Your body your choice…right? Of course the answer is YES. The year 2020 has us looking at health differently. Some interesting changes have occurred, mostly related to the pandemic. While our current “model” of health is now changing, there remains one constant: a preventative lifestyle. Chiropractic’s course of action is just that!! Many people assume that if they don’t have a disease, they are healthy. However, this may not always be the case. Preventive measures fit well into a healthy lifestyle. As opposed to the popular belief, just because you are not sick does not mean that you are healthy. Yes, you actually have to work hard at being healthy. No different than you have to work hard to be unhealthy. I am often reminded of the documentary Super Size Me when the film-maker “learns” an unhealthy diet impacts his overall health and well-being. Your health can be robbed from you when you’re not looking and paying attention. We become distracted with unnecessary problems that we cannot control. What we can control is our health. Starting with the most important system that regulates your health, the central nerve system. Any interference known as a subluxation within the spinal column will create dis-organized chaos in your health and well-being. A subluxation will directly impact your systems. Even your immune system. When you have an infection, injury, trauma, or stress response that challenges your immune system your NICU’s (neuro-immune cell unit) release cytokines to help with the trauma. Every moment you spend being in a subluxated state you are silently creating abnormal physiological function to exist. These NICU’s are always sensing information and processing it back to the brain to gather intelligence of pathogens or immune challenges that counter your health. Remember your body is designed to be healthy, in order to keep it that way you have to become exposed to certain stressors that create a healthy immune response. Chiropractic releases your body’s innate healing ability. Your body does the healing. |