Carpal Tunnel Relief

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Carpal Tunnel Relief

Carpal tunnel relief is often linked to people wearing a brace or having some sort of surgery performed.  Carpal tunnel is caused by pressure on our median nerve which regulates and controls our hands, more specifically speaking our thumbs, index and middle fingers.  Symptoms can and will vary for each individual, the most common being weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers listed above.  Individuals with neck discomfort also exhibit signs and symptoms of weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers.  How do you actually know if what you’re experiencing is carpal tunnel?  Your top priority should be to have your nerves checked.

With carpal tunnel relief, just like anything else in your body, it starts with relief of the nerve.  Understand, if we have a bad experience in life we have to blame and look towards our nerve system for the cause and result.  Carpal tunnel is interesting because people understand that to obtain relief you have to address the nerve that is causing the discomfort.  This principle of relieving pressure on a nerve is key to understanding chiropractic.  Carpal tunnel relief is just not about looking at the wrist that is giving you the pinpoint sign and symptoms.  Everything starts from somewhere with regards to your body, and as previously stated you have to look to the nerve system first.  Ninety percent of all carpal tunnel patients were found to have nerve root irritation in their cervical spine, a condition known as double crush phenomena Journal of Neurology.  

carpal tunnel reliefYour median nerve has its beginnings in your neck, and if there is pressure upon the nerve in your neck region than you can exhibit signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel.  The stereotype is out that secretaries and individuals who type are more prone to having carpel tunnel.  Widen the outlook and see that most often the people that are prone to carpel tunnel exhibit poor posture, chronic sitting, and have a poor ergonomic work station.  All of this further contributing to a compromised nerve system, specifically speaking to our neck region.  Carpal tunnel relief is addressed by removing pressure from a nerve.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist that check your nerves and, if necessary, perform specific adjustments.  Carpal tunnel relief = get your nerves checked.


Decrease Inflammation

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Decrease Inflammation

Why would someone want to decrease inflammation?  Initially, inflammation in your body is a way to protect itself from some sort of injury/pathogen that occurred.  Your immune system recognizes that some irritant affected the body so your immune system kicks into high gear to protect and remove the harmful stimuli.  Your body recognizes that inflammation should only persist for a short while, remember it is part of the healing process.  Chronic inflammation in your body for an extended period is unnecessary and often leads to signs and symptoms.

The inflammation we are focusing on is relating to your gut.  Specifically, we are talking about your vagus nerve which regulates and controls a vast amount in your body including your stomach, large intestine, small intestines and so on.  Chronic inflammation in your gut can be extremely debilitating and can lead to different symptoms.  Your vagus nerve is in control of regulating and controlling gut microbiomes that sense and detect pathogens.  A subluxation is when a vertebra moves and applies pressure on a nerve thus decreasing the firing potential of the nerve.  Basically, a subluxation creates dysfunction in the body, which does NOT decrease inflammation.  So, think if you’re constantly bloated, have stomach pains, have chronic digestive issues, or just something is affecting your body irregularly.  First, look to the spine for the cause of why this is happening.  If a nerve is not sending the proper communication to your vital organs, then your body will respond as best as it can leading to signs and symptoms.  By properly removing pressure off of the vagus nerve you can decrease inflammation.

In society we are instructed that digestive issues are all solved by eliminating something from the diet.  Why eliminating something can help, it still is not solving the cause of WHY your body is responding the way it is.  Specific chiropractic adjustments allow digestion to be restored properly without elimination and decreasing the immune response of chronic inflammation.  Every day you live with a subluxation you are shortened of your life potential.  Decrease inflammation in the gut by addressing the cause.


The Rise Of Asthma Symptoms

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Rise Of Asthma Symptoms

The rise of asthma symptoms in our society means only one thing, more people have asthma.  Simple!  We measure the health of our society either based on the elderly or the young.  For me, I like to think if our young our healthy then we as a society are healthy.  Let’s be honest, asthma symptoms have continued to rise and for some that is the least of their concerns along with their myriad of other complaints.  More and more children are diagnosed with asthma than any other “disease”.  Asthma symptoms and understanding how the body works can be the tip of the iceberg for some.  If the body is constantly expressing itself with asthma symptoms, your body is in a constant state of fight.  Realize, symptoms in one aspect of the body defines the entire body.  Just imagine how else your body is attacking itself when constantly being bombarded with countermeasures to survive.

Relating asthma symptoms and chiropractic is as easy as peanut butter and jelly.  When there is abnormal autonomic nerve system responsiveness, this contributes to pathogenesis of asthma and other allergic diseases.  Chiropractor’s check and detect for possible subluxations within one’s body and adjust those subluxations if necessary to restore proper communication.  Subluxation’s create abnormal autonomic nerve system responses.  Chronic asthma symptoms are abnormal responses.  Your body should recognize a pathogen and fight, protect itself, and WIN!  What your body should not do is have a chronic battle that is life limiting and in constant state of protection over and over again.  So, an easy way to mask asthma symptoms is through medication.  The so called quick “fix.”  How about visiting a chiropractor and addressing the cause of your health condition?  How about having your children checked for possible subluxations that can be stimulating adverse asthma symptoms?  Get checked.

The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine, William Osler, M.D..  Don’t cover up asthma symptoms, address the underlying cause.


Natural Stress Relief Through Nerves

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Natural Stress Relief Through Nerves

Natural stress relief through your nerves?  Or natural stress relief through a healthy, adapting nerve system?  Either way, the relief must come through a nerve system that is clear and free of nerve disturbance.  The stress that we are going to be addressing in this column is emotional.  Emotional stress takes a toll on our lives and plagues our body.  Talking to your very first girlfriend, talking in front of a crowd, paying bills on time, going to school every day, these are examples of emotional stress that can add up.  Do you ever get “butterflies in your stomach?”  This isn’t due to the fact that you’re walking around with your mouth open and swallowing butterflies.  This happens due to your body’s ability to adapt and to thrive.  Your body knows when and how to process danger and when to rest.  If your body is constantly being bombarded with emotional stress, you are never giving yourself a proper chance to adapt and heal.  Your body will always be perceiving “danger” and your body will be overrun.

Natural stress relief has many different potions, options, and techniques.  The “BEST” natural stress relief would be allowing your body to heal itself without having to take anything!  The chronic bombardment of the stress response on your body is controlled and regulated by your NERVE SYSTEM.  You can take things to alter cells, tissues, organs, and glands.  That is supplementing, you still need to address the cause of being in a constant state of stress.

Imagine if you have a “pinched nerve” (basically dysfunction in your nerve system) in your system, any messages from your brain controlling and perceiving your stress responses to all of your glands will be severely altered.  Communication from brain to adrenal glands is altered and vice versa, hypothalamus to pituitary is altered and vice versa and so on.  Natural stress relief is through a healthy functioning nerve system.  You don’t have to take anything.  Chiropractor’s will access/check your nerve system for possible dysfunction and provide specific adjustments if needed.


The Major “S-Word”…..Stress

By | Benefits of Chiropractic


We go through major amounts of stress in our life.  We go through chemical, physical and emotional stress on a daily basis in our lives!  Having the ability to overcome and having our bodies adapt to these major stressors is the determining factor of how we are going to live our lives!

Chemical stress.  Too much dope (pills), coffee, green tea, alcohol, chocolate…..etc etc.  Every thing in moderation right!    If we consume these things on a daily basis and if our body has the inability to adapt to the stress then our body starts to elicit signs and symptoms of distress.  These are key to recognize.  Stress is different for everybody and how you are able to adapt to it!  A malfunctioning liver, kidneys, you name it!  If you have chemical stress to your body, yes you should be able to adapt and overcome.  However, if your nerve system is not functioning at 100% and you have the inability to adapt, the signs and symptoms start to pile on!

Emotional stress.  Do you like public speaking?  This is a easy one to understand.  The top fear for most people is public speaking.  Having to meet your soon to be boyfriend or girlfriend for the first time can be emotional as well…and etc.  Some people start to shake, have sweaty palms, have those butterflies in your stomach?  Well gee, who is controlling those emotional thoughts?  Your brain and your nerves!  Ever hear of somebody who had such emotional baggage that there body started to elicit signs and symptoms, hair falling out, ulcers, acne, and so on !  IF you are not adapting to your emotional stress your body tells you!  Make sure to be functioning at 100%!

Physical stress.  First physical stress that we all encounter….birth.  After that just keep adding them up, learning to walk, learning to ride a bike, ummm just about learning to do anything physical.  The physical stress is the easiest one to understand for most, however the most neglected!  We undergo a care accident when we are 16 years old, have “soreness” for about a day because our body is so young and recovering faster than ever we think we are good to go!  During this care accident you sustained some whiplash as well……your only 16 years old and you think your body adapted and overcame your incident.  You have sustained a physical stress and only felt the symptoms for a day, that does not mean your body HEALED!

Having a chiropractor who understands the stress in your life and how you are able to overcome these is the major concept!  Having the inability to adapt and overcome your stress is WHY chiroprac-TORS do what we do!

Oh, just too much to talk about with regards to the “S-WORD.”