Why Just Pain Management
Why do some of us just focus specifically and solely on pain management? In a recent article that I read on the World Wide Web (that was seemed strictly opinion based), stated that, “Acute back pain, which is more common than chronic pain, lasts no more than six weeks and typically gets better on its own.” Unless you see a chiropractor and have a chiropractic evaluation done on your nerve system, nothing is getting better. In actuality, if you do nothing to help your current condition, 6 weeks of you “waiting to get better,” is actually you learning to live with it. We will touch on this subject more. Living with the sensation of pain is what we learn to do and we think that when the pain is gone we are in the clear. Far from the truth.
Nerve dysfunction can and does exist without pain. Nerve dysfunction, you have to realize, IS brought on by subluxations. Chiropractors find and adjust subluxations to restore proper nerve function. Subluxations are deep and nasty things that fester and grow for prolonged periods of time until you eventually might feel a sensation of pain. Proper pain management is recognizing that once the pain is gone you still have work to do! Proper pain management is understanding that your body thinks very little of pain and wants to be a healthy functioning unit.
Healthy pain management begins by recognizing what your body is actually experiencing and why. When you begin to lose your ability to function correctly, that is when the actual pain shows up. However, most just wait for the sensation to appear. The sensation, just like the article states, does disappear. REMEMBER it is just a sensation though and the underlying cause is still not taken care of. Subluxations as stated in the previous paragraph, have deep roots. Go after the correct cause and allow your body to function to its fullest potential. Have your nerves checked for subluxations and utilize PROPER pain management.