5 Questions To Ask Your Chiropractor

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

5 Questions To Ask Your Chiropractor

Simple Truths Of Chiropractic

With the ever changing “Health World” it often becomes hard to keep things in perspective of what health really is.  Many times we go around and around chasing different tactics of what someone thinks health is.  Even chiropractors have been known to blur the lines of what we should actually be doing for patients.  Chiropractic care is health care.  Why?  Chiropractors are trained experts in the detection and correction of subluxations of the spine.  That’s it.  A subluxation is the physical representation of all dis-ease in the body.  A subluxation will create dysfunction within every part of the body, thus destroying one’s optimum potential.  To learn more, ask your chiropractor!  When looking for a chiropractor, start with 5 basic questions to make sure there are no blurred lines with your health care.

Question # 1: Do You Take X-Rays?

X-rays provide a clear image of what to actually adjust, and more importantly what not to do for a patient.  It’s the 90/10 rule.  They provide specificity of 90% of what does not need to happen and 10% of what does need to happen.  X-rays allow chiropractors to not guess when dealing with your health.  To heal, your body requires what your body needs and not somebody else’s.  X-rays are unique towards you and your body’s needs.  Taking x-rays is not new.  In 1910 the chiropractic profession implemented x-rays as mandatory before even touching somebody’s spine (aside from pregnant mothers, babies, and other unique situations).  So, let’s not guess with your health when dealing with the most important part of your body, the spine.

Question # 2:   Do You Get Spinal Listings Off The X-Rays?

Spinal listings are what subluxations are called after a chiropractor does an analysis on x-rays.  Spinal listings are the equivalent to a blue-print of the foundation and how something was built.  X-ray analysis is essential to understanding how you are different from everyone else.  Understanding the x-ray component when finding a subluxation enables your care to be on point for what you would expect from a specific chiropractor.   The focus of the adjustment is to be as specific, precise and accurate as possible, addressing only the problem areas (areas of subluxation).   This is only directed with use of spinal listings.

Question # 3 Is Your Goal To Restore Normal Function?

Function Vs Feeling.  As a chiropractor our top responsibility is to make sure that your body is functioning at optimum potential by adapting to the stress that brings you into our office.  Feeling good just comes with functioning well.  Make sure you are seeking chiropractic care for function.  Going to the chiropractor only when you’re in pain is like robbing a bank and only stealing the lollipops.  It doesn’t make sense and chiropractic is not designed as an expensive Advil.  Our goal is to enable your body to do whatever you desire without LIMITS.  The sensory component (pain part) of a nerve is an immensely small portion of the central nervous system.  Nerve tension exists through subluxations without any feeling of pain.  Pain will often be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back.  Normal function enables your body to be healthy from the inside out.

Question #4 Do You Take Post X-Rays To Document Structural Change?

Of course!  This thought process is equivalent to an orthodontist who puts braces on a pair of teeth.  Not only do you visit your orthodontist for check-ups while the braces are on but eventually you see teeth that are straightened out.  Then, after the braces are removed, you have to retain the straightening.  The same is done for chiropractic.  If you have regular check-ups for your spinal health, your body will adapt and heal.  When specific subluxations have been addressed and adjusted specifically for a period of time, the body changes.  Your adjustments will change based on your body adapting.  Post X-rays will allow your chiropractor to show you changes in your spine and how your body is adapting to care.

Question # 5 Do You Work With Pediatric And Elderly?

Chiropractic care is not just for athletes and middle class men who have back aches.  The overall care and well-being of the spine should begin from the day you are born to the day you are put to rest.  Everyone needs regular spinal check-ups to make sure that your body is working at optimum potential.  Attending a pediatric chiropractor allows your child’s nervous system to continue to grow and overcome many forms of trauma as they learn to walk and crawl, play, and become involved in sporting activities.  Many of these actions may result in subluxations which can be detected and adjusted to restore normal development.  The only way to find out if you have subluxations is to get checked.




Chiropractic Care Vs. Emergency Care – Understanding The Difference

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care Vs. Emergency Care – Understanding The Difference


The Need For Emergency Care

In order to understand the difference between two different types of care, let’s first understand the need for both types of care.  During your life if you obtain a major injury, accident, or trauma to your person you should seek emergency care.  That’s what their services are intended for and we should utilize the people that assist in times of “emergencies.”  Be honest, nobody prefers to be in the emergency room.  Yet, when trauma strikes, we are thankful for the people that help us.  Emergency services far exceed their expectations and are highly advanced in helping people in need when the time calls.

The Need For Chiropractic Care

Let’s start off with what chiropractic care is not.  It does not involve injections, surgery, exercise, diets, pills, lotions, potions, or anything else you can think of that EXTERNALLY alters or attempts to alter the body.  Chiropractic is done solely by hand to adjust and remove subluxations within the spinal column.  By making specific adjustments within the spinal column, chiropractic is directly concerned and focused on the central nervous system.  Chiropractic care is not emergency care.  Specific chiropractic care allows the body to be self-regulating and self-healing by allowing adaptive forces to do what they are supposed to do.  We are designed to be amazing.  Simple.  Do not over-complicate health with insecurities that drugs are good for us based on false advertisements and propaganda.

The Mix-Up

Chiropractic care is not emergency care.  Emergency care is not chiropractic care. Some people assume that chiropractic is strictly for muscular pain, which is the farthest thing from the truth.  Going to the chiropractor only when you are in pain is like eating healthy only when you’re “sick.”  While most forms of medicine will seek to cover-up symptoms, chiropractic focuses on the cause.  The root cause of all dysfunction in the body is directly attributed to the central nervous system.  Receiving consistent spinal care ensures optimal alignment for your best health, performance and well-being.

Things To Look For When Buying Health

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Things To Look For When Buying Health

The health market is and always will be filled with the latest and newest fad.  Why?  Because we assume that health is something that can be bought, bartered, traded, or consumed.  A reference that I often think about when it comes to buying health is the Kevin Costner movie Tin Cup.  In  shortened version, Costner loses his dominate swing and decides that what he needs is exactly what he doesn’t.  Gimmicks.  He buys the latest and newest gimmicks that will “improve” his swing.  Our health is often associated with the same tendencies.

Beware Of The Doctor Recommendation

When the key tagline of the product states that it is doctor recommended, you need to stop and think.  Top variable to consider when thinking about a product is that health sells.  Where does the money trail lead to?  Just because a doctor puts a credibility stamp on it, means nothing.  Remember back in the day doctors used to endorse smoking.  Google the verb age “doctors and smoking” and follow the trail.

The Instant Fix Of Buying Health

Guess what?  There is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to health.  Time is the biggest factor.  When you have 2 week fads or other shenanigans claiming to do this or that.  Come back to reality.  Any change that you are looking to acquire will take time.  This concept of change on the body requires time.  If you are constantly shocking the body with this diet, and this pill, and this supplement for only short periods of time, you are wasting your money.  Buying health requires time.

Health Has Not Changed & Nor Will It

The claims will never stop of the newest and latest gadget to shed off pounds or any other device that is invented to make a quick buck.  So, just ignore them.  Get back to the basics that have survived the test of time.  Superficially to be healthy you need to eat a substantial diet and exercise.  Simple.  On the inside of the body make sure your central nerve system is running at 100%.  If you are looking to be healthy do you choose the hospital or the chiropractic office?  Simple.  Chiropractic care makes sure that the well people stay well.  Chiropractic care is done without lotions, potions, gimmicks, or fads.



Before Ear Tubes, Do Your Research

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Before Ear Tubes, Do Your Research

Pretty simple topic here to talk about.  Ear tubes we are referring to are the Eustachian tubes that are failing to function appropriately for children.  When the E-tubes begin to fail, ear infections begin to ensue.  Before any consideration for your child’s health is in question you need to do research.  The age old adage “Trust me, I am a doctor” does not hold merit until it is proven.  Ultimately it is your child’s immediate health and long-term combined.  The “simple” ear infection can set up for positive health results in the near future or snowball into negative consequences based on parents actions.

Some Ear Tubes Research

  • Published research has shown that 80% of children treated with a series of chiropractic adjustments were free of ear infections for a six month period.
  • Surgical intervention to have ear tubes into the inner ear creates a short term mechanical solution that does not focus on the cause.
  • As many as 70% of ear infections are caused by viruses not by bacteria.  Routinely use of antibiotics predisposes children to repeat infections and routine illness.
  • Antibiotics leave patients far more vulnerable to other infections when being routinely treated.

100% Natural

First thing is first.  Have your child checked for possible subluxations within the central nerve system.  The subluxation wreaks havoc on the developing child as it does not present as pain.  The subluxation presents as a sign and symptom (ear infection).  Ear tubes have only specific purpose which is the same extent for a crutch.  Give yourself a crutch and you will always rely on a crutch.  Be natural, be 100% without having to add artificial stimulants.  Ear tubes are another “discovery” in health that are far worse than we imagined.  The downward spiral of what ear infections even leads to is another reassuring factor of our flawed “health” system.  So, just keep it simple and don’t over complicate health.  Do you research and always ask questions.

Ready For Optimal Function?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Ready For Optimal Function?

The beginning of the year makes for lots of changes within our lives.  Whether we are looking to change our diet, exercise routine, business strategy or whatever it is, change has to occur.  Most individuals are scared of change, that’s why we typically wait for a change in the year to mark the point.  We need a fresh starting point and the new year is that point.  Having our body perform at optimal function is the making of the strongest foundation you can set for yourself.  Your first course of action should be to optimize your own natural health and healing from the inside out.

Optimal Function Begins When?

Being healthy begins when you want it to.  Simple.  The human body does not take vacations and every day it is always changing.  Staying on top of your daily activities transforms into weekly habits and then lifestyle changes.  You have the power to change your life at any moment. Don’t forget that!  Make lifestyle changes you can implement today to improve your overall quality of life.  Get your hands dirty and get to work.  Some of the best things that you can do for yourself are always withing reach.

Enter Chiropractic = Optimal Function

Being healthy starts with taking care of your inside first and foremost.  Chiropractic care focuses specifically and solely on the central nerve system (CNS).  The CNS controls everything you do on a daily basis to even how you digest your food and what nutrients you absorb.  There is no secret in wanting and maintaining a healthy functioning body.  Make sure you CNS is properly connected and working at it’s optimal potential ensures optimal function.  Chiropractic care allows your body to move  and operate correctly.  ​If things aren’t moving the way they are supposed to move, it will have a negative impact on your ability to function.

Ache In The Headache

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Ache In The Headache

What is the ache in the word headache?  Debilitating headaches are a top category why people seek chiropractic care.  But, what really is the ache during a headache?  Let’s break some headache’s down with their known causes and effects.  Then let’s find out why the number one cause of headaches is nerve dysfunction created by a subluxation.

Common Cause & Effect Headaches

First type of headache is associated with some sort of blunt trauma to your head.  Playing baseball and you are up to bat and the ball hits your helmet, thus resulting in headache.  Another common headache is overindulging in drinking one night, thus resulting in waking up with a headache (or commonly known as a hangover).  Migraine headaches are another common form.  Migraine headaches are chemical imbalances resulting in thyroid gland dysfunction.  Poor thyroid function resulting in migraine headaches (nerve related as well).  Changing prescriptions for your eyes can also create imbalances thus resulting in headaches.

Back To The Ache

Ache is typically used to describe some sort of muscle tension or imbalance.  Ache is collectively associated with other verbs such as  dull, throbbing, tension, and knots.  These words are used to describe the musculoskeletal system which is constantly working by providing stability to fight gravity everyday!  Muscle tension is what we “feel” when a headache manifests into a problem.

The Subluxation

Nerve irritation is the number one reason for a headache.  The most common type of headache is associated with nerve dysfunction.  Muscles, tendons, and ligaments are all controlled via your nerve system.  When a subluxation is present within your body, you cannot express your fullest potential.  A subluxation creates dysfunction not only on one nerve but within the entire central nerve system.  Communication to your body is interrupted due to your subluxation, thus resulting in your body giving you a sign and symptom.

Headache – What You Need To Know

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Headache – What You Need To Know

Headache giving you troubles?  Let’s get to the source of the headache and understand the dynamics of why your body is doing what it is.  A headache is a broad term for any type of specific pain/discomfort located in the head/neck region. There are several different types of classifications for headaches and how they are specifically classified.  Tension headaches, cluster headaches, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, and rebound headaches (hangovers don’t count, you should know your cause for that one).  Several factors are directly responsible for headaches: emotional stress, poor posture, physiological factors, diet, and the most important: the central nerve system.  A headache initially is your bodies way of trying to tell you something that is wrong, it’s a red flag, an alert system that something is amiss.  A sign or symptom is your body’s best way of functioning at that time.  When the headache becomes constant and begins to re-appear on a daily basis, weekly basis, or monthly basis, you never really are healing or overcoming the headache.  When headaches begin to become chronic occurrences in your life, help should be sought out.  This help comes with specific chiropractic care.

Specific chiropractic care allows your body to heal and to adapt to your headache so you overcome it!  By taking x-ray’s and accessing the spine chiropractors are trained to locate specific interference’s within your body and to adjust if necessary.  An interference in the central nerve system comes about in the form of a subluxation.  A subluxation places undo stress upon a specific nerve thus creating a quagmire of events in the entire central nerve system all together.  As a consequence of having a subluxation, your body will begin to give you signs and symptoms, which one can be headaches.  Over 70% of all headaches arise from problems with the cervical spine and its related structures – Canadian Family Physician.  By having your nerve system checked on a regular basis you can allow your body to heal/adapt to your headaches and live your life to your fullest potential.

Day One Adjustments

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Day One Adjustments

Do you remember the very first time you were adjusted by a chiropractor?  Do you remember your very first experience in this world, birth?  The birth process is an amazing event and something that is cherished by all parents.  Having your child start life off with a BANG, with a specific chiropractic adjustment is not only ideal, it makes sense!  People often don’t think of the birth process as a traumatic event.  Imagine knowing what you know now if you had to do it all over again and pass through a very small canal, probably would not be the top thing on your list to do.  Just think about the entire 9 months leading up to the birth, the body is constantly changing and growing.  The development of the nerve system is the first “thing” to begin to develop in a fetus.  The nerve system is the master controller of the entire body.  Chiropractic care focuses specifically and solely on the nerve system with specific adjustments.


A long healthy life begins with day one, having your child checked for possible nerve dysfunction right away and having a chiropractic adjustment if necessary is optimal.  Even the tiniest of the tiniest can benefit from adjustments, chiropractic is safe and effective in allowing the body to restore or maintain proper balance.  Think of all the metabolic, chemical, hormonal changes that your child will be experiencing upon that first day; new stressors are going to be in effect and attacking the body.  Best to make sure that every experience your child encounters is with a clear and functioning nerve system.  Life for the newborn depends upon the preservation and healthy functioning of the brain stem and spinal cord at the level of the upper neck – Abraham Towbin M.D. – Harvard Medical School.  Adjustments are crucial for allowing the body to express its innate ability to regulate and control life at its best.


Looking for more information regarding day one adjustments or just kids and chiropractic in general?  Click me


Computer Posture

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Computer Posture

Computer posture in our society is becoming a struggle as more and more individuals are sitting for an extended period of time at their desk.  Correct computer posture is key for a lifetime of proper spinal alignment and allowing your body to continue to work day in and day out without any problems.  So, here are some basic simple principles when sitting down on the computer for an extended period of time.  When visualizing your monitor it is key that the bottom of the monitor be slightly above your eyes or have the monitor perpendicular to your eyes.  If you are constantly looking down at the monitor you are placing stress upon the neck muscles.  The arms need to be at a neutral position almost in a 90-degree angle when typing on the keyboard.  Computer posture for sitting down should be with a slight curve in your lumbar region.  Make sure the curve is actually in your lumbar spine and not in your pelvis.  The feet need to be flat on the floor periodically moving them.   Limit the amount of leaning forward while looking at the monitor for this adds stress upon the neck muscles yet again.

Correct computer posture is key to longevity in your current profession.  Understand that sitting down on the spine is like sugar to the teeth, it adds up over time if done incorrectly.  Chiropractic allows you to function and enable correct computer posture by allowing your nerve system to function correctly.  Overtime incorrect computer posture will wreak havoc on the muscles.  This is in part due to the amount of strain that is placed on the muscles for having to compensate.  Remember you are always fighting gravity on a daily basis, it is your nerve systems responsibility to send proper messages to the muscles to make sure they are firing appropriately and working correctly.  If you are compensating with poor posture your muscles will be working harder and faster than they should be, which in turn can create nerve system dysfunction.  Regular chiropractic care allows your nerve system to be connected without dysfunction so your muscles work accordingly.  Proper computer posture teamed up with regular chiropractic care is a win-win!  


Why Continue Chiropractic Care?

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Why Continue Chiropractic Care?

The biggest chiropractic myth out there, is “why continue chiropractic care”?  If my body is “feeling good” why would I continue with regular chiropractic care?  Simply put, it is addicting to BE healthy and chiropractic care ensures that your body is functioning at its optimal potential.  Chiropractic is specific and personalized care for every individual, your nerve system is the only one you have so you need to treat it right.  A good majority of an individual’s first visit to the chiropractor is usually for some discomfort in the lower back region.  Let it be known that the very first chiropractic adjustment was not for lower back pain, it was actually to restore the hearing in a deaf individual.  Somewhere along the line of chiropractic the words lower back pain were commonly used together.  It is true that chiropractic care can help with lower back discomfort, it is also true that usually there is still an underlying reason of why your discomfort started.

Subluxation’s are what chiropractors are trained to locate and adjust specifically.  A subluxation applies pressure on a spinal nerve thus creating an entire central nerve system dysfunction.  The spinal nerve that is controlling not only your muscles, also controls your vital organs, cells, tissues, and glands… kind of important.  Usually, before you even exhibit signs of muscle pain you will have had signs and symptoms of other nature: constipation, infertility, poor energy levels, decreased quality of sleep (the signs are different for every nerve and for everyone specifically).  Imagine a subluxation as a cavity, taking years to manifest to its true potential until you are finally aware of it.  Unlike teeth, your nerve system regulates and controls all that you do in life.  Regular check-ups allow your body to be free of subluxations.

Why continue chiropractic care?  Once the signs and symptoms are diminished it is regular supportive care to that nerve system that counts to maintain proper health.   It’s like going to the gym for the first time and “trying” it out.  Do you just go to the gym one time and end there?  Regular exercise for the entire life-span is ideal!  Regular chiropractic care to support a healthy life through a healthy nerve system.  Get your nerves checked and begin regular chiropractic care.

Read some more about the benefits of chiropractic : Click Me.