Are you tired of the current cycle that your health is caught up in? If so, it’s good you’re reading this because it’s not just a self-help blog that will provide you with advice and hopefully life changing experiences. Nope, we are real and this is real life! We cannot simply tell people to stop stressing out all the time! This kind of advice is always easy to give when both the advisor and advice don’t have to lift a finger for it. The experience we offer is open to everyone. The only contradiction you may face is the will of western medicine to pull you back into their mindset and just go with the “status quo flow.” The status quo flow just to take medication(s) to mask symptoms instead of diagnosing and treating the underlying causes. By showing up to the Chiropractic office you are involving yourself in the best kept secret of actual health care. Why? It’s no secret that most people would rather take a pill than actually begin to heal. But guess what?! We’re going to help you to invest in your health by incorporating prevention. While other professions are concerned with changing environment to suit the weakened body, Chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to “suit” environment.”- B.J. Palmer, D.C., P.h.C Stress impacts all of us on a regular basis, automatically altering health. The good news is that Gonstead Chiropractors are trained to monitor and keep your Central Nerve System free of interference that you begin to build up over a weekly basis. Think of it this way, “you cannot have a nerve without a thought and you cannot have a thought without a nerve.” The more your CNS is out of balance, the more every physiological function within the body, from breathing to hormonal production, is changed. Break the cycle by continual spinal check-ups. Remember a vertebral subluxation is not a singular episodic event. Thus the correction may be corrected but later reappear, calling for careful monitoring and may result in a wide variation in the number of adjustments required to affect a longer term correction. |