Freedom From Health “Care”

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Ready or not 2020 came in with a BANG and is moving full speed ahead! If you have not heard the wake-up call to take health matters into your own hands then this blog is for you.

 If we take time to look at the facts, we’re designed to be healthy. The immune system is meant to be compromised during certain times so it can then flourish in abundance, allowing the body to properly adapt and become even stronger.

Want to shift your health into overdrive and utilize what you were born with? Our starting point shall be the central nerve system (CNS). Everyone is born with one due to the fact that it makes everything in you. One would not exist without a CNS. Think of your CNS as the alpha and omega. If you want to sustain health and rely on the things that are naturally within you, then look no further!

Many would have you believe that health comes in the form of a syringe or a pill that has been chemically made. We actually live our lives through the central nerve system, every experience in life being processed and controlled via the CNS. This cannot be conjured up in a lab, it is not something you have to “take” externally. So, take personal responsibility and guard it well!

Specific Gonstead Chiropractic care is designed to keep you well enough long enough with a CNS free of dysfunction. Our care is designed to correct subluxations (misalignments within the spinal column creating dysfunction within the body) that inhibit one’s potential to fully express life. Our adjustments are accurate and designed with corrective forces that reduce subluxations allowing neural connections to flourish, enabling your body to ADAPT more effectively over life!

With 2020 in full effect we should realize we have to take care of our health due to what many of us already realize: no one is coming to save us! If you find yourself in a middle of a lake and want to get to shore, start rowing hard and fast to save yourself! Freedom from health care starts with personal responsibility and caring for the central nerve system because it is the most practical solution for anyone to obtain. We do not support dependency in any form! We do however support knowledge and prevention in the most probable of solutions!

Attacking Stress From Within

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The current situation in the world today is stressful. At Basler Family Chiropractic we are continuing to sustain our normal routine spinal check-ups. We have made modifications and updated standard operating procedures to keep up with guidelines. With the stress that builds up during this current situation it is our job to make sure your central nerve system is free of any interference and functioning to its optimal potential to enable your body to adapt appropriately during these times.

Chiropractic does not cure anything. The science of Chiropractic is not based upon a “cure” it is based solely on adaptability. Principle No. 24 The Limits Of Adaptation. Innate Intelligence adapts forces and matter for the body as long as it can do so without breaking a universal law, or Innate Intelligence is limited by the limitations of matter.

Attacking your stress from within happens through your central nerve system. Whether you believe it or not, every human experience you have is controlled, processed, and coordinated through your central nerve system.

When your stress begins to accumulate you begin to change the trajectory of your health from within. How so? Through your central nerve system which controls the tissue cell of every organ, gland, and muscles of your body. The top three hormones that change your outlook and breed more stress are:

·  Cortisol

·  Adrenaline

·  Noreprenephrine

The more you welcome stress the more you change your health and well-being. This changes your state of adaptability and will result in incoordination of your immune system and every system for that matter. It curves your bodies ability to adapt and respond in a timely healthy manner.

By focusing on the central nerve system the bodies autonomic nerve system is better able to coordinate and function. A large study included 520 subjects receiving a single Chiropractic adjustment, and 111 subjects receiving care for a period of four weeks. Consistent significant increased total power of HRV (heart rate variability) was reported. The authors stated that results signified a return of healthy autonomic nerve system coordination upon the Chiropractic adjustment of vertebral subluxation. (Sinnott)

It’s the inside that counts. By taking care of the central nerve system you will limit the stress hormones that come with it. Your body knows what to do to heal itself. Chiropractic works by restoring the natural, innate connection between the body and the brain. 

Do You Have A Back Problem Or A Health Problem?

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, stress | No Comments


Do You Have A Back Problem Or A Health Problem?

Chiropractic care is unfortunately seen as synonymous with back pain.  While we do help with musculoskeletal back pain, you are missing the BIG picture if you only come in for back pain.  The BIG picture is understanding the central nerve system (CNS).  Chiropractic care is strictly focusing on establishing optimal potential with the CNS in your own body.

I Do Not Have Back Pain, BUT I Am Chronically Sick

This is obliviously a health problem that is attributed to your immune system.  Guess what?  Your immune system is controlled, regulated, and was even made by your CNS.  Guess what again?  Your CNS is housed and protected via your spinal bones and skull, which just so happens to be also called your BACK.  There are people out there who are chronically sick and do not have “back pain”.  It does not matter, the back pain is irrelevant.  If you are chronically sick, your CNS is failing to control and properly regulate the immune system.

Organs supplied by impinged nerves exhibit pathological changes and the more the serious the impingement, the more serious the damage. – Henry Winsor, MD.

A Back Problem Is a Health Problem

A subluxation creates tension and chronic irritation to a spinal nerve thus disrupting the brain to body connection.  Subluxations can cause symptoms such as allergies and GI issues that will eventually damage your organs.  Is pain present when a subluxation first occurs?  No.  Pain is the last symptom you will “feel” and it will be the first symptom to disappear.  This is why when people only visit a chiropractor for pain, they will only get temporary relief.  Basically a band-aid.  In order to address the health problem, you need to address the health of the BACK via the spine.  Specific chiropractic adjustments provide motion and stability via the spine.  The spine provides nourishment to the CNS.  Everything in the human body is designed for motion. Motion is more than just energy. Motion is life! #getchecked