We are fortunate to live in the era of the informed consumer. However, one of the biggest obstacles we face is accessing and considering the source of information. In a capitalist, free market society we always need to consider the source. The phrase, “Trust Me I Am A Doctor,” holds no merit to us. Our strategy begins with education.
Our informed consent to you from Basler Family Chiropractic (BFC) is based on principles that we understand to be known as truths. We encourage questions, thoughts, and open dialogue. We need to meet on the level of creating a shared partnership so that we can better our community and the outlook of what “healthcare” actually is.
Our office model is based on the patient and the patient’s needs. Naming it the “Patient Centered Model,” we believe we are not here to make decisions for you, but rather to be in your ‘corner,’ supporting you with knowledge we have obtained in our schooling. This allows us to better educate you about chiropractic healthcare.
The ‘type’ of doctor that you choose to be involved in your health matters! At BFC we believe, understand, and know WHY and HOW the body is self regulating and self-healing. Every human experience one encounters is processed and coordinated via the central nerve system (CNS.) Restrictions known as subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column) limit the body’s potential to be at its full expression of health.
Any interference within the CNS will directly impact ones potential to properly adapt naturally to the external stressors in life. While chiropractic is not the only profession focused on prevention, health, and healing, we believe it is the most practical one to give you the solutions you are looking for.