The older we become, the more marketing material we receive about our “declining health.” While it can be true that the older we get the more difficult it is to maintain optimum health, there are other things to consider. Think of it this way: the human body is the first “machine” ever created. All other machines take notice to the human body.
We need to get over the false narrative that aging is a metaphysical “thing” and that everyone will be plagued with it. Let’s first establish that aging is NOT A DISEASE. We can all agree that there is a big difference between a living body and a dead body. And we are lectured by the medical community, drug companies, western medicine, govt..etc) who make money off the sick that there is nothing we can do about getting “old”.
Research can actually get things wrong! Take, for instance, spinal degeneration. This degeneration is not caused by “natural” aging. Spinal degeneration is due to a subluxation (a misalignment within the spine, altering the body’s behavior to adequately adapt to external stressors). As a result, the disc space does not get proper movement and becomes malnourished. Furthermore, when the body lives in a subluxated state, over time the disc tissue cell becomes “replaced” with bone tissue cell.
You see, once a disc tissue cell is changed to a bone tissue cell, the process cannot be reversed. It’s not normal, but it’s not due to aging, because there are young people with spinal degeneration that has accumulated over time, unnoticed and unchecked. The good news is that this is not a DISEASE. When a subluxation occurs it happens in two segments. If spinal degeneration was actually a “disease” as is falsely claimed, then the entire body would be riddled with decay.
Believe in yourself and take care of your body! Aging can be beautiful if one makes good choices and does it well. Chiropractic keeps the body as a properly functioning machine by accommodating and making sure the central nerve system is in harmony with every part of the body. “In a state of health, people are shut off from the invasion of germs”- Louis Pasteur.