Chiropractic Care Vs. Emergency Care – Understanding The Difference

By November 10, 2017 January 17th, 2018 ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care Vs. Emergency Care – Understanding The Difference


The Need For Emergency Care

In order to understand the difference between two different types of care, let’s first understand the need for both types of care.  During your life if you obtain a major injury, accident, or trauma to your person you should seek emergency care.  That’s what their services are intended for and we should utilize the people that assist in times of “emergencies.”  Be honest, nobody prefers to be in the emergency room.  Yet, when trauma strikes, we are thankful for the people that help us.  Emergency services far exceed their expectations and are highly advanced in helping people in need when the time calls.

The Need For Chiropractic Care

Let’s start off with what chiropractic care is not.  It does not involve injections, surgery, exercise, diets, pills, lotions, potions, or anything else you can think of that EXTERNALLY alters or attempts to alter the body.  Chiropractic is done solely by hand to adjust and remove subluxations within the spinal column.  By making specific adjustments within the spinal column, chiropractic is directly concerned and focused on the central nervous system.  Chiropractic care is not emergency care.  Specific chiropractic care allows the body to be self-regulating and self-healing by allowing adaptive forces to do what they are supposed to do.  We are designed to be amazing.  Simple.  Do not over-complicate health with insecurities that drugs are good for us based on false advertisements and propaganda.

The Mix-Up

Chiropractic care is not emergency care.  Emergency care is not chiropractic care. Some people assume that chiropractic is strictly for muscular pain, which is the farthest thing from the truth.  Going to the chiropractor only when you are in pain is like eating healthy only when you’re “sick.”  While most forms of medicine will seek to cover-up symptoms, chiropractic focuses on the cause.  The root cause of all dysfunction in the body is directly attributed to the central nervous system.  Receiving consistent spinal care ensures optimal alignment for your best health, performance and well-being.