If You Don’t Start Right, You Won’t End Right
Much like anything in life, it’s all about the beginning and maybe a little bit about the end. How so? Let’s use this example: how do you build a house? Would you start building the roof first and put all of the shingles up and THEN start with your foundation? I hope not! It’s all about the start, the building of the foundation to establish a strong structure in the end. In Gonstead chiropractic, we cannot stress the importance of establishing a balanced and healthy pelvis, a.k.a the foundation of the spine.
It’s A Solid Chunk Of Bone
You have two pelvic bones; left and right. Early on in development each pelvic bone initially starts off as three separate bones. It’s not until we mature and fully develop that each pelvic bone becomes one solid chunk of bone individually. When the pelvis is subluxated, there is a direct relation to other subluxations in the spine; a domino effect. In Gonstead chiropractic, we cannot stress enough this relationship within the body. It just so happens to be that this idea did not originate with Dr. Gonstead. It’s been around for a long period of time. Why stress the importance of starting at the pelvis? Newton’s third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. By starting with checking the pelvis for imbalances we are able to ignore compensations that might ensue following a subluxation.
The Downward Spiral Begins At The Start
The first compensation that will occur for people who suffer from a pelvis subluxation will typically be in the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine has nerve roots that regulate and control certain parts of the body. What will happen? Visceral problems will begin to occur. Damaging the lumbar nerve roots will effect every tissue cell of any organ that is regulated in that particular root. Fast-forward some odd years later living with GI problems. Then the superficial pain occurs. Enter the chief complaint “lumbar pain” or “lower back pain” (which ever you fancy). Start at the beginning and foundation of the spinal column. Chiropractic care seeks to turn on the natural healing ability, not by adding something to your system, but by removing anything that might interfere with the normal healing process within your system. #getchecked