My Kids Chiropractor
Kids don’t need a chiropractor, hopefully no one ever said. They do not seem to express neck and back pain like adults do, so I guess no chiropractor. Low back and neck pain are the least of our concerns when dealing with our children. As a parent your top priority is that your child stays healthy and develops accordingly. “My kids chiropractor can help my child with normal development?” Yes! You see, your kid’s chiropractor does not need to give them shots, a round of antibiotics, or some artificial tubes just to make you “think” they are getting stronger. Your kid’s chiropractor is the only one who specializes in removing misalignment’s in the spine that have a direct affect on your child’s nerve system function. If we want our children to remain healthy and develop accordingly, proper nerve system function is required.
“My kid’s chiropractor helps my kids with their immune system.” Remember, a proper nerve system has a direct affect on every other system in the body. If your kid starts missing fewer sick days at school, has improved concentration and mood, prevents improper spinal curvatures, oh, and decreased pain, that’s a good thing! The greatest medicine that we can teach our children to use, is NOT to use it and to instead, rely directly on their body. As more kids are diagnosed with sensory processing disorders, ADHD, autism, and asthma, we neglect the true principal that has withstood the test of time: the body when given a chance can HEAL on it’s own. My kids chiropractor can give your kid a fighting chance, with results. The life energy of our body flows from the brain, down the spinal cord, throughout the nerves, and to every organ, cell, tissue, and gland. Misalignment’s in the spine cause disturbance, which then wreak havoc on the nerve system. Keep the nerve system clear of interference and have your kids checked for misalignments. “My kids chiropractor can help your kids!”
Great and interesting reading material focused on kids chiropractic: Click Me.