Age Is Not A Disease – Why Chiropractic Works

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Age Is Not A Disease – Why Chiropractic Works

Age is not a disease.  Many new patients that begin chiropractic care and happen to be older present with numerous health problems.  The first response that is given to why this has happened is because they are “getting older.”  Our society deems that after a certain time of living everything is just completely lost.  Time for social security, AARP, pill consumption, and hospital visits.  This does not have to be the case.  Starting with a healthy body begins and ends with the inside.

The Age Of Research

It was also great to discover that after 12 weeks of chiropractic care the participants physical component of health-related quality of life had improved significantly (The Reality Check).  One of the biggest challenges we face as we age is using all of our senses together.  All your senses coordinate specific actions that the brain has to process and utilize to allow you to function.  As we age we understand that our processing is just a “little” slower than it was when we were in our twenties.  Now, it does not mean that our processing is not there though.  Multi-sensory processing is allowing the brain to coordinate proper function through specific movement of the spine.  The spine provides all nourishment to the brain to allow proper expression of health.

Age Is Beauty

Aging does not have to feared and loathed that health problems are right around the corner. Often health challenges comes with neglect that we perceive we are healthy because we “look” good on the outside.  So, age gracefully and plan on chiropractic to keep you going.  By adjusting a specific subluxation within the spine, the brain has complete awareness of what is going on.  A subluxation puts the blindfold over the brain.  Better to have awareness than to let the body guess on your health.





Protect Your Neck

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Protect Your Neck

Posture, posture, posture!  It seems like we have always been reminded about the responsibility of our posture and what it involves to make sure we are walking around straight.  In our growing society of computers, cell phones, videos games, and gadgets our posture often becomes compromised.  With the technology changes often we compromise our posture, more specifically speaking our neck posture.  Protect your muscles by having sound bio-mechanics with your posture on a day to day basis when dealing with “gadgets.”

Text Neck

Text neck is a trend that is making headway and is most likely here to stay as long as cell phones are a daily part of our lives.  When texting, the biggest component to protect your posture is to bring the cell phone UP to your eyes and not bring your eyes down to the phone.  This in time will create fundamental habits to protect your muscles and support your posture.  Text neck over time creates disturbances within your spine by creating constant muscle tension and fatigue by improper posture.

Computer Neck

Computer neck applies not only to PCs but also video games and tablets as well.  You see people that have computer neck in two different variables.  There are the individuals that have their monitor setup and have them leaning in so far forward that they are almost touching the screen with their nose.  They have rounded shoulders and their head is so far forward that this just becomes the new norm for them.  The other variable with computers are the individuals who have good posture but their monitor is below eye level.  This in time resembles that of text neck as they are constantly looking down towards their monitor.  Both of these variables chronically place discomfort on the surrounding muscles and strain them over time.


Chiropractic relieves constant muscle fatigue, tension, tightness and anything else you can think of when it comes to improper posture.  Chiropractic addresses the nerves that are controlling the muscles thus relieving symptoms naturally.  Chiropractic properly aligns the spine to allow your body to function and restore normal posture.  This is done by relieving stress upon the nerves that enable your body to heal and adapt over time to create that picture perfect posture we were always taught about.


The Immune System Vs The Flu

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Immune System Vs The Flu

That time of the year is already upon us as we get ready for the upcoming holidays.  When we get to challenge our immune system and see how our body handles the constant bombardment of The Flu!  Remember the flu is not an actual season, it can happen or occur at any time of the year (for the sake of this blog we will keep it intact that it’s an actual season).  The immune system regulates and controls a vast array of organs, tissues, glands, and cells to make up what we know as the immune system.  We often overlook the immune system and only recognize its inabilities when we become sick.  The immune system is constantly running, thriving, and upgrading every single day.  Your body is constantly exposed to new pathogens (invaders to the body) and it’s the immune systems responsibility on how you perceive and interpret this data.  When The Flu strikes your body, you begin to have signs and symptoms.

Signs and symptoms that your immune system is compromised from the flu are far from in between.  You could feel sluggish, run down, develop a cough, sneezing, fever, chest congestion, diarrhea, etc.  The flu is not just one symptom that your body shows, but rather a bunch of signs and symptoms put together.  When your immune system is compromised and you develop a sign and symptom your body should fight and defend itself for 1-2 days and then restore normal function.  You should not be sick for weeks at a time or longer than 3 days, if this is the case then your body is taking a little longer than expected.  Why would that be the case?  Possibly due to a dysfunctional nerve system leading to an unhealthy immune system!  What if you are constantly getting sick over and over again? Again, possibly due to a dysfunctional nerve system leading to an unhealthy immune system!

Subluxations occur within the spine which create a central nerve system DYSFUNCTION.  Subluxations are what chiropractors are trained to find and adjust.  Imagine a subluxation as being a downed power line, it’s a dangerous situation to be in. Power is still being transmitted but is not sending and receiving the proper information.  A subluxation still allows the nerve to send messages, but not too its full potential nor to the right amount.  This in time will lead to a depressed immunity which inhibits your true potential on how you respond to the flu or any pathogen for that matter.  Your nerve system regulates and controls all other systems within the body.  The immune system is not overlooked, if at the first sign of the flu you jump to use medication you are losing the fight.  By just masking signs and symptoms with medication you never realize the potential that your immune system can have.  Proper health begins with a healthy functioning nerve system.  Get your nerves checked to allow you to fight the healthy battle.



Autism Help Through Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Autism Help Through Chiropractic

Parents that are going through the development of a child should have the opportunity to enjoy every moment.  Children that are diagnosed with autism should have the same opportunities that every other family experiences.  First, recognize that autism is a very self-limiting name, and for that fact is just a name that often can be over-used and improperly thrown around.  We call that name calling.  Verbal communication, behavioral patterns, and social interaction are some of the most common patterns that are exhibited with autism.  First and foremost, autism is a neurological problem.  “Something” has to be affecting the child’s behavior and development as they continue to grow.  Some of the most common cases that we see in the office are: mother had a prior drug related problem during pregnancy, difficult or traumatic birth, and adverse reaction to vaccinations.  Keep in mind that every case is different, these are just a sample of the most common occurrences that we notice in their histories.  All of these issues create a neurological compromise on the child’s developing nerve system.

Autism help through chiropractic?  What does that even mean?  Chiropractic is a science strictly based with the nerve system, in essence chiropractors are nerve system specialists.  Chiropractors are trained to access the nerve system for proper function by finding and adjusting specific vertebral subluxations.  A vertebral subluxation occurs within the spinal column causing the entire nerve system to become compromised.  This subluxation creates dysfunction within the ENTIRE body by limiting the body’s true potential.  Think of a subluxation as a downed power-line.  There is still power/energy being transmitted but it is not sending and receiving the proper communication as if it was properly connected.  Imagine not being able to interpret incoming data from your external environment or process thought patterns.  By accessing your child’s nerve system with chiropractic, you can give them the best option of recovering and restoring normal function for that individual.  Autism seems to be a growing trend and parents deserve to have every moment be enjoyable with their child.  Your child deserves to have a nerve system that is functioning at their optimal potential.

Autism and chiropractic have been tested.  The results are in, chiropractic is here to stay and help families enjoy those moments.  Want to read more about autism and chiropractic: Click Me.


The Perfect Immune Boosters

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Perfect Immune Boosters

Immune boosters are coming in all sorts of items, boxes, pills, and powders.  We expect that we have to take something to boost our immune system.  While that can definitely help you in a bind, the perfect immune boosters are within your own body!  Your nerve system is the master controller of your body.  If nerve dysfunction is present, your immune system will be functioning at a lower level, thus making your overall body more susceptible.  “In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School Of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist.”  Chiropractic understands that the body is an entire unit, which is directly controlled and regulated by your nerve system (your brain is at the center of this).  Yes, we sound a little repetitive, but this is not NEW NEWS to us.  The article goes on to say, “We believe that for every neurological disease that has an immune component to it, these vessels may play a major role.”  Every experience in life = controlled by your nerve system.

Want some immune boosters?  Then make sure your nerve system is functioning to it’s optimal potential.  More importantly, make sure your children are having their nerves checked for dysfunction.  Starting our children off with inappropriate rounds of antibiotics, miss-diagnosed symptoms, and unforgiving medication can wreak havoc on a young developing immune system.  Inappropriate medication is usually processed in your children’s GI system.  Our GI system plays a central role in immune system homeostasis.  So, then our children start developing food allergies, sensitivities and so on, setting up a poor model of health for our young ones.  Have your nerves checked by a chiropractor and make sure your body’s systems are connected.  Your natural immune boosters come from a connected nerve and immune system that are automatically hardwired to work together and allow your body to heal, adapt and become stronger. 


Check out the “NEW NEWS” : Click Me




Energy Levels Decreased Mid-Day – Ryhmes & Reasons Why

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Energy Levels Decreased Mid-Day – Rhymes & Reasons Why


Mid-day hits and all of a sudden our body feels drained and almost like we need a power-nap.  It’s only 2:30 p.m. though and it seems that this keeps happening over and over again.  Your energy levels are becoming depleted before the day is over.  I can try and combat this with some fruity-tooty energy drink, extra coffee, more sugar, or a caffeine drip into my arm.  Seems like no matter what you do your body keeps wearing down its energy stores every day around the same time.  So, let’s start at the foundation of this issue.  Hands down, on a daily basis, we know our diet and regular exercise are essential for a vital life.  This is at our common core and true fundamentals.  Ok, now that the diet and exercise have been dealt with, let’s dive into the chiropractic rationale.  You could eat all your greens and run 10 miles a day and still not be healthy, or have the energy you want.  If your body has an inability to process all of your super greens and all the miles you run, that processing is dealt specifically and solely with YOUR nerve system.  

Alright, what is one thing that we experience every single day for our entire life that everyone has to go “through?”  Gravity!  So, what holds us up?  Our skeletal system.  What keeps our skeletal system together and functioning correctly?  Our musculoskeletal system.  Who controls our musculoskeletal system to make sure we are firing on all cylinders?  YOUR nerve system!  Now, imagine if you have bad posture and you have improper curvatures in your spinal column.  Your muscles are not only going to be working to go against gravity, they are and will be working to keep you upright due to your improper curvatures.  So, your muscles will be working over-time due to your body’s ability to make sure you stay upright. In conclusion, you will be consuming more energy and your entire health will be compromised (lowered energy levels as well).  Have your nerves checked by a chiropractor and sustain proper function and control of your muscle tone and balance.  Control the nerve, control your energy levels.


The Chiropractic Skeptic Guide

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

The Chiropractic Skeptic Guide

The Chiropractic skeptic has and will always be a part of our profession.  Who is this chiropractic skeptic?  Well, unfortunately it is someone who has “tried” chiropractic before and probably had a bad experience. The chiropractic skeptic could be someone who has never ever been to a chiropractor before.  In both instances there needs to be a remedy.  For the first chiropractic skeptic, who had a bad experience, we would say just because you “tried” a chiropractor doesn’t mean you experienced chiropractic.  A specific, principled chiropractor that goes after the cause of your condition and not treating symptoms is where you need to be.  Chiropractic is having your nerve system accessed for possible dysfunction, thus leading to signs and symptoms.  Experience a chiropractor who checks and if necessary adjusts subluxations.

The chiropractic skeptic who has never experienced chiropractic before.  They might simply think they don’t have pain, so don’t need to see a chiropractor.  To that we say, chiropractors are nerve system specialists.  Your central nerve system is the master controller, branched off of your central nerve system: motor nerves, sensory nerves, and autonomic nerves.  Sensory nerves feeling the actual “pain” is extremely small.  Nerve tension can and does exist without the actual sensation of “pain”.  Hence, why chiropractors check for possible subluxations.  Have to make sure your motor nerves, autonomic nerves and sensory nerves are functioning correctly.  There is a vast difference between how you feel and how you function.  Chiropractors are concerned with how your nerve system functions as one unit together.  Chiropractors do not take away nor do they give you anything for your body.  If your master control system is functioning at 100%, then your organs, cells, tissues, and glands are functioning at 100%.  Granted this is just a short blog.  There is ton’s of information for the chiropractic skeptic that will answer any doubt or thought process.  All you have to do is ask.

The Chiropractic Facts

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

The Chiropractic Facts

People’s opinions and thoughts about what chiropractic is varies from state to state, city to city, and in some instances family to family.  The hardcore chiropractic facts are set in stone, it is just a matter of our/my generation messing it up for others.  The year was 1895 and the very first chiropractic adjustment was performed by Dr. D.D. Palmer in Davenport, IA.  The adjustment was for the restoration of a hearing loss!  That is the beginning of some chiropractic facts.  In 1895 Frederick E Blaisdell patents the pencil as well…..that is not chiropractic facts.  It is pretty important what Dr. Palmer accomplished at that time.  He also set a foundation to explore new values, principles, and an understanding of what the body is capable of.  Before the first adjustment Dr. Palmer was a magnetic healer and tried many other different types of healing arts.  After the first adjustment the study and foundation of chiropractic was established, no more magnets.

Did Dr. Palmer use some sort of blueberry enzyme soap, magnets, health plus Vit C, or some electrical laser for the first adjustment?  NO!  The only tools at his disposal were his hands.  Chiro means hand in Latin.  Practic in Latin means practice.  Chiropractors use their hands to find and locate disturbances (subluxations = a bone, muscle, tissue pressing upon a nerve thus creating dysfunction in one’s system) and adjust them.  Here are some chiropractic facts.  If somebodies master control system (nerve system) is not allowing them to adapt to their stress in life, then your body will not express its full potential.  How does someone not adapt?  Your body will give you signs and symptoms: the flu, headaches, sciatica, ADHD, acid re-flux, hemorrhoids, infertility, and indigestion…get the picture?  Chiropractic allows your body to adapt and HEAL by itself.  No gimmicks, and no possible side effects like you see on drug advertisements.  The only side effect that chiropractic produces is to express life the way you were supposed to.  Chiropractic facts.


Some fun interesting chiropractic facts: Click ME


Health Problems Caused By Stress

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Health Problems Caused By Stress

Health problems caused by stress are far from in between.  Coming into a chiropractic office we tend to think of people with back pain or neck pain.  Yes, we do see those individuals.  The PRIMARY reason why people come into the chiropractic office is due to the stress in their life.  Health problems caused by stress are due to the individual’s failure to adapt to that stress.  What does it mean failure to adapt?  If you are cut you begin to bleed and then a scab forms.  Eventually your body will adapt and overcome.  Your body will heal.  When your body has a failure to adapt to the stress that is in your life, your body does not heal.  It is as simple as that.   One effect of chronic stress is prolonged muscle tension and contraction.  Who controls the muscles?  The nerves.  Chronic stress = nerve irritation.

Health problems caused by stress come about in three different ways: emotional, chemical, and physical.  Stress placed on your body takes many different forms.  Health problems caused by stress is directly proportional to how your nerve system is functioning.  If your nerve system is compromised due to stress and is not sending proper communication, your body begins to suffer as a direct consequence.  Chiropractic care allows your body to run uninterrupted.  If your master control system is functioning at 100% then your body is given the fighting chance it deserves.  Health problems caused by stress are severely limited when your body’s master system is functioning at 100%.  Chiropractic is the only science directing attention to assessing and adjusting spinal subluxations (stress on your nerves).  Regular check-ups with your doctor of chiropractic can prevent stress from plaguing your body.

Health problems caused by stress is different for everybody.  The factor that stays the same for everybody is how you are able to adapt and overcome it depends on how your nerve system is functioning.  A fun interesting read for more about stress click on the link : Click Me.

The Healing Aid or Crutch

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

The Healing Aid or Crutch

Ever wonder if your body has the healing power you are designed to have?  Well, it does!  The healing power that your body has is capable of anything!  Chiropractic is not designed to make you instantly feel better, it is designed to make you heal!  When you sustain an injury such as a cut on your hand what happens?  You begin to bleed, a scab forms, and eventually your skin looks no  different then before.  HEALING!  Your body did not require any form of medication or any outside influence.  The same can be said for just about anything (within limits of matter).  If you decide to start giving your body a crutch or a band-aid over and over again, it will soon begin to depend on those forms of assistance.  Our analogy here for crutch and band-aid is that of medication, drugs, dope, unnecessary surgery, etc, etc.  Allow your body to do what it is supposed to do uninfluenced by outside means.

Chiropractic and healing are synonymous.  Chiropractic allows your body to heal the way it was intended.  Chiropractic care is health care allowing your body to restore proper connection inside and allowing your amazing body to do what it is supposed to do!  Common side effects of chiropractic care allowing your body to heal properly include but are not limited to: positive stamina, reduced drug use, elevated mood, restful sleep, improved mood, and improved immune and digestive health.  The list goes on and on.  As our world gets sicker and sicker more people are reaching out to alternative means.  Chiropractic is not considered true alternative, in fact it is it’s own complete identity of a paradigm of what health is.  The power that made the body heals the body.  Chiropractic allows healing to flourish naturally.