When Should A Child Begin Chiropractic Care?

By | ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic | No Comments

When should a child begin Chiropractic care? Right away. That just about sums up the question. Why? Do you remember what birth was like…and the answer should be no. The first AMAZING physical stressor that we ALL experience in life is birth. Making sure the nerve system is free of interference after birth can set the child up for a healthy road, opposed to a complicated road riddled with chronic illness. Unfortunately, the numbers are not adding up for our children, and now, for this generation, our kids have a lower life expectancy than us.

·  1 in 2.5 children have an allergy

·  1 in 6 children have a developmental disability

·  1 in 9 children have ADHD

The rise of autoimmune disorders is not stopping. The child’s immune system is under constant bombardment with our false intuition that we need to suppress symptoms and destroy acute illnesses. Rather than blame the immune system, focus on the central nerve system which regulates the immune systems potential. Our specialty as chiropractors is to restore the normal communication of the central nerve system through very specific adjustments over a period of time. We are removing the biggest stressor to health: a subluxated nerve system. By adjusting the spinal column, we are restoring that state of ease which allows your child to better adapt to the stressors to be dealt with in daily life.

Kids chiropractic is safe and effective and is not new! Our misconception is that Chiropractic care is for middle-aged men who “throw” their back out taking out the trash. This is the farthest thing from the truth. You wouldn’t wait to give your children healthy substantial food until their middle-ages or take them to the dentist only when their tooth hurts.

Instead of living a symptom suppressing lifestyle which is the common norm now a days, why not introduce a lifestyle of prevention and health. By focusing on the central nerve system to make sure subluxations are clear the body learns a valuable process which it builds on for the long road ahead of life. “Give me a medicine to produce a fever, and I can cure any disease” – Hippocrates. 

Consistency Is The Magic Bean

By | Allergies, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths | No Comments

In life the only way to see consistent results is to remain consistent. If you want to become “better” at something you need to maintain consistent practice. Learn to play a musical instrument, throw a curve ball, utilize a new language, in order to become “better” requires practice. Your overall health and well-being are no different in this matter. The positive news is that we were born to be healthy and function optimally during our course of life even though stress occurs and takes a toll on the body. This stress negatively impacts our health and ability to function in the state that we want. In order to maintain or change your outlook in health takes…practice.

Instead of waiting for sickness or disease to strike you like our current model of health employs, why not be consistently practicing good health? “We need to change our disease care system into a health care system” – Dr. Frank Lipman.

Chiropractic care employs a model of health and vitality. The Chiropractors responsibility is to get the sick well and to keep the well…well! Chiropractors are trained to access and detect subluxations (misalignment’s in the spinal column) that place undo stress upon a single nerve fiber thus creating a medley of health problems. The reason for this is that your central nerve system is the master control system, without it fully functioning and in an ideal state of harmony, the body cannot fully function.

Contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as a “magic” Chiropractic adjustment. Yep, that’s right. Being healthy is no different than anything else in life. It requires consistency to achieve and maintain a healthy central nerve system. When should you start to take care of your spine? Right away! Once again taking care of your spine is no different than anything else in life. Do we wait to introduce vegetables and fruit to our children until they 40 years old? Do we tell our children to stay inside and sit down all the time and not enjoy physical activity? Taking care of the central nerve system to ensure proper health and vitality begins right away! It’s about being consistent with every other facet in life. 

We Can Help You With That

By | ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Chiropractic Myths, depression, Ear Infections, emotions, fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure, inflammation, posture | No Comments

We Can Help You With That

We can help you with that.  Help with what?  Your bodies overall functionality.  People say that  “Chiropractors think they can cure anything.”  There is truth and misguided information in this statement.  First, your Chiropractor should be teaching you why and how they can help the body.  Second, the word cure is thrown around way to loosely and should not be used in chiropractic care. Understand the major premise to understand your Chiropractors thought process.

The Major Premise

Scientifically we understand that the brain and spinal cord, collectively called the central nerve system (CNS) regulates, controls, and even made every system and part of you. When a nerve exiting out of the spinal column has stress placed on it, immediately the nerve deviates off of normal tone. The organs, cells, and tissues that the nerve supplies will as a result begin to become hyper or hypo, thus damaging the body.  This “major premise” is not just recognized by Chiropractors. It is no different than what medical doctors have been taught in basic physiology.  The difference however, begins in treating the damaged organ and addressing the cause which controls, and coordinates the organ to help the body adapt and function properly.

Chiropractic Enables Your Body To Adapt

Chiropractic does not treat, nor cure the body. When a Chiropractor adjusts a specific area that is placing undo stress on a specific nerve the body immediately begins to release adaptive forces. Meaning? You begin to heal yourself. This once again is not a new “made up concept.” People are demanding more natural and effective forms of healthcare. You’d be amazed with what wellness and regular chiropractic care can do to enhance your health and performance. If your lifestyle does not include specific spinal healthcare, your body cannot function efficiently.​ By eliminating stress on the CNS you will have a positive impact on your ability to adapt and function. #getchecked

Chronic Ear Infections: Covering Up Or Healing

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

When the word chronic is used to describe a health condition that you have, typically 10 out of 10 times it will be a bad thing.  Why?  Well, first of all you do not hear people saying “I am chronically healthy!”  Many mothers who bring their children into our office for chronic ear infections typically do so as a last resort.  We think that chiropractic care is only for backaches…which is an absolute lie and false information.  Chiropractors are trained experts in the detection and adjustment of vertebral subluxations.  Vertebral subluxations cause chronic ear infections.  What is a vertebral subluxation?  Let’s continue!

The Actual Cause Of Chronic Ear Infections

The actual cause of all dysfunction in the human body, such as an ear infection, is vertebral subluxations.  The vertebral subluxation represents all physical disease in the body.  How and why?  A vertebral subluxation limits the body from adapting and healing.  It places undo stress and tension on the central nerve system, which controls all life.  This then restricts all messages sent throughout the body, or in this case, the inner ear.  When the central nerve system is limited by what it can do, in-coordination occurs within the body.  In-coordination will cause neglect of tissue cells, resulting in symptoms such as ear infections.

Cover It Up Or Help It Heal?

The primary function of the body is to use all parts in harmony to maintain health.  Constant movement in the inner ear allows the Eustachian tubes to function properly by draining.  A vertebral subluxation does not allow the Eustachian tubes to drain due to a disconnection between the brain and the inner ear.  It is that simple.  Covering up chronic ear infections with medication does not allow healing to happen.  Hence, the use of the word chronic.  Keep health simple and keep it straight. If you want more information or more specifics backed up with our research all you have to do is ask.  #getchecked


Proper Body Function

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Proper Body Function

Proper body function.  What does that statement mean to you?  Function is defined as ” an activity or purpose natural to or intended for a person or thing.”  Function is the way that you express your life to your fullest potential, without any limitations.  People that seek chiropractic care are doing this to have proper body function on a day to day basis.  Nothing is more frustrating than a quality of life that has limitations and restrictions on daily functions.  Awareness of body function is fundamental to understanding health and the possibilities that everyone has to obtain.

What Proper Body Function Is Not

Proper body function does not come in the form of a pill.  You cannot expect that taking something to cover up a sign or symptom is the ultimate way to express your function.  Function does not come in the form of a lotion or potion that has to be regularly applied.  Function does not come in the form of surgery or taking something away from your body unnecessarily.  We do realize, and accept, that at certain times maybe one of these variables might be necessary.  Major traumas, accidents, and injuries do occur in life.  If you’re always going to rely on a crutch at least make sure you have explored all options before doing so.

What It Is

Proper body function is allowing your body to heal and overcome obstacles in your way, which is the greatest natural force that we all have.  It’s time to get off the medical system and to take care of yourself.  Chiropractic care allows you to express life without limitations and without having to add something artificially to your body.  Chiropractic restores your life by making sure your central nerve system is properly functioning, which in turn enables everything in your body to be sufficient.  Everything that you do in life is expressed through your nerve system, chiropractic keeps that nerve system connected and healthy with specific adjustments.  Chiropractic does not take anything away from your body nor does it supplement it.  The original beauty of your body is that it is a self-sustainable organism, it knows what to do!  With specific regular adjustments your body has no other option but to maintain proper body function.

The Immune System Vs The Flu

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Immune System Vs The Flu

That time of the year is already upon us as we get ready for the upcoming holidays.  When we get to challenge our immune system and see how our body handles the constant bombardment of The Flu!  Remember the flu is not an actual season, it can happen or occur at any time of the year (for the sake of this blog we will keep it intact that it’s an actual season).  The immune system regulates and controls a vast array of organs, tissues, glands, and cells to make up what we know as the immune system.  We often overlook the immune system and only recognize its inabilities when we become sick.  The immune system is constantly running, thriving, and upgrading every single day.  Your body is constantly exposed to new pathogens (invaders to the body) and it’s the immune systems responsibility on how you perceive and interpret this data.  When The Flu strikes your body, you begin to have signs and symptoms.

Signs and symptoms that your immune system is compromised from the flu are far from in between.  You could feel sluggish, run down, develop a cough, sneezing, fever, chest congestion, diarrhea, etc.  The flu is not just one symptom that your body shows, but rather a bunch of signs and symptoms put together.  When your immune system is compromised and you develop a sign and symptom your body should fight and defend itself for 1-2 days and then restore normal function.  You should not be sick for weeks at a time or longer than 3 days, if this is the case then your body is taking a little longer than expected.  Why would that be the case?  Possibly due to a dysfunctional nerve system leading to an unhealthy immune system!  What if you are constantly getting sick over and over again? Again, possibly due to a dysfunctional nerve system leading to an unhealthy immune system!

Subluxations occur within the spine which create a central nerve system DYSFUNCTION.  Subluxations are what chiropractors are trained to find and adjust.  Imagine a subluxation as being a downed power line, it’s a dangerous situation to be in. Power is still being transmitted but is not sending and receiving the proper information.  A subluxation still allows the nerve to send messages, but not too its full potential nor to the right amount.  This in time will lead to a depressed immunity which inhibits your true potential on how you respond to the flu or any pathogen for that matter.  Your nerve system regulates and controls all other systems within the body.  The immune system is not overlooked, if at the first sign of the flu you jump to use medication you are losing the fight.  By just masking signs and symptoms with medication you never realize the potential that your immune system can have.  Proper health begins with a healthy functioning nerve system.  Get your nerves checked to allow you to fight the healthy battle.



Healthy Kids Education

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Healthy Kids Education

Healthy kids education?  Healthy kids is what each parent wants and looks to achieve during their lifespan.  When we think of healthy kids our first thought is typically free of disease and symptoms.  Unfortunately, this is not the case for the growing trend in our society.  As a chiropractor I come under the title of doctor, my mentors and schooling taught me that doctor means “teacher”.  It is our responsibility to inform and educate about why you see a chiropractor and the endless health choices that come under specific chiropractic care.  One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine – Sir William Osler.  When it comes to health we have been masked to believe that it comes in the form of a lotion, pill or needle.  Our body was not designed to process artificial stimulation on a continual basis, it is not the natural order.  The body was designed to heal on its own accord and it takes time to heal.

To impact our society we need to focus on the kids.  Healthy kids begins with the upbringing, foundation of healthy eating, regular exercise, and positive emotional stimulation.  When it comes to their overall well-being and health related issues, chiropractors are primary health care doctors.  The first physical trauma that we all experience is birth, regardless of how amazing it is, it is still traumatic.  Right then you should be wanting your child checked to make sure that their nerve system is properly functioning.  Nerves and chiropractic, the two words go hand in hand.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialists who remove interference in the body by specifically adjusting subluxations.  A subluxation occurs when stress is placed on a spinal nerve, thus in turn creating dysfunction within the body.

Healthy kids start with a healthy functioning nerve system.  All processes that begin with signs and symptoms have an origin, a malfunctioning nerve system.  Think of some common childhood health problems: ear infections, colic, constipation, colds, etc.  If the immune system is compromised then the nerve system controlling this has to be compromised to an extent.  So, what do we do if our kids have signs and symptoms?  Get their nerve system checked!  Want to boost their immune system the natural way?  Want to help strengthen their immunity and potentially reduce the incidence of general illness?  No drugs required!  Regular chiropractic adjustments to ensure their optimal potential leads to healthy kids!


Degenerative Disc Disease Is Not Hereditary

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Degenerative Disc Disease Is Not Hereditary

Degenerative disc disease gets some bad reps; understand that it’s not a good thing to have and is often misunderstood.  Just because your mother might have degenerative disc disease does not mean that you have to have it nor will have it.  First, recognize that even though it has the word disease in it, it is not actually a disease.  Second, we think that all older people will have degenerative disc disease, which is also not true.  Most people that have degenerative disc disease will say that they are shrinking as they are growing older, they might say my bones are shrinking!  When in actuality your bones are sort of growing and therefore destroying the disc space in between the bones. You are shrinking because your disc space is decreasing.

How does degenerative disc disease even appear/manifest/or happen?  First, let’s cover what a subluxation is.  A subluxation occurs in your spinal column that places pressure upon one or more spinal nerves which creates an entire central nerve system dysfunction.  It creates havoc within your entire body, not just the one or more nerves being affected.  When a subluxation exists for a period of time uncorrected it creates instability within your spinal column.  If you have instability within your spinal column for an extended period of time your body will begin to stabilize itself.  When your body begins to stabilize the spinal column it will do so with the strongest material that it is capable of developing, bone.  Degenerative disc disease can first start out as fragments of calcification leading to formation of bone (bone spurs).  Think of it this way: if your house is leaning over and is unstable, you are going to build upon it with a strong support system in place.  Your body will do the same thing!

Individuals with degenerative disc disease can have safe and effective chiropractic adjustments to maintain the amount of growth present.  Chiropractors cannot take away the degeneration that occurred, but can maintain the growth by providing specific chiropractic adjustments to form proper stability within the spinal column.  Get your nerves checked!


Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Fibromyalgia and Chiropractic

Fibromyalgia and chiropractic share a common trait.  Fibromyalgia often expresses itself by attacking our muscles and giving us chronic tension throughout the day.  Fibromyalgia and chiropractic are associated due to the fact that we are dealing with the musculoskeletal system.  More specifically though, we are dealing with the nerve system that regulates and controls those individual muscles.  Individuals who are burdened with fibromyalgia often have a quality of life that is based around their symptoms and how they are feeling that day.  Chronic pain and tightness in joints, difficulty concentrating, headaches and other possible symptoms do not have to be controlling your way of life.  The cause of fibromyalgia is often linked to accidents, chronic illness or some other incident that often leads people to second guess if they actually have fibromyalgia.  Looking for the cause?  Look to the master control system, the nerve system.

Fibromyalgia and chiropractic are related due to the fact that your nerve system is the top player in the scenario.  Chiropractic focuses specifically on the nerve system and making sure that by checking the nerve system, we are directly going after the cause of your problem and not the signs and symptoms.  Any sign and symptom that may appear is your body’s best way of functioning.  Fibromyalgia produces many signs and symptoms, all of these have to have a reason and a CAUSE.

When a vertebrae moves out of proper position and applies pressure on a single nerve, this creates an entire central nerve system disturbance.  Which means the entire body enters into a protection mode to survive as best as it can.  Enter the chronic state of “fight” and chronic illness.  Fibromyalgia and chiropractic address your cause by allowing your body to heal and to function by removing dysfunction from the entire body.  This is only done with specific and accurate adjustments to the spine to allow proper function.  By restoring proper communication to the body, you in turn allow the entire body to express its optimal potential.

Read a little bit more about fibromyalgia and chiropractic care. :CLICK ME



Natural Health Care

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Natural Health Care

Natural health care is becoming more and more of an issue these days.  This growing trend can, in part be due to the increased awareness of GMO’s, food processing, and over consumption of pharmaceuticals.  The increase of natural health care should be in the awareness of the explosion in ADHD, Autism, Allergies, Asthma, and so on.  Our health care is not what it should be when our children have a lower life expectancy then adults.  The best doctor that anyone will ever know is the one that is inside each of us.  For instance, if you cut yourself your body is going to respond to this by forming a clot and producing a scab.  Natural health care does not have to be difficult or over inflated with the newest and latest health trend.

Natural health care is allowing your body to function at its optimal potential.  Chiropractic is the most natural form of health care available.  Chiropractors do not give your body anything nor do they take anything away from your body.  Chiropractors check your nerve system and, if necessary, will perform an adjustment.  An adjustment is performed when a vertebra moves out of normal position and applies pressure on a nerve.  Pressure upon a nerve disturbs the body’s normal communication line.  Your brain, being your master control center, sends all the body’s messages through your spinal cord and out via nerves.  Pressure upon a nerve from a vertebra distorts the communication and your body suffers. As a result of this pressure upon a nerve, your body begins to give you signs and symptoms.  If signs and symptoms are present in your body, you need first to look towards the spine.

Understand that signs and symptoms are your body’s way of trying to protect itself.  If all you’re doing is supplementing medication for a “natural” pill then you are still suppressing the body’s natural response and inhibiting the healing process.  Natural health care is chiropractic!  The body is constantly in a state of function and repair on a daily basis; all controlled by a healthy and intact nerve system.  Keep your nerve system properly functioning to ensure your “natural health care.”