The Rise Of Asthma Symptoms
The rise of asthma symptoms in our society means only one thing, more people have asthma. Simple! We measure the health of our society either based on the elderly or the young. For me, I like to think if our young our healthy then we as a society are healthy. Let’s be honest, asthma symptoms have continued to rise and for some that is the least of their concerns along with their myriad of other complaints. More and more children are diagnosed with asthma than any other “disease”. Asthma symptoms and understanding how the body works can be the tip of the iceberg for some. If the body is constantly expressing itself with asthma symptoms, your body is in a constant state of fight. Realize, symptoms in one aspect of the body defines the entire body. Just imagine how else your body is attacking itself when constantly being bombarded with countermeasures to survive.
Relating asthma symptoms and chiropractic is as easy as peanut butter and jelly. When there is abnormal autonomic nerve system responsiveness, this contributes to pathogenesis of asthma and other allergic diseases. Chiropractor’s check and detect for possible subluxations within one’s body and adjust those subluxations if necessary to restore proper communication. Subluxation’s create abnormal autonomic nerve system responses. Chronic asthma symptoms are abnormal responses. Your body should recognize a pathogen and fight, protect itself, and WIN! What your body should not do is have a chronic battle that is life limiting and in constant state of protection over and over again. So, an easy way to mask asthma symptoms is through medication. The so called quick “fix.” How about visiting a chiropractor and addressing the cause of your health condition? How about having your children checked for possible subluxations that can be stimulating adverse asthma symptoms? Get checked.
The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine, William Osler, M.D.. Don’t cover up asthma symptoms, address the underlying cause.