Understanding Pain & Punching Walls

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Understanding Pain & Punching Walls

Well, now that we have some attention let’s break down understanding pain & punching walls.  First understanding pain and what it is and what it is not.  Pain is subjective.  What one person feels is completely different than somebody else.  Females have a higher pain threshold than males.  Yes, that is true.  Females ability to cope with pain is actually a bad thing.  Why?  Perceiving that once pain is gone you are healthy is the BIGGEST flaw.  Yes, chiropractors can get you out of pain.  Yes, it does not mean you are better.  Understand why.

Understanding Pain By Punching A Wall

Now, don’t try this at home.  Once you punch a wall your body should want to do two things (besides yelling).  The reason we want to do these two things is because it allows adrenaline and endorphin’s to finally kick on.  These are not in any particular order.  The goal of these two actions is to relieve yourself of pain.

  1. Punch a wall and you will want to immediately start shaking the hand as fast as possible.  Reason being to block mechanoreceptors (sensation feeling computers) from being transmitted that you just punched a wall.
  2. Punch a wall and you will want to immediately put your other hand over your knuckles.  Reason being to block and dampen the mechanoreceptors from being able to transmit pin point accuracy of pain.

Both of these tactics work try by block the pain messages by incorporating or limiting proprioception…movement.

Understanding Pain & Chiropractic

After getting out of pain with your hand what is left.  For starters, you will have limited range of motion, decreased sensation, poor grip strength, deep tissue bleeding, inflammation, and maybe even a broken bone.  Guess your better though!?  When visiting your chiropractor, don’t just visit for pain. If you only come in for pain care you will never experience the true benefits of what chiropractic can actually do for you.  Once a chiropractor get’s your body out pain that is when you continue care to actually HEAL.  Chiropractic is not designed for a hospital setting it is designed for lifetime healthcare.



The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

Healthcare is a very distinct word that can be skewed to mean something completely different.  For instance healthcare is not visiting your medical doctor on a frequent basis for so called “Check-ups”.  Webster’s dictionary states : Health-care – efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals.  Taking care of your body is something that requires handwork and consistency.  It’s the little things that add up.

Healthcare Scams

Anyway that someone can try and make money off of somebody else happens all to often.  Here are some quick examples of why health sells in the marketplace.  All leading back to taking care of yourself is hard work.

  • Waist training belts. The idea that you can lose fat and get in shape by putting a vibrating belt on.  Listen up, exercise is hard to do and yet so rewarding when done right.
  • Diet pills.  Once again the concept that taking something artificial is going to change you.  Being diligent with your diet is tough work.  Limit your cheat days.
  • Fat-free food.  Depending on how much you know, trust me.  Fat is good in moderation and where it comes from.
  • Miracle Fixes.  There is nothing short of a miracle that would not have been discovered by now when it comes to health.  Health is not changing, our viewpoints are.

Back To The Basics For Specific Healthcare

When the body is weakened by stress, toxins, poor nutrition, or lack of exercise, disease has a better chance of getting a foothold.   Chiropractic ensures that the body is functioning at optimal potential without any gimmicks.  Realize that the central nerve system is what chiropractic focuses on.  A healthy and connected nerve system allows life to be expressed at 100% vitality.  ​The path to health is not easy. You must take time to eat right, prepare your day, and get adjusted. You must schedule exercise into your day. You must sleep well. You must be willing to take action.


Before Ear Tubes, Do Your Research

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Before Ear Tubes, Do Your Research

Pretty simple topic here to talk about.  Ear tubes we are referring to are the Eustachian tubes that are failing to function appropriately for children.  When the E-tubes begin to fail, ear infections begin to ensue.  Before any consideration for your child’s health is in question you need to do research.  The age old adage “Trust me, I am a doctor” does not hold merit until it is proven.  Ultimately it is your child’s immediate health and long-term combined.  The “simple” ear infection can set up for positive health results in the near future or snowball into negative consequences based on parents actions.

Some Ear Tubes Research

  • Published research has shown that 80% of children treated with a series of chiropractic adjustments were free of ear infections for a six month period.
  • Surgical intervention to have ear tubes into the inner ear creates a short term mechanical solution that does not focus on the cause.
  • As many as 70% of ear infections are caused by viruses not by bacteria.  Routinely use of antibiotics predisposes children to repeat infections and routine illness.
  • Antibiotics leave patients far more vulnerable to other infections when being routinely treated.

100% Natural

First thing is first.  Have your child checked for possible subluxations within the central nerve system.  The subluxation wreaks havoc on the developing child as it does not present as pain.  The subluxation presents as a sign and symptom (ear infection).  Ear tubes have only specific purpose which is the same extent for a crutch.  Give yourself a crutch and you will always rely on a crutch.  Be natural, be 100% without having to add artificial stimulants.  Ear tubes are another “discovery” in health that are far worse than we imagined.  The downward spiral of what ear infections even leads to is another reassuring factor of our flawed “health” system.  So, just keep it simple and don’t over complicate health.  Do you research and always ask questions.

Low Energy Bringing You Down?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Low Energy Bringing You Down?

Having the capacity to make it through the day can be a struggle when you have low energy.  When your body is not properly supplied and coordinated, road blocks become evident and destroy your quality of life.

Easy Reasons For Low Energy Stores

  • Not receiving enough rest at the end of the day can deplete your energy stores.  Get your 8 hours of sleep and be done with it!  Easy!
  • Let your food be your guide to a well nourished body.  Not eating sufficient amounts of substantial foods can weaken your energy stores.
  • Physical exercise on a daily basis is a must.  If you are not giving your body physical exertion you will not replenish your energy stores.
  • Poor posture.  It is really hard to have good posture and maintain it.  Though when you have bad posture your body actually works harder and faster to make sure you are walking around straight.

Subluxation Causes Low Energy

Your body is designed to coordinate and receive all information regarding life via your central nerve system.  A subluxation places a “road-block” on your communication lines by placing undo stress upon a nerve.  Think of a subluxation as a downed power line.  When the body is not properly connected to it’s source, optimal function is not fully acquired.  The subluxation results in interference with the transmission of life.  The body begins to work harder and faster than it should due to this disconnect.  As a direct result your body is in overdrive trying to survive on a day to day basis.

Re-Connect The Energy

We recommend to simply have your nerves checked for possible interference.  When the subluxation is present within the body, you cannot function at 100%.   You cannot have full energy power.  Your power source is and always will be the central nerve system.  Regardless of your health habits to assist with energy levels, starting off at the basis with chiropractic is your foundation.

Feeling Good Vs Functioning Good

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Feeling Good Vs Functioning Good

Feeling versus functioning is a misleading concept that we often get stuck in with regards to our health.  Which is more important to you?  The entire concept of “feel” is very subjective in nature and differs from one person to another.  Functioning on the other hand is ultimately what chiropractor’s are trying to achieve for patients.   I could be feeling really good and yet at the same time have complete loss of function of one arm.  Which is more important to you?

The Feel Good

When you start seeing a chiropractor, when done specifically and correctly you can “get” a patient to feel good.  The reason for this is because the sensory part of the central nerve system is drastically a relatively small component of how your body operates.  Sensory nerves are important, yet compared to your motor and autonomic nerves the sensory is roughly 10% of the entire system together.  What one person might consider as pain the other person wouldn’t even stop to think about it.  Nerve tension exists without pain.

Function Function Function

The spine and nerve system are interrelated and connected to every aspect of our expression of health and wellness.  The central nerve system coordinates, controls, and determines every ascpect of function that we encounter on a daily basis.  Fixing the cause of your problems is addressing the dysfunction present in your body.  If taking medication to numb feelings to allow you to function is your idea of healing you are only making things worse.  Let your body be it’s guide and listen to it.

Comes & Goes

For some people, they can be feeling good one day and then the next feel completely horrible.  Understand that healing takes time, and your body is never going to stop healing.  Feeling good is pretty cool, functioning good is AMAZING!

Ache In The Headache

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Ache In The Headache

What is the ache in the word headache?  Debilitating headaches are a top category why people seek chiropractic care.  But, what really is the ache during a headache?  Let’s break some headache’s down with their known causes and effects.  Then let’s find out why the number one cause of headaches is nerve dysfunction created by a subluxation.

Common Cause & Effect Headaches

First type of headache is associated with some sort of blunt trauma to your head.  Playing baseball and you are up to bat and the ball hits your helmet, thus resulting in headache.  Another common headache is overindulging in drinking one night, thus resulting in waking up with a headache (or commonly known as a hangover).  Migraine headaches are another common form.  Migraine headaches are chemical imbalances resulting in thyroid gland dysfunction.  Poor thyroid function resulting in migraine headaches (nerve related as well).  Changing prescriptions for your eyes can also create imbalances thus resulting in headaches.

Back To The Ache

Ache is typically used to describe some sort of muscle tension or imbalance.  Ache is collectively associated with other verbs such as  dull, throbbing, tension, and knots.  These words are used to describe the musculoskeletal system which is constantly working by providing stability to fight gravity everyday!  Muscle tension is what we “feel” when a headache manifests into a problem.

The Subluxation

Nerve irritation is the number one reason for a headache.  The most common type of headache is associated with nerve dysfunction.  Muscles, tendons, and ligaments are all controlled via your nerve system.  When a subluxation is present within your body, you cannot express your fullest potential.  A subluxation creates dysfunction not only on one nerve but within the entire central nerve system.  Communication to your body is interrupted due to your subluxation, thus resulting in your body giving you a sign and symptom.

What You Need To Know About Fevers

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

What You Need To Know About Fevers

Fevers often have received a bad rap when it comes to health of a developing child.  The basic principle which a fever is trying to accomplish is that the body it trying to heal itself.  That age old adage of letting the fever run it course should say a lot.  When a fever strikes your child, the body is trying to adapt and overcome some sort of imbalance.

What Is A Fever

A fever is the body’s normal reaction and action step in dealing with some sort of infection.  It’s normal!  Attempting to suppress a fever never really cultivates the body healing nor adapting to the stress put on it.  Thus, allowing for reoccurring infections to take place.  Increased body temperature stimulates the growth of cells, specifically speaking white blood cells.  White blood cells are vitally important for attack measures, and are directly associated with your immune system and how you defend against invaders.

The Reason For The Fevers

Always relating cause and effect to a particular part of your central nerve system, enter the hypothalamus.  The hypothalamus is a part of your brain that should basically be called the “quarterback of the brain.”  It’s calling some important shots and specifically when your body is trying to adapt to a stressor in your environment.  Fevers are brought on for a multitude of reasons, and they do

Regulate The Fever

Just like “getting sick” a fever should only last for a day or two at most (depending upon the severity).  When your body becomes run down in times of crisis you still have to make sure to regulate the fever with constant check-ups.  A fever acceding a temperature of 104 F is not a safe environment for anybody, and the body might need some sort of outside assistance.  Outside of regulation, proper nerve system function is essential for good health.  Get back in line and allow the body to adapt faster and actually heal with having the nerve system checked for imbalances.

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Top Reasons ADD/ADHD and Chiropractic Find Focus

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Top Reasons ADD/ADHD and Chiropractic Find Focus

The Approach To ADD/ADHD

Chiropractors understand that the most important system in the entire body is the nerve system.  The spine is the gateway which allows for ALL communication between the brain and the body and visa versa.  Subluxations are what chiropractors are trained to access the spine for and adjust if necessary.  A subluxation causes dysfunction within the entire central nerve system causing disruption of proper nerve system communication.  Physical stressors such as birth trauma or intrauterine constraint, chemical stressors such as diet or medication and emotional stressors such as anxiety or sleeping problems can lead to subluxations.

What Is The Cause

ADD/ADHD when using the term comes off as a diagnosis that is unexplained and just typically happens.  ADD/ADHD are states of imbalance in the central nerve system, usually with one of the systems working harder than the other.  The autonomic nerve system divides into two divisions, the fight or flight reponse side or the rest and relaxation side.  When the body perceives it is in danger such as subluxation from stressors in our life the fight or flight response is triggered.  Your child is then in a protective mode of being in a constant state of fight or flight.  This results in inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Action Steps For ADD/ADHD

Natural choices that parents can make for their children have been tested and have survived the test of time.  We do not have to make “Health” a complicated thing, no medication is required when accessing the nerve system.  By properly accessing the nerve system and providing a proper functioning system for children with ADD/ADHD you can achieve improvements in their lifestyle.  If the nerve system is properly functioning than all other systems will be firing and working at their optimal potential.

Building A Healthy Lifestyle

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Building A Healthy Lifestyle

The magic bean in building a healthy lifestyle is consistency.  Obliviously it is consistency with something that is beneficial toward your health.  Building a healthy lifestyle begins in childhood when life lessons are being taught and established for a lifetime to come. Building health requires that we nurture the body from the inside out.   The beginning steps of a healthy lifestyle start with exercise, nutrition and regular check-ups with your chiropractor.  The question is will you take the time to actually follow these guidelines?

The Foundation Of A Healthy Lifestyle

Let’s start with chiropractic.  Chiropractic allows the body to function at it’s best, without medication, surgery, lotion, or any potions to the body.  It is the most natural form of health care out there today and tomorrow, and for a lifetime.  As our children are growing there are certain windows of opportunity to make sure they are developing at their fullest potential.  Building health requires that we nurture the body from the inside out.  Chiropractic focuses specifically on the central nerve system which coordinates and controls all other cells in the human body.  Making health a priority begins with regular chiropractic check-ups so that your nerve system is clear and connected.  Healthy nerve system, healthy life.


Without proper motion life can seemingly not exist.  Life is motion and motion is life.  Regular physical exercise is paramount to building a strong physical base that can withstand the impacts of life.  It is essential that you find an outlet for the stress that you endure on a day to day basis.  Go for a walk, do some yoga, life weights…whatever you find that allows you to rejuvenate your energy. Exercise is effective at reducing stress, improving immune function, lowering blood pressure, improving cardiac function, boosting energy, improving sleep, and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Improving Sports Performance

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Improving Sports Performance

Improving sports performance comes with a daily grind that is inevtiable.  With practice comes the ability to outperform your expectations when the game is on line.  The top factor that can and will inhibit your sports performance is/are injuries. Whether the injury is something that just happened or is chronically reoccuring you are either prolonging the healing process or never really getting better.  When an injury occurs it creates assymetry within the body and creates dysfunction.  Your body will begin to compensate from one side to the other and utilize energy unnecesary.  Over time this will place undo stress upon certain joints and decrease your ability to perform.

Out Of “Align”

With injuries, your body is trying to heal and protect itself at the same time.  Once the protection mode is finally turned off, you actually begin the healing process.  Both of these cycles take time and both are neccesary to imrpove your sports performance.  While your body is compensating with your injury, the muscles, ligaments, and tendons will be in overdrive producing tightness, spasms and fatigue.  The injury overtime will place even more stress on your spinal region even more preventing the healing process from occuring.

Back In “Align”

Regular chiropractic check-ups ensure that your body is functioning correctly and allowing you to heal, getting you back at your top sports performance.  Chiropractic adjustments allow’s the body to heal and to adapt faster when an injury takes place.  By restoring normal function in  your nerve system the amount of inflammation can subside faster to allow normal function.  When your nerve system is hindered by spinal subluxations, you can’t express your top sports performance.  If there is misalignment of the spine, it can and will negatively affect the structure and function of other parts of your body.  Chiropractic helps you take your health to new heights!