Healthy Central Nerve System = Healthy Immune System

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The master control system (central nerve system, CNS) directly coordinates and controls every other system in the human body. Second to the CNS in importance of keeping our bodies in optimal health is the immune system. The immune system is our body’s natural defense against foreign invaders such as toxins, pollutants, bacteria, germs and other external stressors. Your body is constantly on guard to defend against such stressors and needs to be in an ideal state for the immune system to function properly. 

The main way the CNS and the immune system communicate is via chemical messengers which are released by nerve cells. The CNS affects the immune system both directly and indirectly. The direct effect is via communication of nerve cells with white blood cells; while the indirect effect is through blood-borne neurotransmitters and hormones.

What inhibits your immune system response to effectively defend against stressors? Improper dysfunction within the CNS will create internal interference between every system that the CNS coordinates. Subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column) will create undo stress upon a single nerve fiber creating internal chaos and improper coordination. When a subluxation exists the first system in your body that becomes weakened will be the immune system and your immune responses. 

A subluxation impedes the CNS’s ability to properly coordinate and effectively control all other systems in the human body. A subluxaion is stress on your immune system. This in turn will deplete the immune system’s ability to properly adapt and heal due to the chronic inflammation placed upon the body via a subluxation. With chronic inflammation the immune system adversely is weakened and not properly able to coordinate neurological and biological communication, which decreases your immune cell production and leads to chronic sickness. 

The foundation of health begins with a properly functioning CNS. It has been demonstrated that balancing and maximizing the coordination of the CNS is key to optimal health and immune system function.

Why Specificity Matters

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Specificity matters. Without specificity you have nothing. In the Gonstead method of Chiropractic specificity is KEY. One of the first and most important criteria that enables specificity is the x-ray analysis. X-ray analysis allows the Chiropractor to pinpoint the specific subluxations (misalignment’s) that need corrected and more importantly to find the compensations that do not need to be corrected. Without this criteria one can simply guess as to the correct subluxation. 

The specific adjustment should be applied in the direction which is consistent with the physiological movement of the vertebra being adjusted. The contact point should be as precise as possible so that the concentrated force is delivered in the structures that need be. It should be stated that the specific adjustment is in the form of a dynamic thrust that is introduced into the body, and the innate intelligence of that body will utilize the dynamic thrust, to make the necessary corrections and reduce subluxation, thereby removing nerve interference. 

The primary objective in Chiropractic is to remove irritation to the central nerve system by securing normal structural relationships. Specificity is key because everyone does not have the same problem. There is no cookie-cutter formula to Chiropractic and everyone does not receive the same adjustment. The adjustment is specific and unique to you based on your structural relationship of your spinal column. Life is motion, and chiropractic seeks to restore motion objectively for your spine and yours alone. 

Utilizing the Gonstead method of Chiropractic grants the Chiropractic a system, analysis, and a scientific protocol that can be applied to everyone. When you have a method of Chiropractic that is replicable due to the fact that it produces results based on each different patient, then you have validity which produces a scientific approach. If you’re tired of treating symptoms and just getting by, Gonstead Chiropractic seeks the specific cause of why. In order to be truly healthy, it’s vital that your central nerve system be functioning free of interference. 

Confused About What Chiropractic Care Is? How About What It Is Not.

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According to journalist Anna Quindlen, the greatest advance in health care in our lifetime has not been transplants or new pharmaceuticals: it has been the rise of the informed consumer. Now, with this knowledge often comes with a mix of good and bad results. Just look how the internet has changed our perspective on “How to’s” or “fix it yourself” videos or blogs that give you insight. A great example of this is Pinterest. There are whole sites out there dedicated to “Pinterest Fails” (people who have attempted to do it themselves and failed).

The message is quite similar when talking about what Chiropractic is and what it is not. Many of the confusions that come with Chiropractic are represented by Chiropractors themselves and have brought disarray to the public mind as to what Chiropractic embraces. Chiropractic does not fall into traditional “health care” as this is really a sickness business that only functions re-actively, after people have become sick. Chiropractic is about focusing health care on staying healthy and preventing sickness.

Think of a Chiropractor as a bio-engineer, they seek to correct the faulty structure of the human body and enable the body to adapt itself. We have established that a subluxation perpetuates disease by irritation of the central nerve system. This is established that a subluxation is a change in environment of a joint and that it causes irritation of the nerve system. Furthermore, the irritation of the central nerve system results in the cause of alteration in the transmission of impulses, and that is the cause of most disease.  

One fact remains and does not change for what Chiropractic is. The removal of subluxation, particularly within the vertebral column, for the correction of dis-ease and restoration of health, is Chiropractic. One may alter the method of practice for some unknown reason or alter the definition. However, the basic truth of Chiropractic cannot be altered. Anything other than this basic truth and its intended application is not and cannot be identified as Chiropractic. 

Inform yourself with what Chiropractic is and what it is not. Ask your Chiropractor! Inspire people to know the truth, seek the truth! #getchecked

How Long Does Chiropractic Care Last?

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Great question!  The age old adage is that when you start seeing a Chiropractor you will have to keep going.  Why?  This statement has merit yet without the proper context seems like insanity.  Chiropractic is a natural approach to health focusing specifically and solely on the central nerve system (the master control system).  Without an optimal functioning central nerve system health itself cannot manifest.  All the systems of the human body are controlled, regulated, and coordinated everyday via the central nerve system.  SAFE to say that health comes from within the body! 

A Chiropractor is a trained professional that utilizes hands-on adjustments. We are the only profession skilled in naturally finding and correcting dysfunction (subluxations) within the central nerve system via adjustments. Now, this does not answer the question how long Chiropractic care lasts, yet it is sufficient to understand our role.

How long Chiropractic care lasts is ultimately up the patient.  It’s similar to saying “how long would I like to stay healthy?”  Chiropractic care is not an ER visit.  While some do utilize Chiropractic in this fashion, you will only ever receive ER (quick fix) results with your care rather than lasting effects. It’s basically saying that only 1 time a month you will eat some sort of vegetable to keep you strong and vibrant.  Does it work?  It doesn’t cause you any harm.  Chiropractic care is a natural, drug-less approach to health and your overall well-being.  The care is adapted to each patient and how their body either requires more or less. We have a pharmacy inside us that is absolutely exquisite, it makes the right medicine for the precise time, for the right target organ – with no side effects – Deepak Chopra.  The Law of supply and demand. 

Think of it this way.  When you visit a medical doctor for a symptom you typically receive a medication.  Present a symptom and we will present you with a pill.  The purpose of the pill is to create a chemical imbalance within the body thus masking the symptom. How long should you be on the pill?  Maybe a couple of weeks or until the symptoms resolve.  Did your body heal and adapt? NO!  So, when the symptoms show up again a week later because you are off the pill you should probably go back on it…and for a longer period of time this round.  So, when do we ever truly stop the cascade of events?  Why not incorporate a natural, drug less approach to health and your overall well-being.  The human body, when it is functioning on all cylinders, will make any chemical that it requires.  You only need to stay healthy.  How long does Chiropractic care last? You decide.  You can make time for wellness or you can make time for sickness later. 

Investing In Your Health

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Investing in your health is a path that often goes untraveled.  Much like the famous poet Robert Frost in his telling of The Road Less Traveled, we often take the road of the least resistance.  We conform to societies beliefs that your health is something that can be bought.  That health comes in the form of a pill, lotion, or potion conjured to make money off of the sick.  Contrary to popular belief, we were designed to be healthy.  Health is innately given to us and we have to invest in it.  The road less traveled is often in the form of natural healing, letting the body heal itself.  Chiropractors approximately only serve 10% of the population.  Most people think Chiropractors are CRAZY to educate the masses that the most important system that controls, regulates, and services every human function in your body needs periodic check-ups to ensure optimal function.  Most people thought Steven Jobs was CRAZY when he introduced the IPhone without any buttons (the social norm was Blackberries)!   

Investing in your health comes with education.  The role of the Chiropractor is not to simply adjust patients but to “check” patients as well with a systematic scientific technique that looks for imbalances along the spine creating dis-ease not only within the central nerve system but within the body.  Without a healthy central nerve system health does not exist.  Proper education is in place to empower patients.  Much of what Chiropractic stands for is validated scientifically in every human anatomy textbook, yet society will always attempt to perpetuate those methods which better serve mankind.   In this office we have a conviction stronger than a desire not just to please, but to serve the masses with specific and scientifically based natural healing.   

Big business influences the health care policy.  Big business is not interested in the road less traveled.  You don’t see Chiropractic advertisements on television with “Chiropractic Hospitals” you only see medical advertisements.  Realize the central nerve system is the only system in the body protected by bone.  The brain has the skull and the spinal cord has the spinal bones.  It must be pretty important if we were designed that way!  Investing in your health begins with taking care of the inside first, the central nerve system.  A subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column) is not a complete cycle for the body.  Your body’s innate intelligence is designed to keep you functioning.  Chiropractors work with innate intelligence to assist the body in achieving better function and to get it working at optimal potential. 

Disc Disc Disc, The Importance Of The Disc Within The Spine

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Disc Disc Disc, The Importance Of The Disc Within The Spine

Let’s talk about disc spacing and why it often gets left out when discussing spinal hygiene.  A disc acts as a cushion between each single vertebra and is your shock absorber for every action that you encounter in life.  Think gravity!  Not only does it function as a shock absorber, it allows proper spacing between each spinal bone to form a canal in which the spinal nerve exits through.  This canal provides protection and open communication for the spinal nerve to be a two way communicator from the brain to the body and the body to the brain.  This makes it vitally important to your overall health.

Understanding the disc space comes from utilizing x-ray analysis.  As a Gonstead chiropractor we study and analyze the x-ray films to calculate and adjust “through” the disc space.  It is the analysis of the disc and the changes it undergoes that gives the most reliable information for locating the subluxation.  To judge the level and condition of the subluxation is to access the surrounding disc space.  When a subluxation occurs it creates a displacement within the spinal column which will place stress upon the disc.  As a result the disc will produce undo stress upon the spinal nerve exiting through the canal.  This in turn will create health problems.

Subluxations that remain uncorrected will cause calcium deposits and bone spurs to occur.  Nerve and soft tissue damage will ensue.  The subluxated vertebrae will become rough and uneven on the surfaces compressing the disc and resulting in the loss of its natural cushioning.  The process accelerates causing the disc to collapse and fusion begins.  The final stage of disc degeneration from an uncorrected subluxation is when the bones are fused together creating immobility and even more severe health problems.  Keep the disc space alive and mobile with specific adjustments and you keep the channel open for the nerve to express your life through.  Happy disc = happy nerve = healthy you.

Tackling Gut Problems From Within The Body

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Tackling Gut Problems From Within The Body

The Gut!  Tackling gut problems from within the body is focused on decreasing internal inflammation that is causing symptoms to appear in people who have “gut problems.”  What kind of gut problems?  IBS, constipation, diverticulitis, reflux, etc etc.  The list goes on and on when it comes to gut problems.  More people become concerned with the symptom that they have and attempt to cover -up the signs they are producing besides addressing the actual concern.  The brain – body connection is dysfunctional.

Remember that the central nervous system coordinates, controls, and makes everything in your entire body.  The CNS does this via a network of cables called nerves.  When a nerve becomes irritated in the spinal column due to instability from a subluxation, the nerve is not in normal ‘tone’.  As a direct result of the nerve being irritated in the spinal column, the organs, cells, tissues, and glands that the nerve coordinates will become dysfunctional as well.  How so?  The spine is a direct extension from the brain.  When a nerve is not in normal ‘tone’ and not sending the proper messages, the body in return will show symptoms from that subluxation. Think of it like a super highway that is under construction.  Who honestly likes construction on a super highway?  No one!

A study from the 2016 Gastroenterology journal suggests that the vagus nerve is extremely precious not only for homeostasis of a variety of organ systems, but also for the regulation of appetite, mood, and inflammation.  Common gut conditions can be greatly influenced by the function of the vagus nerve.  It’s all about the brain – body connection.  Research confirms the importance of a well adjusted spine on the function of the vagus nerve.  Optimal function begins and ends from within the body.  Don’t treat symptoms. Chiropractic can get your digestive system working by focusing on the cause.  A healthy lifestyle not only changes your body, it changes your attitude and your mood.

Being Healthy Is Not Addictive…It Is Rewarding

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Being Healthy Is Not Addictive… It Is Rewarding

Your Body Rewards Itself

People often say on social media blasts that chiropractic is “addictive”.  Well… to put this slanderous phrase aside we would not be breaking glass by telling you that the opiate epidemic is gaining more and more fuel for being…. addictive.  Chiropractic is a natural healing art, science, and philosophy that is based on restoring normal tone between the brain and body connection, it is not additive.  It’s rewarding.  A great deal of confusion exists about the proper role of Chiropractic.  Chiropractic deals strictly with the central nervous system (CNS) the most important system in the human body (it created every system in your body).  Chiropractors look for irritated nerves that result from subluxations that exist along the spinal column.  These subluxations create undo stress upon the CNS and plague the body with a sympathetic dominance, fight or flight mode, state of health.  The nerve system that exits through the spinal column is an extension of the brain.  Every spinal nerve MADE, controls, and regulates every cell, organ, and tissue fiber in your body!


When interference exists from the brain/body connection via a subluxation it is the Chiropractors job to locate and specifically adjust the subluxation.  When the interfered nerve is safely and accurately adjusted it can correct the subluxation that is causing the dysfunction within the body.  The innate power within the body is responsible for healing and restoring the correct impulses from the brain body connection.  Why would your body not reward itself for positive activities and a process that it seeks to restore itself?  Your body is designed to heal naturally without the need for drugs. Chiropractic works to remove blocks to enhance your body’s natural healing ability.


Why Lions, Tigers, Bears and Lifting Fridges While Drinking Whiskey Do Not Mix

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Why Lions, Tigers, Bears and Lifting Fridges While Drinking Whiskey Do Not Mix

This statement itself is stating the obvious, right?  Hopefully you read the title and innately knew that this title was absurd and none of these activities or animals should be played with.  Now, we are not speaking from experience nor would we condone lifting a fridge while drinking whiskey and messing with lions, tigers, and bears.  What’s the purpose of this week’s blog, then?  The purpose of this week’s blog is… stating the obvious. 

Know Us Before You Need Us.

Most people judge their health by how they feel.  Since the first symptom of our Western lifestyle induced diseased state is typically death or some sort of life altering hospital visit, it is safe to say that assessing how you feel is not the most accurate way to measure your health. Stating the obvious.

Know us before you need us.  The ‘us’ is in reference to your chiropractor.  Only go to your chiropractor when you are in pain…said nobody ever!  Only going to the chiropractor when you are in pain is equivalent to eating healthy foods only when you are sick.  Stating the obvious.

It does not make sense.  Back pain, neck pain, and any kind of pain is no fun.  We understand that.  While chiropractic can help you with the pain and get you out of pain naturally, it does not mean you are better.  Healing the body is a process.  Ignore the process of healing and ADAPTING and you will begin the insanity cycle.  Stating the obvious.

Can I Get The Quick Fix?

Every cell, organ, and tissue is controlled by your Central Nerve System.  Since your spine protects the Central Nerve System, wouldn’t it be a good idea to keep it aligned?  Stating the obvious. 

The “one and done” adjustment does not work in chiropractic nor in life.  Buyer beware!  It’s the maintenance that counts.  Your health, or more importantly, the system that regulates your health (central nerve system), is no different than anything else in life.  It requires regular check-ups.  Stating the obvious.

The Truth…

Although regular checks-ups and the maintenance of the central nerve system is important, it is not a chiropractic law.  It’s nature’s law.  Preventing future problems from occurring and old ones from returning is continual adaptation to keep one in the ideal state of health.  Stating the obvious.