Pretty Poor Posture

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Pretty Poor Posture


Posture is your body’s alignment when sitting, standing, walking, and any basic movement.  The center focus of our alignment is our spinal column and consistent with those structures is your overall skeletal system.  Your musculoskeletal system is then responsible for holding that skeletal system in place.  Guess what just so happens to control and maintain proper function in both of these systems?  The NERVE SYSTEM, your body’s only master control system.  Poor posture wreaks havoc on our society and it does not seem to be getting any better.  Poor posture is a direct result of stress that your body “learns” to deal with.  Stress is placed on your body physically, mentally, and chemically.

Example- We undergo gravity our entire life, our skeletal system keeps us up right, muscle holds bones together, nerves make sure everything is functioning correctly.  Then stress is applied to our nerve system such as a subluxation (pinched nerve).  If that “pinched nerve” is not capable of sending the correct message from the brain to the muscle to make sure the muscle holds, what is the consequence?  Poor posture!  Now, this is just one example of how poor posture can show itself.

From a structural aspect, your spine will twist, curve, and form to the stress that is placed on your body.  Imagine that your spine is like a telephone pole.  The telephone poles are supposed to be strong, durable, and most important, straight and allow proper communication to go forth.  Your spine, when you look at someone straight on (head-to-head) should be straight; when looking at someone from the side there should be 3 curves in the spinal column.  Much like when stress is placed on the telephone pole the messages and communication are inhibited or severely altered.  The same with your spine, if poor posture is evident that equals stress on your nerve system.  Stress on your nerve system leads to disconnection from your brain to your organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc.

We think of poor posture as more of a cosmetic problem when, in essence, it is a health problem.  Poor posture has a direct correlation with the disease process.  Inhibit messages from brain to vital organs and things stop working correctly.  Chiropractic realizes this correlation with your posture and your overall health.  Specific X-rays are utilized so that your spine and your care is personalized and geared towards you!  Have your nerve checked!


Text Neck Leading To Children Headaches

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Text Neck Leading To Children Headaches

Children headaches are becoming more and more common.  A variable that we have to consider is the wonderful aspect of cellular devices.  Everyone and their mother seems to have a cell phone now and for some we cannot live without.  “Text Neck” is just a term that we like to use when people are on their phones for prolonged periods of time, with their neck looking down at their cell phone.  Usually when on the phone our neck is compromised.  You will see children with their heads hunched over and their eyes basically just glued to their phone.  Yet, this seems like just a small trivial thing throughout the day.  Repetitive motion over and over again eventually adds up.  Text neck can lead to children headaches.  Our children’s headaches our most likely caused by spinal stress.  This spinal stress is brought on by repetitive motion that compromises the cervical (neck) nerve roots, which then leads to the muscles being contracted for a prolonged period of time.  Pressure on nerves lead to signs and symptoms in our bodies which leads to our children’s headaches.

Text neck is just one small variable in the grand scheme of things.  Our children’s overall posture is the thing to watch out for.  Think about the over-bearing back-packs that our children are using.  This is also very common and leads to the same context that text neck brings about with it.  Improper spinal stress can wreak havoc on your children.  Children headaches are steadily climbing and chiropractic along with proper posture can eliminate the symptoms (or just get rid of their phones).   Specific chiropractic for your child is safe and effective.  Improper posture leads to dysfunction in the nerve system.  Chiropractors check the nerve system for dysfunction and perform adjustments if necessary.  The earlier your child is checked for nerve dysfunction the greater the opportunity for optimal neurological development.  Keep an eye out for the Text Neck!

Asthma Epidemic In Kalispell…In The U.S.

By | Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Asthma Epidemic In Kalispell…In The U.S.

Asthma is just running rampant in our society.  Not only in Kalispell and the Flathead community but in our society as a nation.  3/30 kids have asthma in our society currently.  Children 0-4 have the greatest prevalence of asthma and have required the most medical use.   With the total of medical care cost far exceeding $56 billion dollars.  Think about the missed days of school that our children are suffering from due to this.  In the United States asthma cases have increased by 60% since the 1980’s.  What are some of the factors that are causing this increase in asthma?  Food plays a huge part, our air quality plays a huge part.  What about stress and asthma?  Stress plays a HUGE part on how we express our asthma symptoms.  It is important to remember that asthma cannot be cured, however it can be controlled and maintained with a proper approach.

What brings people into a chiropractic office?  Physical stress, emotional stress, and chemical stressor’s on our body!  By decreasing a patients stress levels with specific chiropractic adjustments you are removing subluxations.  This establishes proper nerve communication your body is allowed to maintain and control your asthma.  When we STRESS-OUT, our body is not adapting to our environment.  If you are not adapting to your environment and your nerves enter protection mode, your muscles will begin to act, thus resulting in a flare up.   A multi-site clinical trial on chiropractic management of asthma is underway in Australia. “The preliminary data are very encouraging. Chiropractic patients are showing decreases in physical asthma symptoms and cortisol levels,” says Dr. Anthony Rosner, former director of education and research for the Foundation of Chiropractic Education and Research.  People who are suffering from asthma can benefit from specific chiropractic care by effecting their quality of life.

It is always important to remember that the first chiropractic adjustment was not for low back pain.  Chiropractic and asthma?  With chronic bronchial problems that many asthma people suffer from, you can control your flare-ups.  Chronic bronchial flare-ups is stress affecting your respiratory system, which in turn is responding from your nerve system!  Quality of life and asthma responses severely lowered is significant.  Have your nerves checked!

The Magic Bean Of Chiropractic

By | Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

The Magic Bean Of Chiropractic

What is the magic bean of chiropractic?  Consistency!  Consistency is the magic bean of chiropractic.  For example someone that starts chiropractic care for the very first time is going to experience a world of change!  Initially you might expect to be a little sore.  Why would I be sore?  We utilize the Gonstead Technique in our office.  We eliminate guessing by utilizing x-rays, and state of the art neurological assessments protocols every single visit.  When somebody first begins chiropractic care with us, that will be the first time they had a specific chiropractic adjustment.  The chiropractic adjustment is change to your body.  Your body begins to start adapting to change and with that your body begins to grow and heal itself.  Why would my body react that way to a chiropractic adjustment.  Because your body has been doing its thing for some time and then finally we start to make the right changes.  Reason to be consistent with chiropractic care is because you go through a thing called….life.  Life has with it, it’s emotional stress, physical stress, and chemical stress.

Why consistency?  In order to retrain that muscle memory, tissues, memory and ligament memory you have to be consistent by allowing your body to accept change and have proper nerve communication.  Some people after their first specific chiropractic adjustment state they feel like it was their first time at the gym!  You are creating health and recovery with chiropractic.  Yes, at times with chiropractic you might be sore.  Chiropractic is not designed to make you instantly feel better, chiropractic is designed to make you HEAL better.  Your care is designed individually for you based on your x-rays, neurological testing, and how you live!  Chiropractic is authentically here to assist you in your walk of life so you are at your optimal function.  Bump in the roads might take place.  Being consistent with your care is the key.

Some people who have been to other chiropractors might say they had a bad experience or they stopped care early because they didn’t get any relief.  Chiropractic should be thoroughly explained to you and how we are able to help.  Taking the time to explain that we are authentically here for you and how changes happen in your body.  Heading to the gym to build muscle, takes time.  Healing takes time.  Peeps say, “Well, chiropractic is addicting, and once you start you have to continue to go.”  Well, it is addicting to feel healthy.  Chiropractic can assist you in this walk of life.  Consistency is the magic bean.  Having your nerves checked makes sense.  Let that bean grow!

Fighting Vertigo

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Fighting Vertigo

A sense of dizziness or the world spinning around you can be a very traumatic experience.  In most instances when someone is experiencing vertigo, they will also have other symptoms such as nausea, sweating, vomiting and even headaches.  The major key is not to treat the symptoms of vertigo that are being apparent and mask things, but to go after the cause and look for the root of the cause.  Vertigo occurs due to an injury sustained, accident, trauma, so many different types of variables.  How does vertigo become apparent though?   If your body begins to function improperly and manifests certain characteristics to protect yourself such as in the inner ear, then yes signs and symptoms will become apparent.   What controls everything you do in your body….that is right…NERVES!  Sensory nerves in particular are not functioning at 100% if vertigo is present.

Sensory nerves and your lower brain stem are in particular disarray when vertigo is present.  Communication is not being sent back and forth because a subluxation (what chiropractor’s find and adjust)is present.

Chiropractic speaking, if you do sustain a accident, trauma or a head injury we would examine the spinal column, especially the upper cervical area, specifically called your atlas (C1) and axis (C2).  When an injury occurs and your body goes into protection mode, those spinal bones can move and apply pressure on the nerves and the lower part of your brain stem.  Because, what controls spatial orientation, coordination, and postural tone…..that is right…NERVES!  Specific adjustments to your upper cervical area can restore your communication line and perform uninterrupted.

Even if you have not suffered from an accident, trauma, or injury and still have components of vertigo.  To have your nerve system checked by a chiropractor and to address the cause of your problems is the major premise that can assist and allow your body to HEAL.