Specificity matters. Without specificity you have nothing. In the Gonstead method of Chiropractic specificity is KEY. One of the first and most important criteria that enables specificity is the x-ray analysis. X-ray analysis allows the Chiropractor to pinpoint the specific subluxations (misalignment’s) that need corrected and more importantly to find the compensations that do not need to be corrected. Without this criteria one can simply guess as to the correct subluxation.
The specific adjustment should be applied in the direction which is consistent with the physiological movement of the vertebra being adjusted. The contact point should be as precise as possible so that the concentrated force is delivered in the structures that need be. It should be stated that the specific adjustment is in the form of a dynamic thrust that is introduced into the body, and the innate intelligence of that body will utilize the dynamic thrust, to make the necessary corrections and reduce subluxation, thereby removing nerve interference.
The primary objective in Chiropractic is to remove irritation to the central nerve system by securing normal structural relationships. Specificity is key because everyone does not have the same problem. There is no cookie-cutter formula to Chiropractic and everyone does not receive the same adjustment. The adjustment is specific and unique to you based on your structural relationship of your spinal column. Life is motion, and chiropractic seeks to restore motion objectively for your spine and yours alone.
Utilizing the Gonstead method of Chiropractic grants the Chiropractic a system, analysis, and a scientific protocol that can be applied to everyone. When you have a method of Chiropractic that is replicable due to the fact that it produces results based on each different patient, then you have validity which produces a scientific approach. If you’re tired of treating symptoms and just getting by, Gonstead Chiropractic seeks the specific cause of why. In order to be truly healthy, it’s vital that your central nerve system be functioning free of interference.