Come Back When You Have Pain….Said No Chiropractor Ever
Neck pain leading to your shoulder? How does this work? Neck pain that all of a sudden travels and happens to enter into my shoulder region and even down into my elbow and even into my fingertips? Some low back pain just happened to show up after 2 days and I cannot seem to shake it. If we use chiropractic like the way it was intended then no chiropractor should ever say come back when its painful. You can use chiropractic like an ER, and chiropractic does have a message for you, but (BUT) we are missing the light bulb of what chiropractic is. Well, first of all let us talk about pain itself so we don’t get off on the wrong track. Pain is and always will be the last thing to show up physiologically unless a tank hits you, jump off 12 stories and land on your head, get into a fight with Mike Tyson, you get the picture. There are some different types of pain that we need to be aware of.
You see when dealing with pain you can break it down into superficial pain (someone cutting your skin) or into deep pain (tendons and tissues that you do not see). Then you have visceral pain (organ). Visceral pain once it happens your body is diffuse in nature, less precisely graded and typically accompanied by slowing of the heart, lowered blood pressure, cold sweats and nausea. Okay, just talking about 3 types of pain here(more to come). Major premise to understand is that when you first have a response your body will enter protection mode : thirst, electrolyte balance, dysfunction in the respiratory and circulatory system, flexion reflex, postural readjustment, rubbing….etc etc. Why does your body do these things when pain comes a knocking? Your body wants to function, your body works as a 1 unit. It does not care about pain, it wants to make sure you function….say it again… wants to make sure you function the way you should be! You see when your body throws up a red flag such as a sign or symptom, the sign and symptoms should be your first sign of actual pain! Do not let pain be a dictating your chiropractic care. Hence, why you come and just get checked for possible dysfunction in your body!