Overcoming The Anxiety Disorder

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Overcoming The Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder is becoming a problem in the United States. Often simultaneously used in the same sentence as stress.  Distinctly anxiety disorder is an umbrella that encompasses a vast array of emotional disturbances.  With the disorder will come physical signs and symptoms that the body expresses.

Physical Signs & Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorder

  • Increased muscle tension
  • Dizziness
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Rapid breathing
  • Heart palipitations
  • Irritability
  • Chills/hot flashes
  • Many more

Understanding The Process Of The Disorder

To be classified as having this disorder you need to have a diagnosis.  Often times many people receive the diagnosis and then are left for chance without any direction.  Taking medication over and over again does not address the cause.   To understand the process think of the word anxiety.  Anxiety is a normal part of your life.  It’s actually healthy.  When it becomes aggressive and chronic in nature without subsiding then it becomes demoralizing.

First Order Of Business

Addressing the physical signs and symptoms should be the first order of business.  Clinically this is proven over and over again with specific chiropractic care.  Chiropractor’s have long been known to help with physical symptoms.  Then when the body is in a balanced state we can address the emotional part of the anxiety disorder.  Why?  How?  Specific adjustments actually restores spinal function which ultimately changes the way the brain functions.  An adjustment is like a computer re-boot.  It’s restored.  The key is to understand the root cause of the symptoms, easier said than done.

The Cause

When the body is unable to adapt, health cannot simply manifest.  You might say that in order to stop anxiety disorder I should just stop “thinking!”  When the body is properly connected (brain to body) life is at it’s optimal potential.  After a specific adjustment the body establishes proper connection with the pre-frontal cortex in the brain.  Think of the pre-frontal cortex as the “OG” (orignal gangster for those of us who dont know slang) the “HEAD HONCHO.”  Use whatever adjective you find appropriate.  Fact of the matter is that you need to maintain your health through specific chiropractic care.  Learn more and ask more.  Simple way is to contact us.

Pursue Health Before Trauma

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Pursue Health Before Trauma

If you are in the pursuit of healthcare then look no further.  Ask yourself a simple question.  What is the most important structure within my body?  Brain, spine, or central nerve system should be your top answer.  Without health, life cannot simply manifest.  Health within a body comes from a clear and connected central nerve system.  Without a happy central nerve system you do not have health.  Trauma should not start your way towards health.

Before The Trauma

Chiropractor’s roughly take care of 10% of the population.  A solid chunk of this number is associated with people who have sustained a trauma.  Our society dictates that when a trauma occurs that we should see a chiropractor.  This is FALSE.  Chiropractic did not start on the doctrine that after your car accident you should see your chiropractor.  Chiropractors definitely can help and assist you after the accident, it is not what chiropractic stands for though.  Chiropractic focus on health and what causes somebody to be healthy and stay that way.

Seek Health Out

Chiropractic is the only profession that allows the body to adapt and heal without altering the body externally.  This meaning NOT taking drugs, lotions, or potions or something artificially to alter the body.  How to be healthy?  Seek active health care out before a trauma occurs.  The trauma is something that occurs on a regular basis.  It is not the sudden car accident we suspect.

Types of trauma that we are referring to are the repetitions in life.  Think of the things that you do over and over again.  Repetition is the top physical trauma that brings people into the office.  Imagine if I have bad posture today.  Chances are that tomorrow I will have the same posture.  If I have to look at a computer screen all day while sitting today.  My odds tomorrow is that I will do the same thing.

Let The Body Adapt

Allowing the central nerve system to be free and connected allows changes/adaptation to occur.  Changes to the CNS allows specific messages to the rest of the body to be at 100%.  Change is always good.  #getchecked


What To Do With Constant Muscle Tension?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

What To Do With Constant Muscle Tension?

Muscle tension often shows up after a vigorous exercise or a new activity that your body is not used to.  This tension should dissipate after a couple of days.  That is considered a normal chain of events.  If the muscle tension exists for an extended period of time, somethings up.  If you find yourself at the end of the day having the same tension over and over again, your body is not healing.  The body is trying to communicate to you, just listen.

Deep Muscle Tension

Your body always works from inside to out.  The central nerve system coordinates all activity for the musckelskeletal system.  Muscles do not upset the firing capacity of a nerve.  A nerve becomes irritated and upsets the muscles the nerve is controlling .  If a specific nerve in your spine has chronic irritation as a direct result the muscles it controls will be irritated as well.  This irritation occurs from subluxations within the body.  A subluxation irritates a nerve thus rendering the nerve to be below its optimal potential.  Think of irritation as dropping a phone call that is vitally important.  This will happen over and over again.

Undo The Tension From Within

Tension is one symptom that your body will reveal when a subluxation is present for a period of time.  Loss of energy, poor sleeping habits, inability to heal from stress in your life.  Allow your body to heal and adapt with specific chiropractic care.  Chiropractor’s are the only profession that allow your body to heal from within by adjusting subluxations.  Chronic tension you can feel on the outside of your body.  Imagine what that tension does to the inside of the body.  Health is more than just “How You Feel.”  Health is about expressing your optimal potential on a daily basis.



How To Invest In Your Health

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

How To Invest In Your Health

The best time to invest in your health is now.  In our current state of fast living and more, more, more the little things tend to be neglected.  There is a saying that tends to fit our current state of mind.  “Someone who is young and strives for wealth and neglects their health will often spend their wealth later in life to acquire their health.”  The one thing that you cannot get back is time.  Your health is an investment not an expense.  If we take our health seriously we need to start at the foundation of everything.  The inside.

Invest In The Inside

It’s what inside that matters most.  This is often expressed when dating somebody new and the same holds true for your health.  Invest in your health begins with your central nerve system.  This holds true because the central nerve system is the master controller in the body.  Every expression you have in your life is solely geared and constructed via your central nerve system.  Specific chiropractic check-ups ensure that your body is functioning at your optimal level.    That’s it, it’s very simple and to the point.  If you want to perform at 100% the inside needs to be working at 100%.

The Rest

After incorporating regular check-ups the rest is easy.  Start with the basics and do not over complicate things.  Taking care of your health is hard-work, thus it’s called an investment.  You need to incorporate regular physical exercise and a healthy sustained diet.  Remember everything is in moderation.  You don’t have to become a health nut and worry about eating potato chips.  What is not in moderation is medication.  The greatest medicine is to teach people how not to use it.  Invest on the inside first and then everything else will fall into place.  Simple.

Best Exercise To Help Your Spine

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Best Exercise To Help Your Spine

The best exercise to help your spine is very simple.  In fact many of us know it already and have been taught at a very young age what to do.  It’s just so hard to do.  It’s called having GREAT POSTURE.  That’s it?  Yes, very simple at to the point.  The best so called “exercise” that you can accomplish and help your spine is being diligent with your posture.  Do you realize that having good posture is actually hard to do?

Adjustments Make My Posture Better

So, subluxations compromise ones ability to have profound posture.  Subluxations disconnect the brain-body connection.  So, as a direct result your body will work harder and faster than it requires to balance itself.  By getting checked on a regular basis and adjusted if necessary, you allow your body to be at it’s peak potential.  This means your central nerve system is happy, which means your body is happy.  People might say, “I need to focus on my Lats or do stabilizing exercises.”  Great, you can do those.  Or you can stop looking for the latest and greatest and do what has survived the test of time.

My Posture Is My Exercise

Guess what?  Being healthy is hard work.  It can’t be sold, modified, or infringed upon.  Coming and visiting your chiropractor to maintain your health is hard work. Watching and being diligent about your posture is hard work. Or course going and running for miles on end and lifting weights are necessary.  Or just incorporating an active lifestyle is beneficial. Once again it comes back again to hard work.  There is no stretch or exercise that can FIX a subluxation.  You get adjusted and reconnect the brain-body connection.  As a direct result your body will become more at ease.  Which means its easier to have better posture.  Let’s keep health simple.  Get your nerves checked.

Bid The Job Through X-rays

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Bid The Job Through X-rays

Anybody that has ever been involved in a renovation or house project knows about the “Bid.”  There are lots of factors to consider when someone gives another person a bid.  Usually the number one thing that makes it or breaks it for somebody is the cost.  What determines the difference between pricing from one contractor to the next?  Your guess is just as good as mine.  Obliviously, they have their reasons for what they do and how they handle their business.  What about if they had x-rays?

How To See More About The Problem

A great tool that has been utilized for helping locate the source and cause of problems for health care is x-rays.  Imagine if a contractor had such a tool to use when bidding for a job that they could be so specific in their bid.  X-rays reveal specifically what and where your specific subluxations are.  Subluxations are what chiropractor’s are trained to locate and adjust if necessary.  The subluxation disconnects the brain body connection.  Imagine going in blindfolded when bidding a construction job.  The same can be said when not utilizing the availability of advanced imaging and chiropractic care.

X-rays Eliminate Guessing

Ultimately a valid tool to use in any chiropractic office is x-rays.  Obliviously, pregnant females and infants do not require imaging.  For everyone else the availability to utilize an x-ray is substantial.  Looking at the x-rays and understanding how they correlate with your overall health is what chiropractors do.  ​A healthy lifestyle, including regular chiropractic adjustments, is the cornerstone of controlling your quality of life.  To access and utilize advanced imaging makes sure that your care is different than everybody else.  Why?  Because everybody is different and their care should be unique and specific based on their needs.  There is no such thing as a cookie-cutter formula when dealing with a subluxation and how it affects somebody. Get your body checked.

Understanding Pain & Punching Walls

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Understanding Pain & Punching Walls

Well, now that we have some attention let’s break down understanding pain & punching walls.  First understanding pain and what it is and what it is not.  Pain is subjective.  What one person feels is completely different than somebody else.  Females have a higher pain threshold than males.  Yes, that is true.  Females ability to cope with pain is actually a bad thing.  Why?  Perceiving that once pain is gone you are healthy is the BIGGEST flaw.  Yes, chiropractors can get you out of pain.  Yes, it does not mean you are better.  Understand why.

Understanding Pain By Punching A Wall

Now, don’t try this at home.  Once you punch a wall your body should want to do two things (besides yelling).  The reason we want to do these two things is because it allows adrenaline and endorphin’s to finally kick on.  These are not in any particular order.  The goal of these two actions is to relieve yourself of pain.

  1. Punch a wall and you will want to immediately start shaking the hand as fast as possible.  Reason being to block mechanoreceptors (sensation feeling computers) from being transmitted that you just punched a wall.
  2. Punch a wall and you will want to immediately put your other hand over your knuckles.  Reason being to block and dampen the mechanoreceptors from being able to transmit pin point accuracy of pain.

Both of these tactics work try by block the pain messages by incorporating or limiting proprioception…movement.

Understanding Pain & Chiropractic

After getting out of pain with your hand what is left.  For starters, you will have limited range of motion, decreased sensation, poor grip strength, deep tissue bleeding, inflammation, and maybe even a broken bone.  Guess your better though!?  When visiting your chiropractor, don’t just visit for pain. If you only come in for pain care you will never experience the true benefits of what chiropractic can actually do for you.  Once a chiropractor get’s your body out pain that is when you continue care to actually HEAL.  Chiropractic is not designed for a hospital setting it is designed for lifetime healthcare.



Ever Heard Of Health Doctors Before?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Ever Heard Of Health Doctors Before?

The entire concept of the phrase health doctors was initially brought to us by a new patient.  It’s amazing that the general public has a thorough understanding of what health is and what it is not.  This patient stated they conducted research and wanted to HEAL, they were tired of covering ‘things’ up. The biggest tenant that our society is starting to grasp, is that the body is self regulating and self healing.  You get cut, you heal.  You break a bone, it takes time and yet you still heal.  The body does not require anything else.

Who Be These Health Doctors

Well to put it in simplest form, it’s chiropractors.  Chiropractor’s do not take, add, or alter the body in any way .  Chiropractor’s simply remove interference which thus properly establishes proper communication from brain to body.  This interference comes in the form of a subluxation.  A subluxation places undo stress upon a specific nerve rendering your body in a state of fight or flight.  Think of plugging 30 electrical devices into a single outlet (with no surge protector).  Eventually when the outlet can not adapt to the stress placed on it, boom goes the breaker.  Much like a subluxation in the body.

Support Your Health

There is no specific form of healthcare like chiropractic.  While allopathic medicine has a need, much often it is resorted to replacing or covering something up.  When healing takes place you need to be omnipresent with your body and how things work and operate.  Health doctors have been around for a very long time and will continue to be productive in “getting” people better.  Ultimately you get to decide what you want to do for your own health.  There are no limits to what the human body is capable of when everything is connected.  The research is out there and will continue to mount up.

How To Stop The Depression

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

How To Stop The Depression

Did you know that the number one reason people seek chiropractic care is for emotional stress?  The biggest contributing factor to adversely affect somebodies health and well-being is their emotional stability.  Depression is the top form of emotional stress that visits our office.  Have you ever experienced the so called butterflies in your stomach before?  When we are emotionally distraught over something our entire body “feels” it.  People say I can feel the stress weighing me down.  Remember the same nerves that send messages to your muscles (where you feel things) also control your vital organs.

Chiropractic & Depression

Specific chiropractic care has been an integral part in helping people with depression since the beginning of chiropractic.  A natural solution for handling emotional instability starts with the central nerve system.  Heavy abuse of medication to suppress ones ability to even “feel” is not allowing someone to heal nor overcome their emotional stress.  Imagine having emotional stress on a continual basis.  Every action you attempt to complete as a result will be altered due to your distress.

The Brain & Rewards

The brain is made up of specific parts.  Every interaction you perform or think of performing in life is maintained via the brain/central nerve system.  Specifically when talking about emotions the part of the brain that regulates and controls those interactions is called the pre-frontal cortex.  All of your behaviors and your emotional stability is programmed specifically in an area of the brain.

The Adjustment

Guess what happens when your body is fully connected with no limitations?  After a specific adjustment is administered, your body has no other option but to establish proper connection with your pre-frontal cortex.  Ultimately it’s the game changer.  Hormone’s, endorphin’s, and an overall sense of healing is established.  Like releasing the air in an inflated balloon, chiropractic adjustments reduce the stress and tension and.  The research is out there, do your own and just Google depression and chiropractic.  Enjoy healing.





The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Growing Trend Of Healthcare

Healthcare is a very distinct word that can be skewed to mean something completely different.  For instance healthcare is not visiting your medical doctor on a frequent basis for so called “Check-ups”.  Webster’s dictionary states : Health-care – efforts made to maintain or restore physical, mental, or emotional well-being especially by trained and licensed professionals.  Taking care of your body is something that requires handwork and consistency.  It’s the little things that add up.

Healthcare Scams

Anyway that someone can try and make money off of somebody else happens all to often.  Here are some quick examples of why health sells in the marketplace.  All leading back to taking care of yourself is hard work.

  • Waist training belts. The idea that you can lose fat and get in shape by putting a vibrating belt on.  Listen up, exercise is hard to do and yet so rewarding when done right.
  • Diet pills.  Once again the concept that taking something artificial is going to change you.  Being diligent with your diet is tough work.  Limit your cheat days.
  • Fat-free food.  Depending on how much you know, trust me.  Fat is good in moderation and where it comes from.
  • Miracle Fixes.  There is nothing short of a miracle that would not have been discovered by now when it comes to health.  Health is not changing, our viewpoints are.

Back To The Basics For Specific Healthcare

When the body is weakened by stress, toxins, poor nutrition, or lack of exercise, disease has a better chance of getting a foothold.   Chiropractic ensures that the body is functioning at optimal potential without any gimmicks.  Realize that the central nerve system is what chiropractic focuses on.  A healthy and connected nerve system allows life to be expressed at 100% vitality.  ​The path to health is not easy. You must take time to eat right, prepare your day, and get adjusted. You must schedule exercise into your day. You must sleep well. You must be willing to take action.