Stop The Insanity…Look For The Cause

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, energy, immune system | No Comments

Stop the insanity. Expecting the same results over and over again is not an ideal situation to be in. When it comes to your health, there will always be the latest and greatest health trend to emerge and last for a short while. Why? Often times, the things that are the hardest and yet simplest to perform, are overlooked by public interest growing a new trend. When it comes to your health, the foundation starts and ends with the central nerve system.

A teacher and a student were walking along a riverbank talking about life. When both of them noticed someone in the river drowning. The student immediately jumped in to save the drowning individual and pull them to safety. As the teacher and student continued their walk they noticed another person in the river drowning, once again the student jumps in to save the person and pull them to safety. As they continued their walk this event continued to happen and finally the teacher kept walking to find the cause. The teacher, instead of saving the drowning individuals, searched for the cause and found that these people were jumping off a bridge.

This is a simple story to gain insight on addressing the cause instead of performing the same actions over and over with little to no results. Rescuing drowning people is a noble quest, yet addressing the cause and educating before they jump is even more noteworthy.

Everyone should know something about the spine which protects your central nerve system. That knowledge would give all people a much better understanding of one of the marvels of the body. It would enable each individual to reason the “how and why” of ill health. When it is understood that every tissue cell, and every organ of the body is connected to and controlled by the central nerve system, then one can more readily grasp the importance of maintaining a spine free of dysfunction.

Why We Don’t Guess

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Why would you guess when you can be accurate? Guessing or jumping to conclusions will result in more consequences than positive actions. Take for instance a home inspector who found mold on some drywall in a house. When the inspector begins sampling the rest of the house for mold to find the cause, he does not put the sample strips directly on the area where the mold is exposed. Why? Just because it is the most obvious area doesn’t mean it is the source. So, the inspector begins to “inspect” other areas that are not EXPOSED.

In Gonstead Chiropractic one of the most important criteria is to eliminate guessing when it comes to your body by use of x-ray analysis. With x-ray analysis we are able to specifically locate subluxations (misalignment’s within the spine creating nerve dysfunction) and eliminate compensations. 

What’s a compensation? In Chiropractic we adopt universal laws that have sustained the test of time. Take for instance Newtons Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action. When a subluxation occurs it changes the normal condition of pressure, tension, shape, size and length of the surrounding structures. In other words the subluxation creates compensations elsewhere that are not the area of concern. Finding the right area to adjust becomes the name of the game. 

The body is designed to be intelligent and accurate for the sustainability of life. This is no different when you take care of your spine with Chiropractic care. You want accuracy. When you eliminate guessing, you allow the body to be intelligent and make accurate decisions when healing. If things aren’t moving the way they are supposed to move, other areas will begin to become affected as well. Remember the body is a unit altogether. It wants to be healthy. So, be accurate when making healthy choices and eliminate the guessing.

Why Does Your Spine ‘Need Checked’

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Why does your spine ‘need checked’? Think of your brain and your spinal cord as the most important highway ever designed. Messages that the brain sends travel through the spinal cord and exit via spinal nerves to transmit messages to the smallest parts of your body called tissue cells. The tissue cells then alternatively send messages back through the spinal nerves up the spinal cord back to the brain in perfect unison. To further grasp this communication highway, realize this: ‘90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine’ – Dr. Roger Sperry

This is a safe assumption to say that any interference between the brain-body connection will limit ones potential to maximize their daily functions. Interference occurs in the spine, called subluxations (a misalignment in the spinal column placing stress upon the nerve system) which create ‘road blocks’ in this super highway.

In Gonstead Chiropractic care we stress the importance of “Getting Checked” because a subluxation is not painful when it first occurs. In fact a subluxation within the spinal column is silent in nature for years often before it becomes noticeably ‘painful’. The Principle Of Time – there is no process that does not require time. The first symptoms that will appear when a subluxation is present is damage to the tissue cells that the nerve regulates, makes, and controls. Symptomsnot pain will be your first indication that something is dysfunctional within the body.

How does one get checked? We check the spine for subluxations by performing x-ray analysis coupled with a neurological assessment to find subluxations and how to adjust them accurately, specifically unique to your spine. Why x-rays? To see it is to know, not to see it is to guess, and we WON’T guess about your health. Upon a daily spinal check-up we analyze the subluxations based on temperature readings and superficial tissue changes along the spine and make sure that you “actually” need to be adjusted. Get checked first. Then, let the adjustment follow.

The Fever Is Strong In You

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Understanding the body can be very challenging and often daunting when it comes to the health of our children. Take for instance one of the most important innate body regulations that your body offers to protect itself, the FEVER! The fever has been ‘blacklisted’ in our society as a bad entity. Children need to undertake the positive struggle to make their body their own.

When a child has a fever the body naturally protects itself accordingly. Fevers are a normal occurrence and should only last for an acute amount of time. When the fever persists and becomes chronic in nature, the body is not properly adapting and making a healthy response.

Parents bring their children to be checked and adjusted in accordance to when a fever emerges, in order to facilitate the healing processes and make sure the response is quick and effective. Chiropractic enables the body to ADAPT faster and healthier during these rites of passage to create a healthy immune system for an entire lifetime. Chiropractic does not cure fevers: instead, it seeks to find that which creates disturbances, or subluxations (undue stress upon a nerve fiber) within the central nerve system and to adjust accordingly, thus enabling the patient to ADAPT and release healing potentials…naturally.

Children who are supported to work through these healing crises are inevitably healthier and more resilient than children whose inflammatory crises have been suppressed with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. These acute adaptation fevers are rites of passage in children’s development. The central nerve system controls and regulates the immune system response and how it plays out. There are measurable improvements in immune function within minutes after a spinal adjustment, quantified by antibodies in the saliva.

Like it or not, all the functions in your body are controlled by the brain and spinal cord. Any response that your body generates is facilitated and controlled via your central nerve system. Take care of it. 
Hippocrates – Give me the power to produce fever and I’ll cure all disease.

Why Specific Adjustments Matter

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Why do specific adjustments matter? When you’re paying bills, you want to pay the specific amount. When your aiming for a specific grade point average you want to hit specific results to achieve your intended results. Specificity is critical to just about every part of life, particularity when it comes to your health and well-being via Chiropractic care.

In Gonstead Chiropractic, specificity is what sets us apart. To make critical and accurate spinal adjustments to your central nerve system, the specificity must be obtained through x-ray analysis and multiple cross analysis to confirm what needs to be done. We use the word “adjustment” when a specific and dynamic thrust is applied to a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column creating dysfunction within the spinal column) that is created when one’s body fails to adapt to the stressors placed on it. For Chiropractic care there is no one size fits all and everyone gets the same thing, if it was, then that would be called a spinal manipulation.

The opposite of an adjustment is a spinal manipulation. Wording is drastically important to know the difference between a specific Chiropractic adjustment and a manipulation.

·  A Chiropractic adjustment is specific, accurate, and a calculated thrust into a particular part of the spinal column that is warranted to a specific subluxation based on thorough STRUCTURAL analysis via x-rays and other criteria in the system.

·  A manipulation is a distasteful experiment to one’s body to try and create some sort of change with no knowledge to the location or direction of the spinal subluxation.

The structural factor that a subluxation creates is paramount to understanding how it impacts one’s overall health. The structural factor and how to correct it needs a physical approach, not a chemical equation. If you have a physical problem, you need a physical solution. 

Correct Digestion Issues

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Digestion issues unfortunately, in our society, are becoming the new “norm.” It’s almost to the point that if you do not have any digestive issues you are considered “weird”. Digestion, aka gut, is an important topic of concern due to the fact that it is known as the second brain. The rational and reasoning behind this is because approximately 70% of the immune system is housed in the gut.

A healthy gut starts at birth. Normal vaginal deliveries help inoculate the newborn with an overabundance of microbes. This begins the learning process of the immune system. To keep the learning process clear and functioning begins with working on the upper cervical neck region. Often people hear of the “Brain Gut Connection” phrase passed around when talking about digestive issues. This is due to the fact that the upper cervical nerves control, regulate, and made the gut.

A subluxation (misalignment in the spinal column) places undo stress upon a single nerve fiber, thus creating a chemical cascade of events known as dis-ease. Which means that literally your body is not at “ease.” What occurs first will be dysfunctional gut problems, better known as symptoms. What have we been told to do when symptoms occur…suppress them with drugs. Suppressing a symptom never corrects the cause and never allows the body to heal. Looking to the spine first and foremost by correcting subluxations will enable the brain – body connection to be fully established.

Don’t treat symptoms. Chiropractic can get your digestive system working by focusing on the cause. Research, published in the November 2002 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research (JVSR) demonstrates that chiropractic care may be effective in helping patients with allergies and Crohn’s Disease. What’s considered an allergy in the gut? A chronic hypersensitivity of an over-stimulated immune response. The response coming from the brain via a nerve to the tissue cells of the gut. Once again, the focus of chiropractic care is to remove any physiological blocks to the proper expression of the body’s innate wisdom.

Consistency Is The Magic Bean

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In life the only way to see consistent results is to remain consistent. If you want to become “better” at something you need to maintain consistent practice. Learn to play a musical instrument, throw a curve ball, utilize a new language, in order to become “better” requires practice. Your overall health and well-being are no different in this matter. The positive news is that we were born to be healthy and function optimally during our course of life even though stress occurs and takes a toll on the body. This stress negatively impacts our health and ability to function in the state that we want. In order to maintain or change your outlook in health takes…practice.

Instead of waiting for sickness or disease to strike you like our current model of health employs, why not be consistently practicing good health? “We need to change our disease care system into a health care system” – Dr. Frank Lipman.

Chiropractic care employs a model of health and vitality. The Chiropractors responsibility is to get the sick well and to keep the well…well! Chiropractors are trained to access and detect subluxations (misalignment’s in the spinal column) that place undo stress upon a single nerve fiber thus creating a medley of health problems. The reason for this is that your central nerve system is the master control system, without it fully functioning and in an ideal state of harmony, the body cannot fully function.

Contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as a “magic” Chiropractic adjustment. Yep, that’s right. Being healthy is no different than anything else in life. It requires consistency to achieve and maintain a healthy central nerve system. When should you start to take care of your spine? Right away! Once again taking care of your spine is no different than anything else in life. Do we wait to introduce vegetables and fruit to our children until they 40 years old? Do we tell our children to stay inside and sit down all the time and not enjoy physical activity? Taking care of the central nerve system to ensure proper health and vitality begins right away! It’s about being consistent with every other facet in life. 

Freedom Of Health

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This time of year is always very exciting. Fireworks, friends, family, parades we will indeed celebrate to our fullest potential. We live in a special place where we have freedom to act and think however we please, without hindrance or restraining order. Nothing is sweeter than Freedom! Like the America’s departing from the Monarch of Britain, we can depart from the restraints that are holding us back from freedom in health. Our true potential awaits! Chiropractic had not been established in 1776, however we now offer a better way for you and your family to achieve freedom in health. We can all agree that health is not valued until it has been lost, laying in the hospital bed, sick at home, or watching a loved one suffer. This negative experience begins the typical model of traditional medicine: Crisis occurs, and we respond re-actively, due to the circumstances, over and over again in a continual cycle. Were you or your family members just unlucky or is there something else going on? Why did Jimmy get sick, but Timmy did not? True health cannot be found in a bottle, vile, or anything external. Health is found within.

Your Nerve System, the most important structure in your body controls and mediates the healing process of every cell, every tissue, and every organ. The reason why Jimmy got sick and Timmy did not, is solely their body’s ability to adapt in an environment. The key player that causes the Nerve System to have a hindrance or restraining order is a subluxation. The subluxation reduces our freedom of health because it places undo stress on the most important structure in our body. Thus we lose our ability to be our best and most expressive self. With the liberation of these subluxations through specific Gonstead chiropractic adjustments, the Nerve System is freed and expression is restored. In life you are either constantly heading towards sickness or heading towards better health. When we observe our health with an ability to adapt to our environment, instead of fearing the unknown timing of a crisis, we can work proactively on your health. This way of life results in achieving true freedom in health and a break in the continual cycle. We were designed to be dynamic, limitless, and free. We thank you for seeking your fullest potential and better health.

Time To Trade In Your Spine

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Steve Jobs first introduced the Macintosh computer in 1984.  It was the first commercially successful personal computer ever at that time.  Since 1984 there has been numerous modifications, upgrades, and changes to make the personal computer even better! Technology constantly is changing and improving to better serve the public masses.  Your body in fact is a computer.  The central nerve system (CNS) is the master controller of all parts of your body, and is constantly adapting to the surrounding environment that you place it under.

Taking the time to ensure that your CNS is optimally functioning helps confirm that your body is able to adapt, modify, and continually function at its optimal potential. This is vitally important due to the fact that you cannot upgrade this version of your body for the newest and latest model. Your version is based on your birth. The longer you have this computer the longer it becomes outdated. You have to take care of what you are given to make sure your model is up to date in the best way that it can be. Self care comes at the cost of looking within the “computer”, the inner parts are what keep the outside functioning and looking pristine.

Instead of waiting to take care of a problem that occurs within your computer, why wouldn’t you want to have regular check-ups to ensure optimal speed, data collection, and firing on all cylinders. When you look to health, look to the spine first and foremost. The chiropractic approach to health care considers the many lifestyle factors, such as exercise, diet, alignment, relaxation, rest and your environment, that affect your health which directly create a positive or negative impact on your CNS. It’s up to you to start making healthy choices today.