Healing: The Long Game

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, depression | No Comments

Healing: The Long Game

“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity”. – Hippocrates

Healing is a process which cannot be rushed, the body’s innate intelligence to handle issues takes time. There is no one hit wonder adjustment that operates as a “magic pill”, especially with years of damage and neglect. If the issues are not dealt with, they are more than likely to reoccur and increase frequency as well. 

After an injury takes place, the body first vasoconstricts (narrows) blood vessels to regulate swelling, then vasodilation (blood vessels expand) occurs causing plasma proteins to escape the blood vessels which leads to swelling. Swelling and edema are the bodies response to stabilize the joint and prevent the joint from unnecessary movement to initiate the healing process. If swelling is not dealt with, it could delay healing and cause scar tissue to be deposited as well as putting pressure on a spinal nerve. When the body is under pain for long periods of time, central sensitization occurs which causes the pain fibers to be bombarded with unnecessary stimulus not allowing the body to adapt efficiently to the stresses of life and heal properly.

In chiropractic, there are phases of healing. In the beginning, the goal is to remove the interference and restore function back in the joint as well as alleviate any pain present.  This usually takes 4 weeks, but it depends on the person since everyone is different with how their body responds. The next phase is the corrective phase to train the body to correct the misalignment and stay corrected restoring the communication between the brain and the body by repairing the integrity of the nerve system. This phase is usually more extensive. The last phase is stabilization which is meant to strengthen the correction of the misalignment. By this phase, frequency of visits has decreased to at least once a week, once every two weeks or once a month. Lifetime care is recommended because our bodies are constantly under attack by thoughts, traumas and toxins we experience daily. The “function” of the body is the name of the game. 

We live our life through our nerve system! Don’t neglect it! Get checked, stay healthy! 

You Have No Role In Your OWN Healing…Lie

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You Have No Role In Your OWN Healing…False!

The statement that we have been told in our society is that “you have no role in your own healing,” and we need to ‘trust’ the system.  What a big, fat LIE.  The more you actually believe this, the sicker we become.  Contrary to popular belief, you have every chance and opportunity to enable your body to heal.  You just need to listen to it.  You need to be taught the RIGHT way.  As a doctor of Chiropractic, I embrace the role of doctor.  Doctor means teacher.  Let’s continue.

Healing Starts from The Inside

The capacity for cells to heal starts from the inside with the Central Nerve System.  The CNS makes and coordinates every cell in your body, and cannot afford to take days off.  So, why do some heal faster than others?  If your CNS is intact and properly coordinating messages to every part of your body, your body will adapt and overcome.  Guess what?  You do not have to take any pill, supplement, or get zapped by a laser beam for this to happen.

Limiting Healing Starts from the Inside As Well

If dysfunction is present within your CNS, it’s called a subluxation.  A subluxation breaks down the communication line between your brain and body.  When the brain is unaware of what to properly heal…it doesn’t.  A subluxation will disable your body from adapting and healing properly because it is creating chaos from the inside.  This is why taking care of your spinal hygiene is crucial.

It All Comes Down To Hard Work

To be honest, to be healthy is hard work.  If you take care of your spine, it will take care of you and anything else you throw at your body.  Be wary of “new” things that people will try to sell you that are bright and shiny and get you out of the hard work.  Healing and adapting is 100% innately given.  Trust it well.

The Healing Aid or Crutch

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

The Healing Aid or Crutch

Ever wonder if your body has the healing power you are designed to have?  Well, it does!  The healing power that your body has is capable of anything!  Chiropractic is not designed to make you instantly feel better, it is designed to make you heal!  When you sustain an injury such as a cut on your hand what happens?  You begin to bleed, a scab forms, and eventually your skin looks no  different then before.  HEALING!  Your body did not require any form of medication or any outside influence.  The same can be said for just about anything (within limits of matter).  If you decide to start giving your body a crutch or a band-aid over and over again, it will soon begin to depend on those forms of assistance.  Our analogy here for crutch and band-aid is that of medication, drugs, dope, unnecessary surgery, etc, etc.  Allow your body to do what it is supposed to do uninfluenced by outside means.

Chiropractic and healing are synonymous.  Chiropractic allows your body to heal the way it was intended.  Chiropractic care is health care allowing your body to restore proper connection inside and allowing your amazing body to do what it is supposed to do!  Common side effects of chiropractic care allowing your body to heal properly include but are not limited to: positive stamina, reduced drug use, elevated mood, restful sleep, improved mood, and improved immune and digestive health.  The list goes on and on.  As our world gets sicker and sicker more people are reaching out to alternative means.  Chiropractic is not considered true alternative, in fact it is it’s own complete identity of a paradigm of what health is.  The power that made the body heals the body.  Chiropractic allows healing to flourish naturally.