Why do specific adjustments matter? When you’re paying bills, you want to pay the specific amount. When your aiming for a specific grade point average you want to hit specific results to achieve your intended results. Specificity is critical to just about every part of life, particularity when it comes to your health and well-being via Chiropractic care.
In Gonstead Chiropractic, specificity is what sets us apart. To make critical and accurate spinal adjustments to your central nerve system, the specificity must be obtained through x-ray analysis and multiple cross analysis to confirm what needs to be done. We use the word “adjustment” when a specific and dynamic thrust is applied to a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column creating dysfunction within the spinal column) that is created when one’s body fails to adapt to the stressors placed on it. For Chiropractic care there is no one size fits all and everyone gets the same thing, if it was, then that would be called a spinal manipulation.
The opposite of an adjustment is a spinal manipulation. Wording is drastically important to know the difference between a specific Chiropractic adjustment and a manipulation.
· A Chiropractic adjustment is specific, accurate, and a calculated thrust into a particular part of the spinal column that is warranted to a specific subluxation based on thorough STRUCTURAL analysis via x-rays and other criteria in the system.
· A manipulation is a distasteful experiment to one’s body to try and create some sort of change with no knowledge to the location or direction of the spinal subluxation.
The structural factor that a subluxation creates is paramount to understanding how it impacts one’s overall health. The structural factor and how to correct it needs a physical approach, not a chemical equation. If you have a physical problem, you need a physical solution.