Common Sense For The Common Cold
The common cold and some common sense! Personal contact is decidedly the most likely way in which cold like symptoms are contracted. So, are we supposed to just hibernate during the season and avoid any contact with other people? That could work, and it would be very boring at the same time. When your body does respond to the common cold the first line of defense is going to be sneezing and maybe a runny nose. These can be very annoying and we are told by many advertisements to suppress these signs and symptoms. Sneezing is a way your body defends against the common cold when your immune system senses attackers in your nasal and sinus cavities. Coughing is another way your body defends against the common cold, yet ads in magazines and television say to take a cough suppressant or a pain reliever for a fever. Your bodies immune system uses coughing to get rid of unwanted invaders in the throat and chest. Pain reliever for a fever? FACT: Viruses and bacteria cant live in higher temperatures, hence your bodies response to produce a fever to provide inadequate conditions so the invaders die.
The common cold and chiropractic! Of course we have to involve chiropractic in this discussion! When your nerve system is free of subluxations (what chiropractors find and correct) your resistance to “catching” common cold’s are at its optimum. Chiropractic allows your body to ward off sickness and disease by allowing your nerve system to function the way it is supposed to be, which means your immune system is 100% as well as all your other systems! Chiropractors are the only ones that access and correct subluxations that rob your nerves of their full potential (your body’s full potential). Chiropractic is the best PREventative measure for the common cold.