“It’s what’s on the inside that really counts.” This saying is used for many things, the main one being relationships. Just because someone looks “good” on the outside doesn’t necessarily equate to anything on the inside. Looks can be deceiving! When it comes to your health and well-being, look to the inside of the body first and foremost.
“While other professions are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, Chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to suit the environment”- B.J. Palmer, D.C. This text really sums up what and how Chiropractic suits your lifestyle. Chiropractors are trained to access your central nerve system (CNS) for subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column placing undo stress upon your CNS). By locating and adjusting subluxations, your body is better able to perceive its surrounding environment, thus keeping you in an ideal state of health.
You see, “bad” health has to start from within the body. You should take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to keep living! Forgo the “theory” that you have to take external “things” (drugs, medicine, lotions, oils, potions) to sustain your health. Start first and foremost by addressing your CNS and the health of the spinal column.
Your ability to perceive and sustain health is directly reflected towards the health of your CNS and spinal column. Think of efficiency. You would never buy a furnace that is only 60% efficient. So, why would you settle for a body that is? Efficacy of health is proportional to the health within the inside. Taking responsibility of health begins with proper spinal alignment, thus allowing your CNS to better able control all systems within the body.
An interesting thought is just because you’re not sick does not mean you’re healthy. Chiropractic does not keep you from getting sick, it enables your body to adequately adapt to the stressors you place upon it. The chiropractic adjustment removes spinal stress to allow optimal function. The adjustment cannot be replaced by physio, lasers, massage or medication.