  A seasoned chiropractor can have years of experience and have very gifted hands to feel up and down the spine for issues but there is a limitation to how much a chiropractor can feel. Therefore, it is the utmost importance to acquire visuals such as the x-rays films to know exactly what the patient’s spine is presenting with. People are born with congenital abnormalities that they may have no knowledge of until x-rays are taken of their spine and a chiropractor’s goal is obviously not to cause more harm, but without x-rays, increased risk is on the table.

X-rays dictate many factors when it comes to the proper care of a patient. The way chiropractors adjust is heavily influenced by x-rays involving what direction of the adjustment, how much force, and what table or instrument is used. Since our bodies are so good at masking pain because pain is usually the last thing to show up, people can live with subluxations (misalignments of the spine), fractures, anomalies or other contraindications without even knowing they are present or have been present for months to years. One cannot emphasize enough the importance of x-rays. They are a major piece to our puzzle of care and patients benefit the most with results when x-rays are performed.

Gravity: The Undercover Force

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Gravity: The Undercover Force

“It’s only when gravity starts to take over, you begin to think about your body.” – David Soul

When we think of causes of subluxation, we usually focus on the three T’s: Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins. Thoughts can be any sort of mental or emotional stress especially with inflation nowadays, financial stress would be a common stress which wreaks havoc on the nerve system. There is also intense mental stress such as events causing PTSD. Traumas are usually anything to do with the physical realm such as falling down the stairs or falling off a ladder. Any type of external force on the body is going to cause our nerve system stress and take time to process that stimulation overdrive. Toxins are another cause of subluxations and those can vary from the consumption of medications, vaccines, processed foods and the preservatives that are within them. Our bodies are continuously meant to have natural ingredients and therefore the reasoning for a significant amount of side effects that are consistently stated when it comes to vaccines or medications.

What keeps us grounded on this earth? GRAVITY! This force is necessary or else we would be floating around and our muscles would begin to atrophy because if you do not use it, you lose it. With that said, the constant forces of gravity can be detrimental on our musculoskeletal system as it is continuously pulling down on our bodies and compressing our joints as well as the discs in between our vertebra. This force contributes to misalignments of the spine and degeneration of those intervertebral discs. When one claims they don’t need chiropractic because they don’t feel pain is like saying their engine doesn’t need oil since their engine has not been ruined yet, it does not make sense. One does not wait until their teeth are rotting to go to the dentist. It is all about being preventative with pro-active care rather than re-active care. Our spines and therefore our nerve system need maintenance because we live our life through our nerve system.

Get checked, stay healthy!


Thou Shall Not Self-Manipulate!

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Thou Shall Not Self-Manipulate!

“The more specific we are, the more universal something can become. Life is in the details. If you generalize, it doesn’t resonate. The specificity of it is what resonates.” – Jacqueline Woodson

Most things require some form of specificity and if a general method is applied, usually the results are non-satisfactory. The same goes for our spine, our spines and therefore our nerve systems need specific attention, not general adjusting to cause the cavitations (noise made from the adjustment). There are specific problems that need specific solutions to get to the root of the issue.  Self-manipulating compensations is not the answer for the correction of actual problems.

When self-adjustments are made or should I say self-manipulations because they are not specific adjustments, the popping noise (cavitation) is the release of nitrogen gas from bubbles in the synovial joint fluid in the joint space. At the same time, endorphins are released which is a natural pain killer so even though it may feel relieving, it is more than likely causing harm than good. Furthermore, the residual from endorphins is short-term because the main issue is not corrected and that is the reason people can continue to perform that manipulation for months to years since the compensation is addressed, and not the primary cause. When there is a subluxation or a misalignment of the spine, the joint is fixated meaning it’s not moving like it should and the body responds by compensating and makes the vertebra above or below hypermobile (increased movement) and it is the hypermobile vertebra that is being self-manipulated. Self-manipulation increases the laxity of the ligaments which decreases their ability to do their job by helping to hold bones in place.

When you feel the urge…RESIST! Do not cause unnecessary harm and stress to your spine. Avoid the temptation by doing better because you know better! Get checked and stay healthy!


Subluxation Nation!

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“To get rich, never risk your health. For it is truth that health is the wealth of wealth.” -Richard Baker

What is Chiropractic? What is the essence of why we do what we do? A true chiropractor seeks to find and correct vertebral subluxation and “A subluxation is the condition of a vertebra that has lost its proper juxtaposition with the one above or the one below or both; to an extent less than a luxation; which occludes an opening, impinges nerves and interferes with the transmission of mental impulses” (Stephen’s Chiropractic Textbook).

 Let’s break that down, so loss of juxtaposition is the misalignment of the vertebra in the spine, an occlusion of an opening is the narrowing of the intervertebral foramina which are the black holes that are seen on the lateral or side view of the spine on an x-ray. These black holes are responsible for nerve transmission meaning that hole is the exit for a spinal nerve root that comes off the spinal cord. When a subluxation is present, impingement on the nerve is involved meaning pressure and when there is pressure on the nerve, there is going to be an interference of that nerve, therefore the interference is going to decrease the function of wherever that nerve goes whether it be a muscle or organ etc. And let me tell you, it does not take much to decrease the function of a nerve…. the weight of a dime….A DIME will decrease a nerve’s function by 60%. It’s also not the bone itself that is putting pressure on the nerve causing interference of the brain and body communication but the surrounding tissue such as fat tissue, connective tissue and blood vessels.

What is the function of the nerve? It is to transfer information from our brain to our body by way of something called mental or nerve impulses which contains an electrochemical energy current and information that the brain needs to send to the rest of the body to operate properly. In essence, chiropractors restore the ability of the brain to send the mental/nerve impulses to the body by removing subluxations of the spinal column that cause interference. Stay healthy and get checked!

Stephen’s Chiropractic Textbook

Chiropractic Philosophy, Strauss.

Pursuing the Z’s!

By | ADHD, Allergies, Benefits of Chiropractic, emotions, energy | No Comments

“Sleep is like the golden chain that binds our health and body together.”

I cannot be alone when I say sleep is crucial for daily function. It improves our strength, mental clarity, mood, energy, memory, and immunity. One cannot simply live without it. Unfortunately, lack of sleep has been normalized and we have been conditioned to “deal” with it. According to the American Sleep Association, 50-70 million people in the nation undergo some variation of a sleep disorder. Chronic sleep deprivation and those sleepless nights accumulate negative effects that build on top of each other over time.  Lack of sleep long-term can lead to depression, anxiety, heart issues, and high blood pressure.

How can chiropractic help? By improving the nerve system function through chiropractic adjustments, that in turn causes our muscles to relax and settle down which would otherwise cause restlessness since your body does not get a chance to calm down when those muscles are hyper-activated. By letting our bodies relax, it utilizes its energy more efficiently so the body has a better chance to decompress at the end of the day. Chiropractic adjustments also contribute to increased blood supply which allows oxygen to be thoroughly transferred throughout the body to muscles and organs which then increases their function and productivity while not wasting unnecessary energy.

The sleep-wake cycle is controlled by a circadian rhythm and that is controlled by the nerve system. By having subluxations (misalignments) in the spine, it disturbs this rhythm and can negatively alter the sleep cycle. A study published by the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics discovered patients under chiropractic care saw improvement in the length and quality of their sleep. Furthermore, in the Journal of Sleep Medicine and Disorders, a study was published resulting in significantly improved sleeping patterns with chronic pain patients.

Not sleeping is NOT normal! Bring harmony back into your life with restful sleeps. Get checked and give your body the best chance at functioning properly!


Debunking Myth Part 3: Chiropractic Kids

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“Truth is only harsh if you’re unable to face it.” -Stewart Stafford

We are going to continue our journey of chiropractic myths! Most people think chiropractic is just for adults, but again, that could not be further from the truth. Infants/kids not needing chiropractic care is the next myth we will discuss. Chiropractic is publicly known as the profession which focuses on back pain, but that myth is such a disservice to the wellness of every citizen. When a child is born, the contact point is the head, but with that contact point, there comes the twisting and torqueing of the neck. So, none of us stood a chance since birth because we more than likely came out of the womb subluxated (misalignment of the spine). Most people don’t think babies or children need chiropractic care. I am here to tell you with the utmost confidence that your little ones should not only have chiropractic care, they need it! When it comes to adjusting babies or toddlers, there is no thrust involved, it is simply a sustained contact on their atlas (C1) or a vibratory contact. The baby stage is so crucial since they are so new to life and development.

Adjusting the atlas on your little one will help with immune function giving their body the best chance at combating illnesses, ear infections, calming colic, brain develop as it restores that communication from the brain to the body since the atlas contributes to 35% of vital organs, increasing blood supply, and improving behavior. “The power that made the body heals the body”- BJ Palmer. We have an innate intelligence that was built into us that is always operating at 100%. Just to show how crucial this miracle segment is, I know two different true stories where children were in comas for months to years and when the chiropractor on site adjusted their atlas’s (C1), both those children woke up in the chiropractor’s arms! “Nature needs no help, just no interference.”-BJ palmer

Give your little one the best chance at thriving and developing throughout their life. They will thank you!


Debunking Myths

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Debunking Myths!

“The truth is still truth, even if no one believes it. A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it”. – unknown

What was your first thought when thinking of a chiropractor? It probably went one of two ways: Either you love chiropractors or dislike them immensely due to a poor experience. People have pre-conceived notions about everything new that enters their life. It’s okay to question things and their validity but sometimes “herd mentality” isn’t always the most effective method for legitimacy. We’re going to discuss a variety of myths associated with chiropractic that have had a hard time exiting the public mind.

The first myth we’ll cover is “self manipulation” . There is an epidemic of people who think “self-adjusting” is harmless and relieving, not realizing how detrimental it can be to their spine. That popping or cracking people hear or feel when they turn their neck or body a certain way is called a cavitation and what takes place is the release of nitrogen gas from the joint which provides temporary relief and sort of a euphoric feeling. The discomfort comes right back because the main cause of the issue is not corrected. When there is a subluxation or misalignment of the spine, that area is fixated decreasing the proper biomechanics. To compensate for that fixation, the body will make regions above or below that subluxation hypermobile to create more movement. When people “pop” or “self-manipulate”, they are not correcting the issue but instead are manipulating the compensation rather than the root of the cause. If that is continued and left unchecked, it can cause degeneration of the vertebral disc and arthritis in the joints involved. In other words, one is creating self-destruction without realizing it.

The next myth is “I’ll have to keep going forever”. Like all things, the body needs maintenance. We don’t stand a chance because we are constantly fighting the forces of gravity without realizing it. It does not take just a fall to become subluxated. We can acquire subluxations through the three T’s: Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins. Thoughts are the emotional stress that most of us undergo daily whether it be financial stress or grieving the loss of a loved one. Traumas is the most obvious to the public because it is so sudden and easy to correlate where the issue initiated from. For instance, if you fall of a ladder and feel pain instantly or shortly afterwards, it’s a fair assumption the cause of pain was falling off the ladder. Toxins include medications we put in our body along with processed foods and preservatives we intake daily which are not meant to process and usually have difficulty processing.

Debunking myths will be continued! Be PROACTIVE, NOT REACTIVE! Get checked, stay healthy!

Digestive Health: Do you have that “Gut” feeling everything is functioning?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Chiropractic Myths, gonstead chiropractic, immune system, inflammation | No Comments

Digestive Health: Do you have that “Gut” feeling everything is functioning?

“A healthy gut is the gateway to a healthy body and mind.” -Dr. Mark Hyman

What do you think of when pondering gut health? We’ve always been told garbage in, garbage out which is true because based on what you put in your body is how your body is going to utilize that food for energy and immune function. Making food our medicine is not so easy these days due to all the processed foods and preservatives.

So how else can we combat the battle of maintaining a healthy gut? Our nerve system controls every aspect of our body. Specifically, there are spinal nerves that come out from our spinal cord in our low back which innervates our stomach and intestines/colon so ensuring there is no interference of those nerves is pinnacle. If lack of communication is occurring to the stomach and intestines from the brain through the nerves, it can lead to constipation, gas build-up, cramps, heartburn, and diarrhea along with malfunction of other organs. Most of the nutrients from our food when it is broken down is absorbed in our small intestines, it then enters our bloodstream, and then it is carried by proteins to our cells, so we definitely want the function of our small intestines to be optimal.

 I’m going to share a scenario about how powerful the body can be when communication between the brain and the body is restored. I witnessed a patient who came in with severe constipation, so severe that this patient could only pass a bowel movement once a week for the last 18 years and experienced 4-6 kidney stones a year for the last 16 years. Other doctors could not figure out the issue and claimed this patient had to live with it. The patient’s L2, which is top of the low back, was adjusted three times. On the third adjustment, the patient went home, experienced immediate relief and has consistently had a bowel movement every day since then. Furthermore, the kidney stones ceased as well. Due to the build-up of feces in the colon, it began to put pressure on the kidneys which caused them to malfunction causing the kidney stones.

To the best of our ability, let thy food be thy medicine as well as getting checked so the body is functioning!


Children and Chiropractic

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Children and Chiropractic

“Chiropractors don’t just believe that your child has unlimited potential, our job is to unlock it.” -Nick Spano, DC

When the public thinks about chiropractic, it most often involves the idea of adults with low back pain. That ideology could not be further from the truth. The developing years of a child are crucial and that means the overall function of their body. We didn’t stand a chance since birth. What way do we usually enter the world? Head first. With the head being the contact point for leverage to pull the baby out, there is always twisting, yanking, and pulling on that fragile neck leading to atlas (C1) subluxations as well as subluxations of other cervical vertebra and spinal cord compression.

Unfortunately, birthing trauma is not taken seriously by most. The sooner the subluxations are corrected, the better chance that baby has at adapting to the stresses of life and not develop conditions such as decreased muscle tone, fine movement disorders, autonomic dysfunction, and cardiovascular disorders. Having cervical subluxations can affect a child’s behavior by making them hyperactive or inactive as well as lower mental performance.

Parents want the best for their children and chiropractic can keep them healthy allowing their body and more importantly the brain, to function and develop properly. There is a fear that chiropractors use the same amount force for an adjustment on a child compared to an adult. With small children and especially babies, chiropractors use a sustained contact or vibratory contact to make the adjustment utilizing the least amount of force possible for the correction. Adjustments on a baby are safe, effective, and absolutely necessary.

Aside from conditions developing in a child, having a child checked and adjusted allows them to live out 100% of their potential. There are many benefits to your child receiving chiropractic care such as improving their immune function allowing their bodies to have a better chance at combating seasonal bugs as well as preventing them in the first place. Our immune system mainly stems from our gut and chiropractic can help with improving digestion, acid reflux and constipation. Sleep is a major contributor to the proper development of a child so having their nerve system clear of interference allows them to have an undisrupted sleep pattern including resolving issues with bed-wetting. 

Help your little one be the best version of themselves! Get them checked, keep them healthy!


Heels: Not Food for The Sole

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“Do the best you can until you know better – then when you know better, do better.”

“Beauty is pain” has been a saying among the female population for a long time but does it have to be? An individual does not have to experience a traumatic event to cause back issues. Spinal issues can be caused simply by wearing poor daily footwear such as heels, flip flops, and flat shoes. The Spinal Health Institute reports that 72% of women wear heels.  When it comes to heels, the human foot is not equipped with the right biomechanics to wear heels consistently that are over an inch high, and it is a frequent cause of back pain in women as well as causing issues in the knees and hips.

Wearing heels causes one’s weight to shift to the balls of their feet initiating unnecessary pressure in the foot joints not allowing proper motion in the foot. Our joints are meant to be mobile and lubricated so when they are in a fixed position, let alone an unnatural fixed position, issues will begin to occur in the foot. When wearing heels, the pelvis can be tilted forward applying stress in the calves, quadriceps, and glute muscles as well as increasing the curvature of the lower spine which decreases proper biomechanics of those spinal joints leading to pain and discomfort down the road. There’s a time and a place for heels but wearing heels less often to allow the body to operate how it is supposed to would be beneficial in

Flat shoes are no stranger to causing issues as well. Since there’s no arch support in flat shoes, the plantar fascia which contributes to arch support can lead to plantar fasciitis. If flat shoes are worn often enough, the knee joints can become affected and lead to arthritis. Flat shoes as well as flip flops can cause internal rotation of the legs which creates misalignment of the hips.

Know better, DO BETTER!! Get checked and stay healthy!
