Disc Disc Disc, The Importance Of The Disc Within The Spine
Let’s talk about disc spacing and why it often gets left out when discussing spinal hygiene. A disc acts as a cushion between each single vertebra and is your shock absorber for every action that you encounter in life. Think gravity! Not only does it function as a shock absorber, it allows proper spacing between each spinal bone to form a canal in which the spinal nerve exits through. This canal provides protection and open communication for the spinal nerve to be a two way communicator from the brain to the body and the body to the brain. This makes it vitally important to your overall health.
Understanding the disc space comes from utilizing x-ray analysis. As a Gonstead chiropractor we study and analyze the x-ray films to calculate and adjust “through” the disc space. It is the analysis of the disc and the changes it undergoes that gives the most reliable information for locating the subluxation. To judge the level and condition of the subluxation is to access the surrounding disc space. When a subluxation occurs it creates a displacement within the spinal column which will place stress upon the disc. As a result the disc will produce undo stress upon the spinal nerve exiting through the canal. This in turn will create health problems.
Subluxations that remain uncorrected will cause calcium deposits and bone spurs to occur. Nerve and soft tissue damage will ensue. The subluxated vertebrae will become rough and uneven on the surfaces compressing the disc and resulting in the loss of its natural cushioning. The process accelerates causing the disc to collapse and fusion begins. The final stage of disc degeneration from an uncorrected subluxation is when the bones are fused together creating immobility and even more severe health problems. Keep the disc space alive and mobile with specific adjustments and you keep the channel open for the nerve to express your life through. Happy disc = happy nerve = healthy you.