In this office we are Subluxation based Chiropractic care. We do not perform this because it is the doctrine in Chiropractic care. We do this because it is what Chiropractic care is. In short we are to detect and correct vertebral subluxtions by hand. Chiropractic’s definition itself was developed by Reverend Samuel H. Weed which means “done by hand”.
Some people think that Chiropractic is supplement use, vitamins, physical therapy, lasers, or other forms of modalities that are not congruent with what Chiropractic actually is. Many will attempt to “add” or limit what Chiropractic care really is. Fortunately the Subluxation model of established Chiropractic care has not been proven wrong. Genuinely speaking, Chiropractic care is working without having to “add” more.
In this office we utilize the Gonstead System Of Chiropractic which incorporates full spinal analysis to detect and corrected vertebral subluxations within the spinal column, using our tools of choice…our hands. X-ray analysis is utilized to access each spine differently ensuring your care is specific to you and, more importantly, warranted for a correction. We understand that subluxations are created by the body’s inability to adapt to the loads (stress) under which you place it. The effects of subluxations:
- decreased vitality
- impaired immune response
- altered metabolism/physiology
- altered cognitive function
- altered behaviors
- altered genetic expression
We believe in this office that our model of Chiropractic care is the most practical solution for you. We understand that the most probable outcome of a negative health consequence begins within the spinal column. Our focus is not to make people dependent on Chiropractic care, but rather to allow one to understand what the body is capable of while under Chiropractic care. This offers an the most practical reward for sustaining health without adding or subtracting from it.
We believe that we are crucial to the transformation and expression of allowing natural health care for the human race. Remember even long before the profession of Chiropractic was established in 1895, Hippocrates in 460 B.C. attested and said, “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.”