How Your Spine Moves Influences Your Brain

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How your spine moves influences your brain. Which ultimately means how your spine moves impacts your overall health. The rationale behind this statement is that your brain is better known as the central nervous system. The spine itself is a direct extension of the brain. The CNS is your master controller, it makes, coordinates, and controls every cell, tissue, and organ within the body. Your reality of how healthy you really are is created within the brain, this input comes exclusively through the spinal column.  

 The experiences that your brain interprets creates your status of either being healthy or unhealthy based purely on spinal movement. This comes from past experiences in your life that the CNS learns whether it being negative or positive or from new experiences creating new channels, called neuro-plasticity. 

A subluxation can exist within the spinal column which places undo stress upon your spinal nerves. As a direct result the entire body will suffer as a consequence of this single limitation. The autonomic nerve system (blood vessels, organs, and glands) enters into a state of fight or flight. Unfortunately, your body can “get used to” this state of using things harder and faster just to maintain your life and the CNS will no longer be able to properly control the body when a subluxation exists.  

 A subluxation not only creates internal stress and limitations on your bodies systems but  it also creates bio-mechanical dysfunction, your movement patterns. The subluxation limits the communication to ALL systems in the human body. One of them being the musculoskeletal which will create changes in how you move. The specific segment that is subluxated will not be initiated correctly when the brain needs it to and will generate movement even when not needed. Overtime this will produce chronic tightness, muscle spasms, and lead to poor energy levels. Energy flows where attention goes. What you focus on grows. Focus on your health by keeping the spine in proper alignment.

Beauty Begins From Within The Body

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Beauty Begins From Within The Body

Taking care of the body begins from within.  In the fast paced society that we live in we are led to believe that looking good on the outside signifies health.  Yet, the “Hollywood Persona” depicts that health is young, good looking, no wrinkles, skinny, etc.  This is a complete illusion.  Being healthy begins from within the body first and foremost.  The starting point is the central nervous system.  Every human experience you have is coordinated and processed via your central nerve system.  It’s safe to say that you live your life through this system and always remember; you are worth whatever amount of time you need to take care of yourself.  So, start from the inside.

When the body is working properly, it tends to heal no matter the condition.  We recommend Chiropractic check-ups for setting the bar in the most holistic and natural manner of dealing with your health.  It’s pretty incredible how the body can function when there is no interference to the central nerve system.  Most patients that have high xyz or low xyz are that way because their body is under stress and it can’t adapt.  When the nervous system is working correctly it normalizes all of those levels all by itself in its own time.  It’s quite remarkable.

Yet, when people are suffering from a condition their typical first response is to cover it up with a medication.  Still looking beautiful on the outside yet the inside is struggling to function optimally.  Symptoms are not the cause of sickness. By suppressing symptoms you are leaving the sickness to advance.  Every single thought, action, and feeling changes your brain.  When repeated enough times, a habit is formed.   Chiropractic encourages natural healing. When the body is working properly, it tends to heal effectively, no matter what the condition.

Disc Disc Disc, The Importance Of The Disc Within The Spine

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Disc Disc Disc, The Importance Of The Disc Within The Spine

Let’s talk about disc spacing and why it often gets left out when discussing spinal hygiene.  A disc acts as a cushion between each single vertebra and is your shock absorber for every action that you encounter in life.  Think gravity!  Not only does it function as a shock absorber, it allows proper spacing between each spinal bone to form a canal in which the spinal nerve exits through.  This canal provides protection and open communication for the spinal nerve to be a two way communicator from the brain to the body and the body to the brain.  This makes it vitally important to your overall health.

Understanding the disc space comes from utilizing x-ray analysis.  As a Gonstead chiropractor we study and analyze the x-ray films to calculate and adjust “through” the disc space.  It is the analysis of the disc and the changes it undergoes that gives the most reliable information for locating the subluxation.  To judge the level and condition of the subluxation is to access the surrounding disc space.  When a subluxation occurs it creates a displacement within the spinal column which will place stress upon the disc.  As a result the disc will produce undo stress upon the spinal nerve exiting through the canal.  This in turn will create health problems.

Subluxations that remain uncorrected will cause calcium deposits and bone spurs to occur.  Nerve and soft tissue damage will ensue.  The subluxated vertebrae will become rough and uneven on the surfaces compressing the disc and resulting in the loss of its natural cushioning.  The process accelerates causing the disc to collapse and fusion begins.  The final stage of disc degeneration from an uncorrected subluxation is when the bones are fused together creating immobility and even more severe health problems.  Keep the disc space alive and mobile with specific adjustments and you keep the channel open for the nerve to express your life through.  Happy disc = happy nerve = healthy you.

Shift To Natural Healing….It’s Organic As It Comes

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Shift To Natural Healing… It’s Organic As It Comes

The primary objective in Chiropractic is to remove irritation to the central nerve system by securing normal structural relationships.  One must continually appreciate that in Chiropractic, The body through its inherent power or innate intelligence, is the ultimate deciding factor in restoring health.  Shifting your thought process of natural healing begins and ends from within the body first and foremost.  Sickness (Dis-ease) begins from within the body, and the complete opposite can be said that health begins from within the body.  When the CNS is properly functioning it is able to eliminate morbid material and adapt and restore the body on a daily basis.

We understand that certain disease processes more or less cumbersome according to the nerve disturbances and anatomical dis-relation to the body.  For instance, a subluxation exists within the spinal column that creates interference from the nerve fiber to the brain – body connection.  As a result the messages that are being sent from the brain to the body can be hindered in one of two ways; the messages can be too much or not enough.  As a result the organs, cells, tissues, and glands that the nerve supplies overtime can produce hypersensitive or hypo-sensitive responses.  Either way the nerve tone is creating an interference and the body is not in an ideal state.

By maintaining the proper structural relationship within the spinal column your health can be constantly maintained in an ideal state.  Every tissue, cell, and organ within the body is constantly analyzing both its internal and external environment.  With a clear and properly connected CNS the analysis will enable your body to adapt to the continual changing environments that you place it in.  We are witnessing a significant shift away from conventional medicine and towards an ongoing wellness lifestyle.  Natural and effective.

As The Twig Is Bent So Grow’s Your Child’s Spine

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As The Twig Is Bent So Grow’s Your Child’s Spine

Stimulate and energize natural health at the beginning of life.  Why would you want to wait and attempt to mend or restore the spine in later stages?  There is nothing that will give you greater physical, mental, or psychological pleasure than to cultivate good health.  Good health will give you more energy than a pep pill.  It will make you see, feel and hear to the fullest potential.  The early years of life are monumental in sustaining and prolonging good health.  Increase resistance and reduce susceptibility by becoming proactive in you and your families spinal care.

Life Happens

The early years of life is when the central nervous system (CNS) is at its most active and development is just beginning to take place.  Even going back to after conception and the embryonic stage the CNS is the first thing to flourish.  This includes the baby’s brain, spinal cord, and nerves to develop arms, legs, tissues and everything that makes you, you.  The condition of your child’s spine and nerve endings during the early formative years will play a role in his or her future health.  There are certain windows of opportunity when tissues and organs are still developing during the early stages of childhood and a seemingly unimportant spinal injury erupt  into adulthood illnesses.  For this reason alone it is especially important that children’s spines be periodically checked by a chiropractor.  Prevention beats correction every time!

Turn On Chiropractic

Children do suffer from misalignment’s of the spinal column through falls, sports, minor incidents and stress, these misalignment are called subluxations.  When a subluxation goes uncorrected it will place undo stress on the spinal nerve leading to a lack of functional impulses from the brain.  Impulses are constantly sent from the brain, down the spinal column and branched out to every part of the body.  A subluxation will interfere with the nerves ability to properly coordinate and regulate life.  The severity of illness depends on the degree to which life force is shut off by a subluxation resulting the the nerves inability to function correctly.  Chiropractic restores life by releasing imprisoned life impulses. #getchecked


New 406 Article Is Out….Immune Support

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New 406 Article Is Out….Immune Support

Check out the latest 406 article on supporting the Immune System…Naturally!  We are on page 48 of this issue!  Click HERE to go directly to the link!  If your lifestyle does not include enough motion, your body cannot function efficiently.  The central nervous system plays a major role in immune function. Do whatever you can to keep your immune system working properly by removing any source of irritation and keeping your spine healthy and aligned. READ ON AND CLICK THE LINK TO LEARN MORE!

Misdiagnosed And Living With The Aftermath…Find The Cause

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Misdiagnosed And Living With The Aftermath…

Find The Cause!

The great challenge of understanding the body is listening to what it needs.  Signs or symptoms that the body presents are ways that the brain communicates that dysfunction is occurring internally.  No one was born to be sick or riddled with chronic ailments in the body. Oftentimes, people will be diagnosed with a label or some form of condition that just so happens to “fit” what they are experiencing.  All too often people are misdiagnosed or even over diagnosed with label upon label just because their experiences fit the textbook norm of that diagnosis. Instead of accepting a false label or going down multiple rabbit holes why not trace your “effects” back to the cause.

The Cause Behind The Label

Your super information highway, a.k.a the Central Nerve System (CNS), controls every function and action  you experience in life. It does this by creating and replenishing the body via its building blocks…tissue cells.  Tissue cells make up organs, muscles, ligaments, tendons and everything in your body. When the CNS experiences dysfunction within the spinal column via a subluxation (misalignment creating nerve pressure), the specific spinal nerve will lose its normal tone.  Over time, when a subluxation exists uncorrected, the vital organs that are supposed to be properly supplied will receive more messages than they should or not enough. This will be classified as HYPER (more than) or HYPO (less than). This can relate to GI problems. Hypersensitivity would lead to IBS as hypo-sensitivity would lead to constipation.

Regardless of the label that you receive, the nerve is still not in proper tone which creates dysfunction in the CNS leading to damaged tissue cells.   Tissue cells, as a result, will become plagued and over time the body will produce symptoms. Standardized tests might produce findings or might not. What they show might not help you.  What you are prescribed to take to combat the symptoms might produce other symptoms by destroying perfectly healthy tissue cells. Find the cause by addressing the CNS.

Basic Physics Of The Spine

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Basic Physics Of The Spine

Basic physics of the spine begins with the foundation.  To insure durability, every engineer, architect, builder and carpenter knows the importance of a strong foundation.  Any minute change or shift in the foundation will cause deviation in the top part of the structure and, perhaps, ultimately its collapse.  The pelvic girdle is the body’s foundation to maintaining proper communication lines open for the central nerve system (CNS). The CNS, which encompasses the brain and spinal cord, is your body’s lifeline for every function, action and experience you encounter in life.  The vertebrae house and protect the spinal nerves that control organs, cells, tissues and glands.

Open communication

When the pelvic girdle is properly sustained, the CNS has open communication.  Dramatic changes begin to ensue when a subluxation exists in the pelvic girdle; therefore, maximum efficiency and function of the CNS cannot be obtained without a sustainable pelvic girdle.  Subluxations in the spine are easily recognized and will produce symptoms. The first symptoms of subluxated vertebraes will often be internal and range from asthma, allergies, infertility, colic, bed-wetting and the list goes on and on.  However, the pelvis does NOT have nerve endings and subluxations related to the pelvic region can be easily overlooked when one is not familiar with the symptoms.

The Cause

While adjusting and correcting subluxations of the upper part of the spinal column is beneficial, addressing the cause of the problem begins with a full spinal approach to each patient starting from the bottom – up.   For complete and lasting results, the subluxations that are created as a result of a pelvis subluxation need to be properly restored while still balancing and maintaining the integrity of the pelvis. Just think of the chronic forward head posture that we create with our daily lives (cell phones, gadgets, computers).  This puts an immense amount of pressure on the neck and upper back. The pelvic girdle, being your center of gravity, has to maintain function and coordination during extended periods of forward head flexion. The big payoff with good pelvic stability is that we feel healthier, have more energy and move gracefully.

What Do You Consider Pain To Be?

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What Do You Consider Pain To Be?

What do you actually consider pain to be?  When we typically think of pain, we assume it is associated with slamming your hand in a door or some sort of injury, trauma or action that produces the sensation of discomfort.  Our culture assumes that chiropractic care is strictly for pain relief. Furthest assumption from the actual truth. The first “pain” that you might experience may not be a pain at all.   The first sign of a spinal problem is actually the first symptom you have.  A symptom being: lethargy, constipation, IBS, allergies, migraines, infertility, reflux and the list goes on and on.  Symptoms should be the first “PAIN” that is recognized. It would be easier if we ended the symptom with the word pain: lethargy pain, constipation pain, IBS pain, allergy pain, migraine pain, infertility pain, reflux pain…and so on.

Symptoms Are Pain And Pain Are Symptoms

They are one and the same.  Symptoms are pains and pains are symptoms.  Even the definition of SYMPTOM (a sign of the existence of something, especially of an undesirable situation…) states that any known symptom is painful due to the fact that it is undesirable.  Too often we simply get used to a symptom and it becomes a part of our life and we accept it.  When this happens, you are learning to live with pain. Why not learn to live freely and without the presence of dysfunction within the body.  No one was born to be sick.

Take The Road Less Traveled

The easiest way that your body will let you know that dysfunction is present will be through red flags, alarms and any other way to communicate internally that something is amiss.  Your body lets you know via SYMPTOMS. When a nerve is unable to supply the proper demand of energy to the visceral (cells, tissues, glands, organs) the body begins to “act out”. The nerve supply is hindered via a subluxation that exists and limits the potential of the visceral it is supposed to coordinate.  Address the symptoms at the root of the cause. Look to the spine for the cause.