Ear Infections And Chiropractic Care
Ear infections and chiropractic care, were do the possibilities end when it comes to chiropractic care? Well, before we answer this question let’s talk about our title of ear infections and chiropractic care. The most common form of ear infections that our children undergo are middle ear infections. This occurs when fluid builds up in the ear due to the draining system not properly flushing fluid out of the ear. The eustachian tube is the component of the ear that allows for proper amounts of pressure to be equalized as well as draining the ear to maintain its function. Ear infections in children are becoming more and more chronic and are not diminishing. Often used to treat these infections are the use of antibiotics, when in fact over 75% of ear infections are viral in nature. Use antibiotics to treat something that is viral? No wonder these ear infections are reoccurring; when you over prescribe antibiotics it drastically depresses the child’s overall immune system thus leading to another ear infection. By masking the ear infection with antibiotics your child is never really healing and overcoming what brought the ear infection on. As this model continues, the immune system is still compromised which could lead to swollen lymph nodes over time leading to some other problems. Another model is to put tubes in your child’s ear, yet another device that is masking the true problem.
Ear infections and chiropractic care are related due to the presence of what regulates and controls the ear and eustachian tube: Nerves. Chiropractic care focuses specifically and solely on the nerve system. The nerve system is the master controller which regulates and controls all functions within the human body. Ear infections and chiropractic care focus on the nerves that are causing the problem. A subluxation within the nerve system creates a central nerve system dysfunction within the body, so your body in turn produces signs and symptoms. A subluxation is what chiropractors check your nerve system for and adjust if necessary. An ear infection is a sign and symptom that something is not working correctly. Specifically speaking the vagus nerve in the body controls two of the four muscles directly associated with the eustachian tube. If a subluxation is present in the body and is diminishing the communication of the vagus nerve a possible sign and symptom for your child is an ear infection. Address the cause by addressing the nerve system. Ear infections and chiropractic care have been proven to be effective in restoring optimal function to your child. Chiropractic care is drug and surgery free, sounds like a win!
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