The Digestive Problems
Digestive problems have you puzzled? Struggling with things you shouldn’t eat or with things you wanna eat? Digestive problems always have a root cause, and finding the cause is not always in the food. If your GI system is giving you problems there has to be more to the story. Now, we understand that everything should be eaten in moderation. If you go and eat 20 bean burrito’s, more than likely your body will go through some digestive problems trying to process all the food. We also understand that certain food, unfortunately, is developed and made differently; for instance “Grass Fed Beef”, what else should the beef be eating besides grass? The digestive problems we are referring to occurs in individuals on a constant basis regardless of the food they are consuming. Look to the spine when digestive problems occur on a regular basis. Stomach pains, re-flux, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and etc are some common digestive problems that plague people.
Chiropractic focuses on the spine and the nerves that branch out and supply our vital organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc. Your entire digestive system is regulated and controlled by your nerve system. If your body is not producing enough enzymes, proteins, microbes or failing to regulate sufficient movements look first to the nerves that are supposed to be working at optimal function. If we have digestive problems we often single out the organ that is responsible for our discomfort. Singling out one specific organ neglects the entire process all together, the process being that your body works together as ONE unit. A subluxation is when a vertebrae moves out of position and creates pressure on a nerve pathway, thus creating a central nerve system dysfunction. Chiropractors are trained to locate and adjust if necessary these subluxations. Thus restoring proper communication to your body and most importunately to your digestive process. Digestive problems are your bodies way of saying that something is not right. Have your nerve system checked to allow your body to heal and function the way it is intended.