The Effects Of Physical Stress On The Body

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Effects Of Physical Stress On The Body

The effects of physical stress on the body is one of the most detrimental factors associated with someones health and well-being.  Long-standing physical stress that goes uncorrected distorts the spinal column which protects the most important system in your entire body, the central nerve system.  Remember that the body is an entire unit.  For example if someone has a sprained ankle, the sprained ankle is not the only part of the body that suffers.

The Superhighway Of The Body

The stress that  we undergo is different for everybody.  This can include sitting down for extended periods of time, sports, looking at a screen all day, and the list goes on.  If the physical stress is a daily routine you are never giving your body proper time to heal and adapt.  Thus distorting your bodies entire bio-mechanics wreaking havoc on your spinal column.  A subluxation what chiropractors are trained to located and adjust if necessary will wreak havoc on your superhighway (central nerve system).  A subluxation is often created when the body is placed under physical stress for a period of time.

Reconnect From Physical Stress

Physical stress distorting your bodies ability to function disconnects the superhighways ability to be constantly be operating at 100%.  You need a physical solution to help fix a physical problem that your body is encountering.  Specific adjustments reconnect the body superhighway by removing subluxations thus allowing your body to heal.  To go after the true cause of your stress, look towards the spine first.  By influencing the central nerve system the effects of stress do not have to be as detrimental.  Your quality of healing from stress is directly proportional to the capacity of the central nerve system.  Remember the central nerve system regulate’s and control all aspects of the healing phase.

Feeling Good Vs Functioning Good

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Feeling Good Vs Functioning Good

Feeling versus functioning is a misleading concept that we often get stuck in with regards to our health.  Which is more important to you?  The entire concept of “feel” is very subjective in nature and differs from one person to another.  Functioning on the other hand is ultimately what chiropractor’s are trying to achieve for patients.   I could be feeling really good and yet at the same time have complete loss of function of one arm.  Which is more important to you?

The Feel Good

When you start seeing a chiropractor, when done specifically and correctly you can “get” a patient to feel good.  The reason for this is because the sensory part of the central nerve system is drastically a relatively small component of how your body operates.  Sensory nerves are important, yet compared to your motor and autonomic nerves the sensory is roughly 10% of the entire system together.  What one person might consider as pain the other person wouldn’t even stop to think about it.  Nerve tension exists without pain.

Function Function Function

The spine and nerve system are interrelated and connected to every aspect of our expression of health and wellness.  The central nerve system coordinates, controls, and determines every ascpect of function that we encounter on a daily basis.  Fixing the cause of your problems is addressing the dysfunction present in your body.  If taking medication to numb feelings to allow you to function is your idea of healing you are only making things worse.  Let your body be it’s guide and listen to it.

Comes & Goes

For some people, they can be feeling good one day and then the next feel completely horrible.  Understand that healing takes time, and your body is never going to stop healing.  Feeling good is pretty cool, functioning good is AMAZING!

3 Ways To Improve Your Immune System

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

3 Ways To Improve Your Immune System

Stimulating the immune system to be at it’s peak potential is not something that should be taken for granted.  Improving your immune system is a daily fight every single day, not just when in times of crisis.  If we only pay attention to our system when in times of need we will never get stronger in the long run.  3 simple ways to improve your immune system begins with the foundation of health.

Immune Support & Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care focus specifically and solely on the central nerve system. The master system that controls every single experience you have in your life.  Chiropractor’s detect and adjust subluxations within the spine that inhibit our body from functioning at it’s peak performance.  A disturbance in the spine has a direct correlation on how our system’s function.  The focus of chiropractic care is to remove any physiological blocks to the proper expression of the body’s innate wisdom.  Specific chiropractic adjustments stimulate white blood cell production to boost your overall immunity…naturally!

Eating Right

Eating clean and choosing the right food has not changed.  Regardless of the newest and latest diet or health fad, choosing the right food is staying away from processed and pre-packaged food.  Let thy food be thy medicine is a saying that will stand the test of time.  Staying properly hydrated and maintaining regular consumption of vegetables, fruits, and protein allows your body to flourish.

Get Up & Workout

Exercises such as walking, swimming, yoga, Pilates, bicycling, martial arts, and bodybuilding all help your body.  Having a strong functioning musculoskeletal  is just the tip of the iceberg for working out.  Exercising has countless benefits for your overall body in general.  Choose fun activities that you enjoy so you can keep doing them and get the results you are looking for.

The Epidemic Of Text Neck

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Epidemic Of Text Neck

The epidemic of text neck has been developing for some time, and is now starting to spread it’s full wings.  Text neck is a generalized term that is associated with some sort of electronic device and using improper posture while on the device.  This can range from cellphones, tablets, kindles, I-pads, laptops, and whatever else is out there.  It’s not that you have to be strictly texting while performing bad posture, it’s just statistically based that texting is the top activity performed.

How To Change The Posture

Much like anything in life, moderation is the key.  The biggest component to monitor is having the electronic device parallel to your eye level.  Do not bring your eyes down to the device, instead bring the device to your eye level.  Performing this simple maneuver will decrease the amount of strain that is placed on your central nerve system from improper positioning.  Another simple variable is to always switch-up your positioning.  Place the device in a sitting position, then a standing position, and then lay-down.  Constantly changing your posture prevents repetitive nature which causes harm in the long run.

Why Text Neck Is Bad

Your cervical spine (neck) is supposed to have a specific curvature to it.  When a hand-held device enters the picture our tendency is to look downwards at the screen thus creating an improper curvature within the spine.  Over time text neck begins to ensue by over-straining your muscles, ligaments, and tendons.  This text neck begins to limit your correct curvature of the spine which in time will place constant stress on the body.

Figure It out

In this day and age children will never know what it’s like not to have the internet.  As early as two years of age now, some children have their own electronic devices.  If their posture is not monitored, then the beginning of text neck will set in.  Fixing the posture and having regular chiropractic check-ups will restore the normal balance in the body.


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What You Need To Know About Fevers

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

What You Need To Know About Fevers

Fevers often have received a bad rap when it comes to health of a developing child.  The basic principle which a fever is trying to accomplish is that the body it trying to heal itself.  That age old adage of letting the fever run it course should say a lot.  When a fever strikes your child, the body is trying to adapt and overcome some sort of imbalance.

What Is A Fever

A fever is the body’s normal reaction and action step in dealing with some sort of infection.  It’s normal!  Attempting to suppress a fever never really cultivates the body healing nor adapting to the stress put on it.  Thus, allowing for reoccurring infections to take place.  Increased body temperature stimulates the growth of cells, specifically speaking white blood cells.  White blood cells are vitally important for attack measures, and are directly associated with your immune system and how you defend against invaders.

The Reason For The Fevers

Always relating cause and effect to a particular part of your central nerve system, enter the hypothalamus.  The hypothalamus is a part of your brain that should basically be called the “quarterback of the brain.”  It’s calling some important shots and specifically when your body is trying to adapt to a stressor in your environment.  Fevers are brought on for a multitude of reasons, and they do

Regulate The Fever

Just like “getting sick” a fever should only last for a day or two at most (depending upon the severity).  When your body becomes run down in times of crisis you still have to make sure to regulate the fever with constant check-ups.  A fever acceding a temperature of 104 F is not a safe environment for anybody, and the body might need some sort of outside assistance.  Outside of regulation, proper nerve system function is essential for good health.  Get back in line and allow the body to adapt faster and actually heal with having the nerve system checked for imbalances.

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5 Reasons To Adjust Your Kids Backpack

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

5 Reasons To Adjust Your Kids Backpack

Kids going back to school is just upon us.  Usually, the top concerns are associated with new clothes, coloring pencils, books, and other school accessories.  The backpack typically gets put on the back-burner and is either a pass-down from an older child or is from the previous year.  A lot of growth can occur within a year and the backpack is something that can hinder development.  Top 5 reasons to “adjust” your kids backpack.

Shoulder Straps

Backpacks come with two shoulder straps because… you have two shoulders!  So, utilize both shoulder straps to distribute the weight of the pack over a greater surface area.  If waist straps are available you can distribute the weight even more by incorporating the torso.

Packing Order

With all of the books, papers, and other supplies that are utilized in the backpack make sure you are placing things accordingly.  The heaviest books need to be located in the back of the backpack closest to the shoulder blade region.

Choosing The Right One

When choosing which pack is right for your kids, make sure to try it on.  You don’t want the pack to hang past their buttocks, if it does this has a tendency to incorporate negative curvatures withing the spinal column.

Weigh It

Want to see how much their pack really weighs?  Do it!  Put all of their supplies, books, papers and all other materials in the pack and weigh it.  The pack should not be more than 10% of their body weight.  If you need to take unnecessary items out to save them from the stress.

Get Adjusted

Pack’s have a tendency to cause harm if used inappropriately.  Follow some basic fundamentals when using them and no problems will arise.  Regardless of the situation though you should always still have your kids under regular chiropractic care to make sure they are functioning at their optimal potential.  Make sure the spine is free of subluxations and allowing for future development.

Top Reasons ADD/ADHD and Chiropractic Find Focus

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Top Reasons ADD/ADHD and Chiropractic Find Focus

The Approach To ADD/ADHD

Chiropractors understand that the most important system in the entire body is the nerve system.  The spine is the gateway which allows for ALL communication between the brain and the body and visa versa.  Subluxations are what chiropractors are trained to access the spine for and adjust if necessary.  A subluxation causes dysfunction within the entire central nerve system causing disruption of proper nerve system communication.  Physical stressors such as birth trauma or intrauterine constraint, chemical stressors such as diet or medication and emotional stressors such as anxiety or sleeping problems can lead to subluxations.

What Is The Cause

ADD/ADHD when using the term comes off as a diagnosis that is unexplained and just typically happens.  ADD/ADHD are states of imbalance in the central nerve system, usually with one of the systems working harder than the other.  The autonomic nerve system divides into two divisions, the fight or flight reponse side or the rest and relaxation side.  When the body perceives it is in danger such as subluxation from stressors in our life the fight or flight response is triggered.  Your child is then in a protective mode of being in a constant state of fight or flight.  This results in inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Action Steps For ADD/ADHD

Natural choices that parents can make for their children have been tested and have survived the test of time.  We do not have to make “Health” a complicated thing, no medication is required when accessing the nerve system.  By properly accessing the nerve system and providing a proper functioning system for children with ADD/ADHD you can achieve improvements in their lifestyle.  If the nerve system is properly functioning than all other systems will be firing and working at their optimal potential.

Building A Healthy Lifestyle

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Building A Healthy Lifestyle

The magic bean in building a healthy lifestyle is consistency.  Obliviously it is consistency with something that is beneficial toward your health.  Building a healthy lifestyle begins in childhood when life lessons are being taught and established for a lifetime to come. Building health requires that we nurture the body from the inside out.   The beginning steps of a healthy lifestyle start with exercise, nutrition and regular check-ups with your chiropractor.  The question is will you take the time to actually follow these guidelines?

The Foundation Of A Healthy Lifestyle

Let’s start with chiropractic.  Chiropractic allows the body to function at it’s best, without medication, surgery, lotion, or any potions to the body.  It is the most natural form of health care out there today and tomorrow, and for a lifetime.  As our children are growing there are certain windows of opportunity to make sure they are developing at their fullest potential.  Building health requires that we nurture the body from the inside out.  Chiropractic focuses specifically on the central nerve system which coordinates and controls all other cells in the human body.  Making health a priority begins with regular chiropractic check-ups so that your nerve system is clear and connected.  Healthy nerve system, healthy life.


Without proper motion life can seemingly not exist.  Life is motion and motion is life.  Regular physical exercise is paramount to building a strong physical base that can withstand the impacts of life.  It is essential that you find an outlet for the stress that you endure on a day to day basis.  Go for a walk, do some yoga, life weights…whatever you find that allows you to rejuvenate your energy. Exercise is effective at reducing stress, improving immune function, lowering blood pressure, improving cardiac function, boosting energy, improving sleep, and maintaining a healthy body weight.

Improving Sports Performance

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Improving Sports Performance

Improving sports performance comes with a daily grind that is inevtiable.  With practice comes the ability to outperform your expectations when the game is on line.  The top factor that can and will inhibit your sports performance is/are injuries. Whether the injury is something that just happened or is chronically reoccuring you are either prolonging the healing process or never really getting better.  When an injury occurs it creates assymetry within the body and creates dysfunction.  Your body will begin to compensate from one side to the other and utilize energy unnecesary.  Over time this will place undo stress upon certain joints and decrease your ability to perform.

Out Of “Align”

With injuries, your body is trying to heal and protect itself at the same time.  Once the protection mode is finally turned off, you actually begin the healing process.  Both of these cycles take time and both are neccesary to imrpove your sports performance.  While your body is compensating with your injury, the muscles, ligaments, and tendons will be in overdrive producing tightness, spasms and fatigue.  The injury overtime will place even more stress on your spinal region even more preventing the healing process from occuring.

Back In “Align”

Regular chiropractic check-ups ensure that your body is functioning correctly and allowing you to heal, getting you back at your top sports performance.  Chiropractic adjustments allow’s the body to heal and to adapt faster when an injury takes place.  By restoring normal function in  your nerve system the amount of inflammation can subside faster to allow normal function.  When your nerve system is hindered by spinal subluxations, you can’t express your top sports performance.  If there is misalignment of the spine, it can and will negatively affect the structure and function of other parts of your body.  Chiropractic helps you take your health to new heights!

Getting Off The Medication

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Getting Off The Medication

Healthy life, healthy body, healthy mind.  Everybody was designed to be healthy and how you take care of your body is a direct relationship to your lifestyle.  Consistent use of medication should not be seen as a normal lifestyle.  Unfortunately, for many of us out there we think that there is no other alternative besides the constant use of medication.  This will suppress our bodies ability to function.  The body is a self-regulating and self-healing organism, designed to be amazing!  In a Mayo Clinic study, it was determined that roughly 70% of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half of the study are on at least two prescriptions.

The Other Side

In order to keep your body well, it is critical to maintain your spine’s alignment on a consistent basis.  The spine protects the most important entity of your entire body, the central nerve system.  Most medication attempts to directly inhibit the function of the central nerve system by limiting what and how the body can heal.  You see, the body is always going to attempt to heal and adapt to it’s environment.  This ability to adapt and heal comes through a clear and connected nerve system.  Medication does not allow the body to heal, it merely masks or covers up what the body is attempting to do.  Specific chiropractic care allows the body to restore normal function by allowing the body to heal and adapt.  Only through a clear and connected nerve system.  No medication is required, no gimmicks, no pills.

Clearing It Up

If your looking for another route besides constantly consuming medication, chiropractic is your answer.  The entire presence and function of the central nerve system is to perceive and maintain all cells of the human body.  Allow your body to heal by having your nerves checked on a regular basis to allow optimal function without the use of medication.  It is clear cut as that.