Respiratory Infections And Chiropractic

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Respiratory Infections And Chiropractic

Chronic bronchitis, upper respiratory infections, asthma, are just a handful of some of the airway breathing disorders that inhibit our quality of life.  Respiratory disorders vary for each individual and are usually categorized into upper and lower respiratory conditions.  The most common upper respiratory tract infection that we encounter is the common cold, which directly effects the nose, throat and surrounding passages.  Lower respiratory infections that we commonly hear of are pneumonia and bronchitis.  Without going into to much detail, upper and lower infections are still respiratory disorders.  When we encounter a respiratory infection our body is susceptible due to our immune system not properly functioning.  Respiratory infections though distressful at times are a way that your body tells you something is happening.  Respiratory infections should occur for a short period of time and your immune system should be able to prevail and get stronger from it.  Chronic, reoccurring infections is a compromised immune system that is not on the path to healing but rather in a constant state of survival.

When a respiratory infection occurs we often give superficial band-aids that cover up the symptoms we are expressing.  We have a tendency to neglect the immune system and the reason we are susceptible.  Chiropractic enters the picture because it focus on the nerve system that specifically controls and regulates every experience you have in life.  The nerve system is in direct control of your immune system and how it operates.  Chiropractic does not just focus on the upper or lower respiratory tracts specifically, it utilizes a full body approach that begins with the nerve.  Nerve system dysfunction likely plays a role in chronic upper airway inflammatory disease (Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surgery Journal).  Nerve dysfunction is categorized in chiropractic as a subluxation.  A subluxation places undo stress upon a nerve limiting it’s communication to and from the brain, creating an entire central nerve system dysfunction.  Thus chronic and reoccurring respiratory infections.  Specific chiropractic adjustments relieve stress upon the nerve allowing proper function and more importantly immune system function to be re-established.

Computer Posture

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Computer Posture

Computer posture in our society is becoming a struggle as more and more individuals are sitting for an extended period of time at their desk.  Correct computer posture is key for a lifetime of proper spinal alignment and allowing your body to continue to work day in and day out without any problems.  So, here are some basic simple principles when sitting down on the computer for an extended period of time.  When visualizing your monitor it is key that the bottom of the monitor be slightly above your eyes or have the monitor perpendicular to your eyes.  If you are constantly looking down at the monitor you are placing stress upon the neck muscles.  The arms need to be at a neutral position almost in a 90-degree angle when typing on the keyboard.  Computer posture for sitting down should be with a slight curve in your lumbar region.  Make sure the curve is actually in your lumbar spine and not in your pelvis.  The feet need to be flat on the floor periodically moving them.   Limit the amount of leaning forward while looking at the monitor for this adds stress upon the neck muscles yet again.

Correct computer posture is key to longevity in your current profession.  Understand that sitting down on the spine is like sugar to the teeth, it adds up over time if done incorrectly.  Chiropractic allows you to function and enable correct computer posture by allowing your nerve system to function correctly.  Overtime incorrect computer posture will wreak havoc on the muscles.  This is in part due to the amount of strain that is placed on the muscles for having to compensate.  Remember you are always fighting gravity on a daily basis, it is your nerve systems responsibility to send proper messages to the muscles to make sure they are firing appropriately and working correctly.  If you are compensating with poor posture your muscles will be working harder and faster than they should be, which in turn can create nerve system dysfunction.  Regular chiropractic care allows your nerve system to be connected without dysfunction so your muscles work accordingly.  Proper computer posture teamed up with regular chiropractic care is a win-win!  



By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections


The word posture plays a huge role in our day to day lives.  A seemingly small thing that adds up over time.  For some we assume proper posture is sticking the chest out and holding our head up straight.  This definitely plays a role, yet there are more important factors that directly affect this.  When referring to posture we are talking about our spine.  Our spine encases and protects our most important component of our body, our nerve system.  When looking at someone from the front they should have no curves in their body (spinal curvatures that is).  When viewing somebody from the side though, there should be three spinal curvatures.  We have to remember that gravity effects us our entire life (kind of an important thing), and hose spinal curvatures serve to act as giant shock absorber’s as we go through life.posture

What plagues our overall posture?  The most notorious factor that can wreak havoc on our everyday posture is sitting.  Sitting distorts and imposes improper weight upon our spine which has a direct correlation on how our body functions.  This is due to the fact that when our nerve system has improper curvatures our entire body works differently.  Think of it this way, telephone poles are usually straight so that they can send messages back and forth without disturbance.  When a telephone line is down, there is no communication to be delivered.  A downed power line is similar to that of a subluxation.  A subluxation is when a spinal bone moves and applies direct pressure upon a nerve thus disturbing the flow of communication from your brain to your body.  Improper posture creates dysfunction within the entire body because your communication is inhibited.  Poor posture over time can create such disturbances as subluxations.  

Subluxations are re-occurring downed power lines that disrupts your entire body.  Improper posture over time can maintain and support these subluxations in a negative way.  This occurs by your body giving you signs and symptoms to let you know that something is WRONG.  Specific chiropractic adjustments will and do help correct posture by removing the interference (subluxation), thus allowing your body to maintain proper function.  


Gonstead Chiropractor In Kalispell Montana

By | Benefits of Chiropractic

Gonstead Chiropractor In Kalispell Montana

We have our new listing for the Gonstead Clinical Studies Society.  What is Gonstead?   Follow our listing :  Find us HERE

The Gonstead Concept of chiropractic begins with a basic biomechanical principle of physics. Every engineer, architect, builder and carpenter knows the importance of a proper foundation in constructing a building, for this insures durability and long life. Any slight change or shift in the foundation can cause a great amount of deviation in the top part of the structure and, perhaps, ultimately, its collapse.

The body’s foundation is formed by the pelvic girdle. When this bony structure consisting of hip bones and the lower bones of the back is level, there will be maximum balance and stability in the spinal column. When the pelvic girdle or any of the vertebrae (bones making up the spinal column) become tilted or rotated out of their proper position, dramatic changes may occur in the body.

These misalignments can cause pressure on the discs that separate the vertebrae. (The condition of the disc is the key to the patient’s health problem in many cases.) Vertebra can become misaligned either from the cumulative effects of several minor episodes or from a single accident. Nature frequently is able to cope with these jolts to the spinal column without assistance. Sometimes, though, vertebrae tilted or rotated out of their normal position can be too much for nature to deal with effectively.

In order to more fully understand what occurs, we should know that the discs are really pads between the vertebrae and consist of a spongy substance surrounded by fibers of cartilage. When there is misalignment of a vertebra, there is uneven pressure on the disc causing it to swell and protrude. (One often hears this referred to as a slipped, herniated or ruptured disc.)

Chiropractors call this condition a SUBLUXATION when it results in the pinching or compressing of the nerves that run through that particular area. These compressed nerves often become inflamed and impede the proper transmission of impulses to the section of the body controlled by these nerves. A seemingly endless list of ailments and pain may be brought about by these subluxations.

Generally, misaligned vertebrae in the spine are easily recognized, particularly those in the upper portion of the vertebral column. However, less easily found and often overlooked are misalignments in the foundation or lower portions of the spine.

The ability to recognize and correct these misalignments forms an integral part of the Gonstead Concept. For example: When the lower portion of the spinal column has misaligned vertebra, the body tries to keep itself and its skeleton upright and straight. Often it compensates by causing a vertebra above to become misaligned. This is the body’s way of attempting to re-establish the normal perpendicular position of the body.

If just the top misaligned vertebra was adjusted, in cases where additional vertebrae are misaligned, only limited relief could result. This would not be getting to the source of the trouble. For complete and lasting results, all of the misaligned vertebrae must be identified and then a program can be initiated to restore them to their normal position. Every chiropractic case presents a different combination of misaligned vertebrae.

Pediatric Chiropractic Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Why is pediatric chiropractic care important?  The simplest reason being is that they have a nerve system as well!  To expand this approach on pediatric chiropractic care we dive into a quick snapshot of chiropractic.  Chiropractic is a noninvasive form of health care that seeks to keep individuals healthy without medication, surgery etc.  Every human experience we encounter has to be processed via our nerve system.  Any incoming data from the environment has to be perceived via your nerve system and any outgoing data has to be organized via your nerve system.  Pressure upon a nerve (pinched nerve) is called a subluxation.  A subluxation limits the potential of your body by causing a disconnection from your brain to your vital organs, cells, tissues, glands, everything.  Chiropractic removes the pressure from the nerve so your body is able to stay connected and function at your optimal potential.

pediatric chiropractic care

Now that we have a quick understanding of chiropractic, let’s head to our main topic of pediatric chiropractic care.  Pediatric chiropractic care is vitally important due to the fact that an infant’s spine will double in size in their first two years of life!  The spine serves to protect the most important system in the body, the nerve system.  What are most infants doing during their first years of life?  They are sitting, crawling, walking, climbing, and most likely falling down in some sort of fashion.  These are just some of the possible physical stressors that can cause a subluxation in an infant.  As they continue to grow their spine begins to take shape and develop the three curvatures that sustain life.  Pediatric chiropractic care allows early detection of possible subluxation’s that limit our child’s potential.

Realize that a subluxation is not something you can just spot that stands out like a “Stop” sign along the road.  Subluxations are deep and nasty things that sometimes take years to fully manifest.  Possible signs and symptoms can be delayed milestones, difficult or painful latching, frequent spitting up, colic, etc.  Pediatric chiropractic care limits the interference in the nerve system so our children can grow to their maximum potential.

Ear Infections In Babies The Natural Way

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Ear Infections In Babies The Natural Way

Ear infections in babies can be and is a very challenging time in parenthood.  Determining the right avenue to help your child and allow them to overcome the ear infection is our top priority.  Ear infections in babies are commonly met with antibiotics or surgical intervention.  While these methods might have a time and place for some, they should not be the first line of defense.  Ear infections in babies is often a symptom of an immune system out of balance.  The immune system can be challenged by environmental factors, diet, and most important, if it does not have a clear functioning nerve system.  If our child’s immune system is compromised then increased mucous production and inflammation begins thus resulting in infection.  

So, let’s go through the “norear infections in babiesmal medical” cycle of what happens with ear infections in babies.  An ear infection occurs so we think the “cure” is to use antibiotics when actually 70% of all ear infections are caused by viruses.  Administer improper antibiotics which predispose our child to repeat infections and illness by destroying the good bacteria in the body.  Ear infection occurs again so we repeat the process, eventually until the parents have had enough and they put tubes in the ear to drain the fluid.  A weakened immune system occurs due to improper administration of antibiotics, this makes our children more susceptible to having another infection.  If we just stop there we might be okay, but then this continues to our child’s tonsils and we think they have to be removed. (Chronic and repetitive illness will cause them to be irritated)

Ear infections in babies the natural way can and should be dealt with by means of chiropractic.  Chiropractic adjustments restore proper connection to your nerve system which regulates and controls your immune system.  The nerves regulate and control everything that you do!  Proper nerve function allows normal motion of the eustachian tubes and proper ear drainage.  Having a properly functioning nerve system is KEY to preventing reoccurring ear infections in babies by allowing the body to function the way it is intended…naturally.  Regular spinal adjustment ensure ear infections in babies resolve naturally and allow your child to be healthy.  


Carpal Tunnel Relief

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Carpal Tunnel Relief

Carpal tunnel relief is often linked to people wearing a brace or having some sort of surgery performed.  Carpal tunnel is caused by pressure on our median nerve which regulates and controls our hands, more specifically speaking our thumbs, index and middle fingers.  Symptoms can and will vary for each individual, the most common being weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers listed above.  Individuals with neck discomfort also exhibit signs and symptoms of weakness, numbness, and irritation in the fingers.  How do you actually know if what you’re experiencing is carpal tunnel?  Your top priority should be to have your nerves checked.

With carpal tunnel relief, just like anything else in your body, it starts with relief of the nerve.  Understand, if we have a bad experience in life we have to blame and look towards our nerve system for the cause and result.  Carpal tunnel is interesting because people understand that to obtain relief you have to address the nerve that is causing the discomfort.  This principle of relieving pressure on a nerve is key to understanding chiropractic.  Carpal tunnel relief is just not about looking at the wrist that is giving you the pinpoint sign and symptoms.  Everything starts from somewhere with regards to your body, and as previously stated you have to look to the nerve system first.  Ninety percent of all carpal tunnel patients were found to have nerve root irritation in their cervical spine, a condition known as double crush phenomena Journal of Neurology.  

carpal tunnel reliefYour median nerve has its beginnings in your neck, and if there is pressure upon the nerve in your neck region than you can exhibit signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel.  The stereotype is out that secretaries and individuals who type are more prone to having carpel tunnel.  Widen the outlook and see that most often the people that are prone to carpel tunnel exhibit poor posture, chronic sitting, and have a poor ergonomic work station.  All of this further contributing to a compromised nerve system, specifically speaking to our neck region.  Carpal tunnel relief is addressed by removing pressure from a nerve.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist that check your nerves and, if necessary, perform specific adjustments.  Carpal tunnel relief = get your nerves checked.


Constipation In Children

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic, Ear Infections

Constipation In Children

Constipation in children sort of becomes a tricky issue.  For any parent that has changed a diaper and encountered a massive explosion, it might be kind of nice to get a couple of days without having to go through that smell.  Truth be told though, that massive explosion is a healthy and functioning child.  All sarcasm aside, constipation in children is not normal and is a growing trend.  Everyone should be experiencing a bowel movement 2-3 times a day.  When going to the bathroom it should not be strenuous and difficult, it should be like “Grease Lighting.”  Constipation in children often comes about when our children tell us “Mommy, it hurts when I poop” or some sort of stomach pain.  The main sign that parents will notice is the lack of bathroom visits.

Constipation in children can be “treated” with stool softener or heavy forms of laxatives.  Keep in mind though that this is not addressing the cause of the problem, laxatives and medication is like putting a Band-Aid on an ever growing concern.  If you are looking to address the problem at the cause and ensure your children are functioning to their optimal potential then you need to look no further.  Chiropractic goes after the root of the cause of constipation in children.  Chiropractors are nerve system specialist and are trained specifically to access and adjust the nerve system.  Constipation in children is usually associated with the lower part of the spine, more specifically the sacrum.  Specific nerves regulate and control the muscles, cells, and tissues of our bowel movements.  If the sacrum or a vertebra moves out of position and applies pressure on one of these nerves then the brain cannot control proper bowel movements.  Improper positioning of a vertebra creates a roadblock in communication.  

Constipation in children is a warning sign.  Recognize what warning signs are in your children.  Give your children a chance to heal and grow stronger by proper nerve system communication.  Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages!  Get checked! 


Healthy Spine Care

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Healthy Spine Care

Spine care is usually a topic that appears for individuals only when they begin to suffer from some sort of neck or lower back pain.  Ultimately, we need to realize that taking care of our body begins with a healthy spine.  Your spine is the structure that supports and protects your central nerve system.  Everything you do in life is directly correlated with how your nerve system functions.  For instance, as we continue to grow older you will notice some of the elderly population with rounded backs, walking around looking at the ground.  How did this posture distortion start?  This process is due to improper spine care.  The brain sends its messages to all parts of the body through the spine.  The spine needs to be free and clear of obstacles in it’s way to ensure you are functioning at your optimal potential.  When a nerve becomes irritated, due to improper posture of your spine, your body begins to fight.  Improper muscle tension will develop, dysfunction to your vital organs, cells, tissues, and glands will begin.  This is the first stage and when you should recognize that something is wrong.  Your body will give you the signs and symptoms to notice dysfunction, it is your responsibility to act!

Spine care is essential to maintain a healthy functioning body.  A subluxation is what chiropractors find and adjust if necessary.  A subluxation is when a spinal bone moves out of alignment and wreaks havoc on your nerve system.  The reason being is that your spine is the information highway from your body to your brain and visa versa.  Proper spine care is making sure your spine is clear and free of subluxations, which in turn ensures keeping the communication open.

Measuring ones health can be categorized into posture.  It’s the ripple effect, improper posture leads to dysfunction in the nerve system; and the nerve system regulates and controls ALL!  Proper spine care is not a fad or a trend nor is your health.  Get checked for possible subluxations that are affecting your health.

Check out the “Text Neck” posture.

Common Signs And Symptoms

By | ADHD, Benefits of Chiropractic

Common Signs And Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms?  What “condition” are we referring to when writing this is the question?  Any signs and symptoms at all are an alert system for your body to let you know that something is not right!  The problem with signs and symptoms is that we think they are normal for our daily lives.  There are two different categories that we associate our signs and symptoms with.  You can be walking down the sidewalk and take the wrong step and “BAM” you twist your ankle.  When these incidents occur we have an immediate cause and effect, we instantly know what happened and what the consequences will be.  The other category occurs when seemingly small but noticeable signs and symptoms plague our lives and we just continue to live with it.  For some they have no pain, so is there anything wrong with their body?  The entire aspect of letting pain be your guide to a healthy life is a horrible paradigm that we have created in our society.

So, what are common signs and symptoms?  Anything that causes your body to function less than your optimal potential.  Your body has amazing capabilities and warning systems to let you know when things are not working properly.  What we tend to do in our society is cover up our signs and symptoms with over the counter medication and prescriptions.  Using medication will allow you to put a “Band-Aid” on things for a short period of time but does not address the cause.  Then after a while your body will reveal signs and symptoms again and have to take even more medication.  This entire cycle becomes a very debilitating process and wreaks havoc on your body.  Chiropractic will address your signs any symptoms, more importantly it will go after the causative factor of why.  Any dysfunction that your body goes through is controlled and regulated by your nerve system.  Chiropractor’s check your nerve system for possible dysfunction and adjust the cause, which in turn allows your body to heal!