When should a child begin Chiropractic care? Right away. That just about sums up the question. Why? Do you remember what birth was like…and the answer should be no. The first AMAZING physical stressor that we ALL experience in life is birth. Making sure the nerve system is free of interference after birth can set the child up for a healthy road, opposed to a complicated road riddled with chronic illness. Unfortunately, the numbers are not adding up for our children, and now, for this generation, our kids have a lower life expectancy than us.
· 1 in 2.5 children have an allergy
· 1 in 6 children have a developmental disability
· 1 in 9 children have ADHD
The rise of autoimmune disorders is not stopping. The child’s immune system is under constant bombardment with our false intuition that we need to suppress symptoms and destroy acute illnesses. Rather than blame the immune system, focus on the central nerve system which regulates the immune systems potential. Our specialty as chiropractors is to restore the normal communication of the central nerve system through very specific adjustments over a period of time. We are removing the biggest stressor to health: a subluxated nerve system. By adjusting the spinal column, we are restoring that state of ease which allows your child to better adapt to the stressors to be dealt with in daily life.
Kids chiropractic is safe and effective and is not new! Our misconception is that Chiropractic care is for middle-aged men who “throw” their back out taking out the trash. This is the farthest thing from the truth. You wouldn’t wait to give your children healthy substantial food until their middle-ages or take them to the dentist only when their tooth hurts.
Instead of living a symptom suppressing lifestyle which is the common norm now a days, why not introduce a lifestyle of prevention and health. By focusing on the central nerve system to make sure subluxations are clear the body learns a valuable process which it builds on for the long road ahead of life. “Give me a medicine to produce a fever, and I can cure any disease” – Hippocrates.