The topic of inflammation is interesting at best. Often times we are bombarded with the newest and latest ways to reduce chronic inflammation within the body, or we succumb to over the counter medicine that is “designed” to reduce inflammation. While exercise and diet are congruent with a healthy lifestyle, external influences will often side-step the true root cause of why the inflammation is present in the first place. Look well to your spine first and foremost.
Basically we know that inflammation is the body’s innate response to counter a response or heal tissue. Your body does this to aid recovery naturally. When the inflammation ensues for an extended period of time, the brain defends itself with alarm messages to create an awareness for action steps that the body needs to take. Think of it this way: your brain decides you should experience an alarm if it believes there is tissue damage or the potential for tissue damage.
Your brain relays these alarm messages through the spinal column, collectively the brain and spinal column, or central nerve system (CNS). This is important because if the brain perceives there is a problem, a healthy highway of information is needed so the spinal nerves transferring all the data back and fourth can constantly feed the brain information.
The tissue cell is where your inflammation occurs. The tissue cell is the smallest organ in the body and maintains the welfare of the whole body. The tissue cells make your organs, and the organs are to serve the “organism,”which is you. When the CNS perceives to generate an immune response to the tissue cell, inflammation is the catalyst/spearhead to generate a response for the tissue. Remember this is a NATURAL occurrence, the CNS is protecting you to keep the function of the body.
Too often we take for granted the CNS and the constant changes it undergoes innately to keep us healthy naturally. Keeping your brain-body communication as accurate as possible is the key to eliminating inflammation at its root. Start with Chiropractic care, for it is proven to be the most natural form of health care out there. “Give me the power to create a fever, and I will cure any disease.” – Hippocrates.