The Impact Of Worry On Your Health

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Worry much? The easy solution would be to simply tell you to stop worrying and focus on living. More often than not this is easier said than done. What we “need” more than ever is healthy people to adapt and overcome the external stressors (media, politics, etc) in life that produce worry. In other words, learn to train your body to do good.

In order to prevent the chemical overload of emotional stress on the body, we need to implement strategies to promote our HEALTH and well-being. We all know diet and exercise are vastly important. However, many don’t realize the importance of maintaining spinal alignment to enhance and better their health. It just so happens that our emotions can create the realities in our brains and visa versa. The highway of communication for these interactions takes place via the central nerve system (CNS) which is protected via the spinal bones.

Chiropractic offers health care that is noninvasive and non-addicting. It allows proper connection between the brain and body to enhance your health and create adaptive positive changes on a continual second to second basis because our external stressors are always changing.

We need to start implementing ADAPTIVE behaviors in our lives. Obviously this begins with first and foremost taking care of one’s health and addressing the CNS, the master control system in charge of not only regulating the immune system, but also any thoughts and behaviors that lead to positive actions.

It’s called positive plasticity. The more you recruit your CNS to do something positive, it is rewarding to every tissue cell in your body. Learn to smile more, ride a bike, type, learn a musical instrument, eat your favorite food. The body rewards positive behavior.

The opposite of positive plasticity is maladaptive plasticity. The body can learn to be in a constant state of survival (fight or flight.) We can learn to dysfunction just like we can learn to ride a bike. We see that things like negative self-talk, bad habits and poor sleep can begin to add up and manifest into so much more. A good analogy is an ice-berg. You will always see the tip of the ice-berg and what it creates, when the real danger is hidden from view.

May We Have Your Consent?

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We are fortunate to live in the era of the informed consumer. However, one of the biggest obstacles we face is accessing and considering the source of information. In a capitalist, free market society we always need to consider the source. The phrase, “Trust Me I Am A Doctor,” holds no merit to us. Our strategy begins with education.

Our informed consent to you from Basler Family Chiropractic (BFC) is based on principles that we understand to be known as truths. We encourage questions, thoughts, and open dialogue. We need to meet on the level of creating a shared partnership so that we can better our community and the outlook of what  “healthcare” actually is.

Our office model is based on the patient and the patient’s needs. Naming it the “Patient Centered Model,” we believe we are not here to make decisions for you, but rather to be in your ‘corner,’ supporting you with knowledge we have obtained in our schooling. This allows us to better educate you about chiropractic healthcare.

The ‘type’ of doctor that you choose to be involved in your health matters! At BFC we believe, understand, and know WHY and HOW the body is self regulating and self-healing. Every human experience one encounters is processed and coordinated via the central nerve system (CNS.) Restrictions known as subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column) limit the body’s potential to be at its full expression of health.

Any interference within the CNS will directly  impact ones potential to properly adapt naturally to the external stressors in life. While  chiropractic is not the only profession focused on prevention, health, and healing, we believe it is the most practical one to give you the solutions  you are looking for.  

Why A Spinal-Check Up Is First, Then The Adjustment

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, High Blood Pressure, immune system | No Comments

Why wouldn’t you want to access something first before making a change? Accessing the damage before alterations are made sounds pretty smart to us. In Gonstead Chiropractic we utilize the initial X-rays every spinal check-ups coupled with our tool of choice, the Neurocalometer (Scope). The Scope allows us to see inflammation along the spinal column and then to match it accordingly with your X-rays to see if this is an actual subluxation that needs an adjustment or if this is a compensation that is created via a subluxation that does NOT need adjusted.

Often times when it comes to your body and more specifically the spinal column, we assume that the area of pain is the area of correction. This is more often NOT the case. When a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column placing undo stress upon a single nerve fiber) exists it disrupts the communication between the brain and body. Meaning? It changes the outcome of every tissue cell that is supposed to be in ideal function for that specific moment. A subluxation disrupts your body’s ability to be properly adapt and changes the course of your health. It doesn’t allow your brain an accurate reality of what is really happening.

Why in Gonstead Chiropractic do we use Neurocalometer before we adjust the spinal column. This is our tool of choice that we use for daily visits to access the spinal column looking for minute differences in temperature from one side of the spine to the next. Neural relationships to skin temperature offer a noninvasive method of quantifying neural function.

No other metric of healthy function has been used for as long as skin temperature. Nearly 2,500 years ago Hippocrates was said to have used a slurry of mud over the skin to identify those areas that dried fastest due to heat levels of the skin. As current research explains, thermal variability in humans is a sign of a healthy system (Adaptability Textbook).  

Out Of Sight…Out Of Mind?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, High Blood Pressure, immune system | No Comments

While the phrase “out of sight, out of mind” works for some aspects of life that you would like to change, when it comes to taking care of your overall health, this phrase does not apply. The reason being, is that your spinal column protects the most important part of your body, the central nerve system (CNS). The CNS was not designed to be seen, unlike our teeth. It is exactly where it is supposed to be; central. Your health begins and ends within your spinal column. We take for granted our health often because we cannot see. Out of sight…out of mind comes into play.

If your spine were on your face, you’d take better care of it, guaranteed. How come? Most people have to see a problem to believe a problem exists. Believe this. You live your life through your CNS, every human experience you have is processed, coordinated, and controlled via your CNS. Take care of it. Taking care of the problem before the problem begins enters in the world of prevention.

Gonstead Chiropractic analysis allows a closer look at the story of your spine. Out of sight does not apply to us. To see is to know and not to see is to guess. X-Ray films, when necessary, allow our doctors to visualize the entire structure of your spine, joint and disc integrity, and ruling out any pathological findings. This allows us to be as specific as possible and eliminate all guessing when it comes to your care.

Don’t take for granted the most important thing you were born with…your health. Own your health, and start with spinal check-ups. Just because you cannot see your health does not make it an entity that cannot be measured. Keeping your body in peak performance is what Gonstead Chiropractors do. We help you prevent health problems and keep you functioning at your best.

Brush Your Spine

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Brush your spine ever? Hopefully not. Just a simple analogy to further educate the importance of active spinal care. Think of when a tooth begins to hurt and produces symptoms of a cavity. Just because the pain started today does not mean that the problem just ‘showed up.’ If you neglect your teeth they will not only show it from an appearance stand point, yet also from a dysfunctional problem when tooth problems begin. If you do not take care of your teeth they have a tendency to fall out…bummer. If you do not take care of you central nerve system health problems begin to arise.

Your spine protects the most important structure in the entire body: the central nerve system. Regular chiropractic check-ups prevent the spine from breaking down and creating subluxations (misalignment within the spinal column placing undo stress upon the central nerve system). Believe it or not the spine and central nerve system are vastly more important than your teeth. Just because you cannot physically see your spine like your teeth, does not mean that it’s less important. On the contrary. There is a reason the central nerve system is protected by ‘spinal bones’. To protect!

The ‘breaking down’of the spine exists through subluxations. When you do not maintain spinal hygiene the body is not able to properly adapt which increases your susceptibility of subluxations, spinal decay, and health problems which ensue with improper communication between the brain and body. Subluxations are the physical representation of symptoms. It’s not that a symptom is a subluxation: sublxuations produce symptoms due to the distortion of a spinal bone, placing undo stress upon a single nerve fiber thus creating a state of dis-ease within the nerve system. As a result, tissue cells that the nerve controls will not become adequately supplied and functioning at 100%. Subsequently, health problems manifest.

You don’t have to ‘brush your spine’ to be healthy. You just need to take care of the things that matter most. A healthy inside results in a healthy body on the outside. 

Stop The Insanity…Look For The Cause

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Stop the insanity. Expecting the same results over and over again is not an ideal situation to be in. When it comes to your health, there will always be the latest and greatest health trend to emerge and last for a short while. Why? Often times, the things that are the hardest and yet simplest to perform, are overlooked by public interest growing a new trend. When it comes to your health, the foundation starts and ends with the central nerve system.

A teacher and a student were walking along a riverbank talking about life. When both of them noticed someone in the river drowning. The student immediately jumped in to save the drowning individual and pull them to safety. As the teacher and student continued their walk they noticed another person in the river drowning, once again the student jumps in to save the person and pull them to safety. As they continued their walk this event continued to happen and finally the teacher kept walking to find the cause. The teacher, instead of saving the drowning individuals, searched for the cause and found that these people were jumping off a bridge.

This is a simple story to gain insight on addressing the cause instead of performing the same actions over and over with little to no results. Rescuing drowning people is a noble quest, yet addressing the cause and educating before they jump is even more noteworthy.

Everyone should know something about the spine which protects your central nerve system. That knowledge would give all people a much better understanding of one of the marvels of the body. It would enable each individual to reason the “how and why” of ill health. When it is understood that every tissue cell, and every organ of the body is connected to and controlled by the central nerve system, then one can more readily grasp the importance of maintaining a spine free of dysfunction.

Why We Don’t Guess

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Why would you guess when you can be accurate? Guessing or jumping to conclusions will result in more consequences than positive actions. Take for instance a home inspector who found mold on some drywall in a house. When the inspector begins sampling the rest of the house for mold to find the cause, he does not put the sample strips directly on the area where the mold is exposed. Why? Just because it is the most obvious area doesn’t mean it is the source. So, the inspector begins to “inspect” other areas that are not EXPOSED.

In Gonstead Chiropractic one of the most important criteria is to eliminate guessing when it comes to your body by use of x-ray analysis. With x-ray analysis we are able to specifically locate subluxations (misalignment’s within the spine creating nerve dysfunction) and eliminate compensations. 

What’s a compensation? In Chiropractic we adopt universal laws that have sustained the test of time. Take for instance Newtons Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action. When a subluxation occurs it changes the normal condition of pressure, tension, shape, size and length of the surrounding structures. In other words the subluxation creates compensations elsewhere that are not the area of concern. Finding the right area to adjust becomes the name of the game. 

The body is designed to be intelligent and accurate for the sustainability of life. This is no different when you take care of your spine with Chiropractic care. You want accuracy. When you eliminate guessing, you allow the body to be intelligent and make accurate decisions when healing. If things aren’t moving the way they are supposed to move, other areas will begin to become affected as well. Remember the body is a unit altogether. It wants to be healthy. So, be accurate when making healthy choices and eliminate the guessing.

The Fever Is Strong In You

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Understanding the body can be very challenging and often daunting when it comes to the health of our children. Take for instance one of the most important innate body regulations that your body offers to protect itself, the FEVER! The fever has been ‘blacklisted’ in our society as a bad entity. Children need to undertake the positive struggle to make their body their own.

When a child has a fever the body naturally protects itself accordingly. Fevers are a normal occurrence and should only last for an acute amount of time. When the fever persists and becomes chronic in nature, the body is not properly adapting and making a healthy response.

Parents bring their children to be checked and adjusted in accordance to when a fever emerges, in order to facilitate the healing processes and make sure the response is quick and effective. Chiropractic enables the body to ADAPT faster and healthier during these rites of passage to create a healthy immune system for an entire lifetime. Chiropractic does not cure fevers: instead, it seeks to find that which creates disturbances, or subluxations (undue stress upon a nerve fiber) within the central nerve system and to adjust accordingly, thus enabling the patient to ADAPT and release healing potentials…naturally.

Children who are supported to work through these healing crises are inevitably healthier and more resilient than children whose inflammatory crises have been suppressed with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. These acute adaptation fevers are rites of passage in children’s development. The central nerve system controls and regulates the immune system response and how it plays out. There are measurable improvements in immune function within minutes after a spinal adjustment, quantified by antibodies in the saliva.

Like it or not, all the functions in your body are controlled by the brain and spinal cord. Any response that your body generates is facilitated and controlled via your central nerve system. Take care of it. 
Hippocrates – Give me the power to produce fever and I’ll cure all disease.

Why Specific Adjustments Matter

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Why do specific adjustments matter? When you’re paying bills, you want to pay the specific amount. When your aiming for a specific grade point average you want to hit specific results to achieve your intended results. Specificity is critical to just about every part of life, particularity when it comes to your health and well-being via Chiropractic care.

In Gonstead Chiropractic, specificity is what sets us apart. To make critical and accurate spinal adjustments to your central nerve system, the specificity must be obtained through x-ray analysis and multiple cross analysis to confirm what needs to be done. We use the word “adjustment” when a specific and dynamic thrust is applied to a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column creating dysfunction within the spinal column) that is created when one’s body fails to adapt to the stressors placed on it. For Chiropractic care there is no one size fits all and everyone gets the same thing, if it was, then that would be called a spinal manipulation.

The opposite of an adjustment is a spinal manipulation. Wording is drastically important to know the difference between a specific Chiropractic adjustment and a manipulation.

·  A Chiropractic adjustment is specific, accurate, and a calculated thrust into a particular part of the spinal column that is warranted to a specific subluxation based on thorough STRUCTURAL analysis via x-rays and other criteria in the system.

·  A manipulation is a distasteful experiment to one’s body to try and create some sort of change with no knowledge to the location or direction of the spinal subluxation.

The structural factor that a subluxation creates is paramount to understanding how it impacts one’s overall health. The structural factor and how to correct it needs a physical approach, not a chemical equation. If you have a physical problem, you need a physical solution. 

Sustaining Your Immune System Through The Winter

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Sustaining Your Immune System Through The Winter

Sustaining your immune system is imperative every part of the year.  There just so happens to be a big push and advertisement swing during the winter months in the northern hemisphere for several reasons.  The first reason is the most obvious yet often blurred due to the fact that buying the latest and greatest immune system “boosters” is a money maker.  Are people really trying to help you “boost” your immune system with the latest and greatest? Remember capitalism is the name of the game. Instead of the latest and greatest ways to boost your immune system, stick with what works and has worked for very  long long long long (you get my drift) period of time.

Who Do You Trust

Take, for instance, something off the shelf. Do you read labels of these claims, that your immune system will become “75% better after consumption”, and yet it’s  sold at the local gas station? Do you trust that everything is safe because it wouldn’t be sold if it wasn’t? This responsibility of making sure something is safe to consume comes down to the hands of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  According to the 2003 report of the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, a survey of CDER reviewers revealed that 66% lacked confidence in the FDA’s safety monitoring of marketed prescription drugs, and 18% had felt pressure to approve a drug despite reservations about its quality, efficacy, or safety.

David Graham, Associate Director of the FDA’s Office of Drug Safety stated, “The FDA is inherently biased in favor of the pharmaceutical industry. It views industry as its client, whose interests it must represent, it views its primary mission as approving as many drugs as it can regardless of whether the drugs are safe or needed.”, recorded in an interview that appeared in Fraud Magazine (September/October 2005 issue).

Normam Shealy, MD, PhD, International Institute of Holistic Medicine, MO:  “Interestingly, the ‘PharmacoMafia’ has to find evidence of only 5% above average placebo of 35% to claim a drug is ‘effective.’  No drug is 100% effective and virtually all produce complications called side effects. The bottom line is: What does effective mean? What does evidence – or science – based mean?”

You’ve Got To Nourish To Flourish

You’ve got to nourish the inside of the body to take care of the outside.  Sustaining the immune system is a YEAR round project. The immune system does choose to take days off and begin functioning during the winter months.  The central nervous system plays a major role in immune function. Do whatever you can to keep your immune system working properly by removing any source of irritation and keeping your spine healthy and aligned. Nature needs no help, just no interference – B.J. Palmer.