Ignorance, neglect, or just a general idea of not actually knowing. Just a few reasons a person might be unhealthy. But where does your health “come from?” It’s like a motor vehicle that runs and does not give you any cues to check your engine, rotate your tires, change your oil, etc. If you didn’t perform these actions regularly your vehicle would stop running. What about your health? Do we just ignore the innate wisdom of the body to keep us going on a day to day basis without any routine check-ups?
Contrary to current models, health does not come in the form of a pill, a shot, or any other external influence. Your belief system will secure your future and make you separate and distinct from others. Your course is set based on your beliefs. These beliefs should stand the test of time and will be challenged with the “latest and greatest.”
Take, for instance, our first president. George Washington, in his terminal state, was bled on a routine basis, which was a leading factor to his demise. This “bad blood” theory gained some initial momentum much like lobotomies, electroshock therapy, and other instant fixes.
The founder of Osteopathy (Osteopaths) A.T. Still said it best in 1899 “The brain of man was God’s drugstore and had in it all liquid, drugs, lubricating oils, opiates, acids, and anti-acids, and every quality of drugs that the wisdom of God thought necessary for human happiness and health.”
The innate wisdom of your body is the top concern to keep your body lively and well. The chain of communication in doing this depends solely on your central nerve system. The CNS collects, interprets, and coordinates all internal systems to keep your body in its ideal state. “Illness hovers constantly above us, their seeds blown by the wind, but they do not set in the terrain unless the terrain is ready to receive them.” – Claude Bernard.