Ear Infections And Chiropractic
When our little ones are suffering from an ear infection we basically are suffering as well. Ear infections are very painful and can be very traumatic for our young ones. Chiropractic care can assist your children in overcoming an ear infection and establishing the ability to fend from other possible ear infections. Most likely when our young ones have an ear infection it is a viral infection. So, some people will see their medical doctor and then be allowed to used antibiotics! Why, would you use an antibiotic for a viral infection? Merely based on the principal that the antibiotic is an anti-inflammatory and will help the swelling aspect?
Chiropractic allows normal function of the ear and allows the fluid to drain by performing specific chiropractic adjustments to the upper cervical area. Our children’s E-Tubes are still forming and are very susceptible to fluid accumulating in them. If you go through the gauntlet and another round of antibiotics and say “maybe-they’ll-work-and-maybe-they-won’t” or if you think about surgery. It is time for you to utilize chiropractic care for your children. Chiropractic will allow your children to heal and overcome their ear infections. Giving your child another “crutch” such as antibiotics or surgery will just make them more susceptible to relying on a “crutch” again.
Specific chiropractic adjustments to your children with ear infections allows their body restore proper alignment and proper function so our kids can be the rock-stars they want to be! Chiropractic adjustments are safe and effective and allows your child to fight for themselves. It allows your child to build a solid defense and grow without obstacles! Allow your body to develop the proper way and adjust the proper way. Get checked and attack the ear infections at the cause!