The Fight Of Metabolism

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

The constant fight of maintaining or decreasing our metabolism is a huge factor for many.  We can all understand and rationalize that as we gain in age that things begin to slow down, and one of those is our metabolism.  Individuals that are in their middle-ages or not even out of high school yet should not have to suffer with fluctuating metabolism problems.  Realizing that our current trend in society to a more sedentary lifestyle with fast food for three meals a day does play a role in this.  Diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices are all variables to consider when talking about metabolism.  The fight of metabolism that we are going to address here is centered on our hormones and specifically our nerve system control.  Addressing the changes your body makes in metabolism without a clear and connected nerve system.metabolism

Ask about three people you know if they or somebody they know has a problem with their thyroid gland.  Most likely you will come out with 100% participation of someone suffering with thyroid dysfunction.  Metabolism is directly proportional to how your thyroid gland is functioning and receiving clear communication from your nerve system.  If there is stress placed on the body via some sort of physical, chemical, or emotional stress then your body will slow down its overall function.  Stress placed on the nerve system will slow digestion, metabolism, hormones, and cellular function (among other things).  Your entire physiology will drastically change when your nerve system is not optimally functioning.  

Chiropractic recognizes that your entire body needs to function at its optimal potential.  By removing stress placed on your nerve system, you are able to function the way you are supposed to.  A disturbance in the nerve that regulates and controls your thyroid gland is directly correlated with metabolism.  Now, just to clarify we are not saying we are going to change your weight and instantly lose fifty pounds.  Chiropractic care will remove the disturbance placed on your nerve system which will allow your body to begin to heal.  Allowing proper connection from nerve to gland and gland to nerve is essential for any component of the body.

Constipation In Children

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Constipation In Children

Constipation in children sort of becomes a tricky issue.  For any parent that has changed a diaper and encountered a massive explosion, it might be kind of nice to get a couple of days without having to go through that smell.  Truth be told though, that massive explosion is a healthy and functioning child.  All sarcasm aside, constipation in children is not normal and is a growing trend.  Everyone should be experiencing a bowel movement 2-3 times a day.  When going to the bathroom it should not be strenuous and difficult, it should be like “Grease Lighting.”  Constipation in children often comes about when our children tell us “Mommy, it hurts when I poop” or some sort of stomach pain.  The main sign that parents will notice is the lack of bathroom visits.

Constipation in children can be “treated” with stool softener or heavy forms of laxatives.  Keep in mind though that this is not addressing the cause of the problem, laxatives and medication is like putting a Band-Aid on an ever growing concern.  If you are looking to address the problem at the cause and ensure your children are functioning to their optimal potential then you need to look no further.  Chiropractic goes after the root of the cause of constipation in children.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist and are trained specifically to access and adjust the nerve system.  Constipation in children is usually associated with the lower part of the spine, more specifically the sacrum.  Specific nerves regulate and control the muscles, cells, and tissues of our bowel movements.  If the sacrum or a vertebra moves out of position and applies pressure on one of these nerves then the brain cannot control proper bowel movements.  Improper positioning of a vertebra creates a roadblock in communication.  

Constipation in children is a warning sign.  Recognize what warning signs are in your children.  Give your children a chance to heal and grow stronger by proper nerve system communication.  Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages!  Get checked! 


The Fact’s Of Scoliosis Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Fact’s Of Scoliosis Chiropractic

Some cold hard facts of scoliosis chiropractic care.  Scoliosis chiropractic care is essential and vitally important to correct the on-going posture distortions that will plague an individual if uncorrected.  Scoliosis is improper curvatures of the spinal column when looking at another individual face on.  Your spine is designed to have three major curvatures when visualizing someone from the lateral aspect.  When someone has curvatures in their spine when looking at the front of the individual that causes harm to their body.  Your spine encloses and protects the most important system in your body, the nerve system.  If there are improper curvatures within the spine then, as a direct correlation you will have dysfunction within your nerve system.  Are you wondering if scoliosis chiropractic care is for you?  If you have a nerve system then yes!

Many think that genetics or a deformity in the spine causes scoliosis.  While these two variables can play a part in scoliosis, the true cause relates to the functional activity of the nerve system.  Muscles play a major role in keeping the spine straight.  Your musculoskeletal system is regulated and controlled by your nerves.  So, your muscles will not receive proper communication and thus results in scoliosis.  Scoliosis chiropractic care focuses specifically on the function of the nerve system.

One of the major components of scoliosis chiropractic care is proper X-ray imaging.  X-ray imaging is essential to visualize and perform specific adjustments to the vertebrae of concern.  Here at Carlson Chiropractic Office we utilize full spine X-rays to visualize and take the time to properly access everyone individually.  Scoliosis chiropractic care has to be specific and personalized for everyone.  Taking care of your spine ensures that health and longevity will continue via a healthy nerve system.  Now is the time for scoliosis chiropractic care!  Have your nerves checked.

Family Health Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Family Health Care – Carlson Chiropractic Offices

Why family health care?  Great question!  It is our responsibility to raise the awareness of what health is and what it is not.  Your body develops, grows, heals, and deteriorates on the cellular level.  Your body is constantly being resurrected one cell at a time.  The integrity of those cells depend upon a healthy functioning nerve system coordinating that action and forming the building blocks for life.  Chiropractic is the only profession that focuses specifically and solely on the function of the nerve system.  Your nerve system is the master control system of your entire body.  If you want to express life to your fullest potential and live without limits, this requires a healthy functioning nerve system.  We say family health care because everyone uses their nerve system!  

Family health care is simple.  In our world today we complicate it way to much and don’t have to. If the signals from the master control CENTER (brain) are normal then the body functions normally.  If there is a “disconnection” from the brain to the organs, cells, tissues, glands, etc then the body responds with signs and symptoms.  This “disconnection” is caused by a vertebral subluxation.  A vertebral subluxation is a deep and nasty thing that festers with time, it takes time to exhibit the signs of pain that most people associate chiropractic with.  In actuality the signs and symptoms should be the first cue for you to visit your chiropractor.  Think of a subluxation along the lines of a cavity.  Halloween rolls and along and parents instantly think that cavities are going to appear the next day.  Cavities take time to express themselves into the actual sensation of pain.

Family health care is simple!  Having a clear and connected nerve system ensures optimal potential.  No medication needs to be taken and nothing from your body needs to be taken away.  Chiropractic allows your body to heal the way your body is intended to.  Yes, we realize that healing takes time.  Healing is not just the removal of pain, it’s the return of life and living it.  Family health care is that simple!  


Stress Less

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Stress Less

Stress, Stress, Stress, Stress…and more Stress!  Would you like to guess the number one reason why individuals visit a chiropractic office?  Stress!  Want to stress less?  Hear what we have to say:  Chiropractic is just not low back and headaches.  Subluxation (pinched nerve) is what chiropractors find and correct.  A subluxation inhibits the communication between brain to organ, cell, tissue, gland, etc.  If the communication is blocked between brain and vital component of body, safe to say there has to be some component of stress involved.  Now, if you’re thinking that stress is just something you “think” about, you are partially correct.  If it was just something we thought about, stressing less would be easy to accomplish.  If you are chronically thinking about paying bills, speaking in public, or passing your classes then yes, “thinking/emotions” will plague your body with stress.  What about physical stress?  Repetitive motion, car accidents, jumping out of airplanes, yes, that is all physical stress on your body.  What about toxicity in your body?  Medication, too much alcohol, eating in excess, can all be toxic stress on your body.  These different types of stress (emotional, physical, toxic) affects the entire body.

From a whole body approach what can be done?  Exercise and maintain your current day to day diet!  Have your nerve system checked for possible subluxations (stress) on a consistent basis.  Allow your master control system to function at its up-most potential. That is the key to stress less.  Now, if you allow your body to heal and adapt from the emotional physical and toxic stress on your body, then you have nothing to fret about!  Use signs and symptoms as a way to realize what is going on with your body.  Weight gain, digestive problems, heart problems and many more are possible signs and symptoms that there is stress on your nerve system.  To stress less make sure your nerve system is clear and free of possible subluxations.  Remember, everyone was born to be healthy!


The Cause Of Sports Injuries

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

The Cause Of Sports Injuries

The cause of sports injuries can be very abrupt and noticeable or can prolong themselves for a period of time.  In this article we are talking about sports injuries that take time to notice and can wreak havoc on an athlete’s career.  (If you want to see some noticeable sports injuries that have a direct cause, just Click ME and watch some clips).  Now, the other sports injuries that wreak havoc on an athlete we need to find the major principle of WHY.  Most bodies are not given the opportunity to adapt and heal from a problem.  Most likely, there is some sort of physical stress placed on the athlete and if this stress goes on for a pro-longed period of time then our body does not function to its potential.  Correct potential is supposed to be the optimal for an athlete!  For those sports injuries that continue on and linger we need to address the body as an entire unit, not just the area causing the issues.

The example we will use today is a very common issue, a sprained ankle.  An athlete encounters a sprained ankle, takes time to heal and boom is back on the field in no time.  The sprained ankle happens again a couple of months down the road and then again.  This injury sort of becomes chronic in nature.  So, how do we address the ankle?  Is there weakness in the ligaments and tendons protecting the ankle joint, yes.  As a chiropractor would I address and check the spine as well?  Yes!  Imagine if that athlete has a subluxation (pinched nerve/dysfunction in the nerve system) in their lumbar spine.  So, without going into too much detail about the cells, tissues, and glands being affected by this subluxation, let’s talk about the bio-mechanics.  If there is a subluxation the athletes’ gait is altered; if their gait is altered, muscles are altered, and if muscles are altered then structure is altered.  Which then, in turn, leaves a weakened structure at the ankles.  Chiropractors evaluate the body as a whole, rather than in separate parts.  When it comes to sports injuries, an athlete knows that everything is connected and everything needs to function at their optimal potential.


Text Neck Leading To Children Headaches

By | ADHD, Asthma, Benefits of Chiropractic

Text Neck Leading To Children Headaches

Children headaches are becoming more and more common.  A variable that we have to consider is the wonderful aspect of cellular devices.  Everyone and their mother seems to have a cell phone now and for some we cannot live without.  “Text Neck” is just a term that we like to use when people are on their phones for prolonged periods of time, with their neck looking down at their cell phone.  Usually when on the phone our neck is compromised.  You will see children with their heads hunched over and their eyes basically just glued to their phone.  Yet, this seems like just a small trivial thing throughout the day.  Repetitive motion over and over again eventually adds up.  Text neck can lead to children headaches.  Our children’s headaches our most likely caused by spinal stress.  This spinal stress is brought on by repetitive motion that compromises the cervical (neck) nerve roots, which then leads to the muscles being contracted for a prolonged period of time.  Pressure on nerves lead to signs and symptoms in our bodies which leads to our children’s headaches.

Text neck is just one small variable in the grand scheme of things.  Our children’s overall posture is the thing to watch out for.  Think about the over-bearing back-packs that our children are using.  This is also very common and leads to the same context that text neck brings about with it.  Improper spinal stress can wreak havoc on your children.  Children headaches are steadily climbing and chiropractic along with proper posture can eliminate the symptoms (or just get rid of their phones).   Specific chiropractic for your child is safe and effective.  Improper posture leads to dysfunction in the nerve system.  Chiropractors check the nerve system for dysfunction and perform adjustments if necessary.  The earlier your child is checked for nerve dysfunction the greater the opportunity for optimal neurological development.  Keep an eye out for the Text Neck!

Natural Stress Relief Through Nerves

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Natural Stress Relief Through Nerves

Natural stress relief through your nerves?  Or natural stress relief through a healthy, adapting nerve system?  Either way, the relief must come through a nerve system that is clear and free of nerve disturbance.  The stress that we are going to be addressing in this column is emotional.  Emotional stress takes a toll on our lives and plagues our body.  Talking to your very first girlfriend, talking in front of a crowd, paying bills on time, going to school every day, these are examples of emotional stress that can add up.  Do you ever get “butterflies in your stomach?”  This isn’t due to the fact that you’re walking around with your mouth open and swallowing butterflies.  This happens due to your body’s ability to adapt and to thrive.  Your body knows when and how to process danger and when to rest.  If your body is constantly being bombarded with emotional stress, you are never giving yourself a proper chance to adapt and heal.  Your body will always be perceiving “danger” and your body will be overrun.

Natural stress relief has many different potions, options, and techniques.  The “BEST” natural stress relief would be allowing your body to heal itself without having to take anything!  The chronic bombardment of the stress response on your body is controlled and regulated by your NERVE SYSTEM.  You can take things to alter cells, tissues, organs, and glands.  That is supplementing, you still need to address the cause of being in a constant state of stress.

Imagine if you have a “pinched nerve” (basically dysfunction in your nerve system) in your system, any messages from your brain controlling and perceiving your stress responses to all of your glands will be severely altered.  Communication from brain to adrenal glands is altered and vice versa, hypothalamus to pituitary is altered and vice versa and so on.  Natural stress relief is through a healthy functioning nerve system.  You don’t have to take anything.  Chiropractor’s will access/check your nerve system for possible dysfunction and provide specific adjustments if needed.


Basler Family Chiropractic Office Interior

Chiropractic Can Reduce Blood Pressure

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Chiropractic Can Reduce Blood Pressure

So…chiropractic can reduce blood pressure?  No joke, no surgery, no medication.  Okay, quick re-cap on what chiropractors actually do.  Chiropractors access and check your nerve system for possible subluxations (nerve dysfunction/stress) and provide specific adjustments to make sure your nerve system stays connected and free of dysfunction.  High blood pressure is an issue in our society, most likely brought on by our poor lifestyle choices (fast food, improper medication, etc).  There are some who live a healthy life and are still plagued with high blood pressure.  Finding ways to reduce blood pressure can be over-burdensome and we have been raised to think that we have to TAKE something externally to influence our body!  Yes, taking medication has many alterations on our body.  Even when we take something “natural,” we don’t know if our body requires it.  A healthy foundation begins with regular exercise, a normal diet, and of course making sure your nerve system is connected to process all incoming and outgoing information.  (“Normal” diet in context is what you think healthy is for you.)

A 2007 study in the Journal of Human Hypertension looked at a group of patients with high blood pressure. Half received an adjustment of their atlas, and the other half received a sham adjustment.  The decrease in blood pressure was so drastic in the patients who received real adjustments that the researchers wrote that it “is similar to that seen by giving two different anti-hypertensive agents simultaneously.”  If your master control system (nerve system) is connected and free of dysfunction, then your body will adapt and heal itself, thus to reduce blood pressure.   Nothing is taken externally for this. The only variable that is needed is time.  It takes time for your body to develop signs and symptoms and become aware of them, and it takes time to heal.

For some who live a healthy life, stress is the variable that increases the blood pressure.  Japanese researchers in 2011 gave chiropractic adjustments to 12 men and examined PET scan images and blood chemistry to examine the effect that chiropractic has on the autonomic nervous system.  After receiving a chiropractic neck adjustment, patients had altered brain activity in the parts of the brain responsible for pain processing and stress reactions. They also had significantly reduced cortisol levels, indicating decreased stress.  Reduce your blood pressure and allow your overall body to heal the way it is intended.

  1. Bakris G, Dickholtz M Sr, Meyer PM, Kravitz G, Avery E, Miller M, Brown J, Woodfield C, Bell B. Atlas vertebra realignment and achievement of arterial pressure goal in hypertensive patients: a pilot study. Journal of Human Hypertension 2007;21(5):347-52.
  2. Ogura, Takeshi and Manabu Tashiro, Mehedi,Shoichi Watanuki, Katsuhiko Shibuya, Keiichiro Yamaguchi, Masatoshi Itoh, Hiroshi Fukuda, Kazuhiko Yanai. Cerebral metabolic changes in men after chiropractic spinal manipulation for neck pain. Alternative Therapies. 2011;17(6):12-17.Strunk RG, Hawk C. Effects of chiropractic care on dizziness, neck pain, and balance: a single-group, pre-experimental, feasibility study. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine 2009;8(4):156–164.


The Known Tunnel Of Carpal Tunnel

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

The Known Tunnel Of Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel we think is going to occur in most everyone who has some sort of desk job where typing is happening at an accelerated rate.  Carpal tunnel syndrome can be very debilitating and leads most to have some sort of surgery.  The surgery that is performed usually consists of some sort of “cutting” that releases pressure from a nerve!?  This has to be an amazing concept here.  Chiropractic accesses nerve dysfunction and then removes pressure (stress) from the nerve by performing specific adjustments.  What seems to be the difference between carpal tunnel surgery and seeing a chiropractor.  Well that’s a HUGE list!  Let’s see what our surgery is going to do.  You will have some ligament removed/cut to “remove” pressure off of the median nerve.  Then scar tissue will develop and this process will more than likely have to be repeated.  If your aim is to remove the symptoms than this is your proper choice.

Chiropractic and carpal tunnel seeks to go after the cause of your dysfunction.  “A study published in the British Medical Journal the Lancet found evidence of cervical neuritis (nerve irritation) in over 70% of all carpal tunnel syndrome patients.”  It is very safe to say that you have to look to the spine first when addressing carpal tunnel and any diagnosis for that matter.  Restoring proper communication to the wrist begins with addressing the spine.  Having a surgery to the wrist is one thing, kind of like putting a bandage on things.  Having specific chiropractic adjustments to the cervical region and wrist is the optimal road to choose in order to allow your body to heal.  Allow your nerve system to be connected from top down will enable your signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel to diminish by addressing the causative factors.  Have your nerves checked.