What Age Does One ‘Need’ Chiropractic

By | Benefits of Chiropractic, chiropractic adjustment, Chiropractic Myths, kids chiropractic | One Comment

The age long debate of Chiropractic care: when does one begin care? First, lets understand what Chiropractic is and what it is not. Chiropractic is a philosophy, science and art of things natural; a system of adjusting the segments of the spinal column by hand only, for the correction of dis-ease, as addressed by B.J. Palmer, D.C. This simply means that Chiropractic deals with all things that are natural within the body.

When we use the word ‘dis-ease’ we are referring to an interference with the conductive tissues (nerves) of the body. What Chiropractors are trained to locate and adjust, if necessary, are vertebral subluxations. Misalignment’s of the spinal column that place undo stress upon a single nerve fiber are therefore creating a state of dysfunction within the body. Wouldn’t it be wise to start getting your child checked right away for subluxations?

We begin to take our children to the dentist when teeth begin to develop and form, because we want to make sure they are healthy and developing correctly. What about the central nerve system? The first system ever developed in the human body that makes all the tissue cells of the body…even the teeth! The dentist analogy while easy to use is even overlooked when using good nutrition. You don’t wait to feed your children healthy substantial vegetables and fruits until they are middle-aged: you do it right away. So, why in the health care industry of Chiropractic which is all things natural, would you wait to get their spines checked?

We have been brainwashed that Chiropractic is for middle-aged males who lift a heavy object and ‘throw their back out’. This is the farthest statement from the truth. Why would you wait to begin regular spinal check-ups to ensure optimal function of the central nerve system for developing children. Healthy central nerve system = healthy developing child.

We are an office with a particular focus on pediatrics. We understand that birth, even how amazing as it is, is a stressful situation for not only the mother, but the newborn as well. We cannot stress the importance of starting life off with a clear and functioning nerve system to reach certain milestones in childhood development without limitations. 

Why Specific Adjustments Matter

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Why do specific adjustments matter? When you’re paying bills, you want to pay the specific amount. When your aiming for a specific grade point average you want to hit specific results to achieve your intended results. Specificity is critical to just about every part of life, particularity when it comes to your health and well-being via Chiropractic care.

In Gonstead Chiropractic, specificity is what sets us apart. To make critical and accurate spinal adjustments to your central nerve system, the specificity must be obtained through x-ray analysis and multiple cross analysis to confirm what needs to be done. We use the word “adjustment” when a specific and dynamic thrust is applied to a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column creating dysfunction within the spinal column) that is created when one’s body fails to adapt to the stressors placed on it. For Chiropractic care there is no one size fits all and everyone gets the same thing, if it was, then that would be called a spinal manipulation.

The opposite of an adjustment is a spinal manipulation. Wording is drastically important to know the difference between a specific Chiropractic adjustment and a manipulation.

·  A Chiropractic adjustment is specific, accurate, and a calculated thrust into a particular part of the spinal column that is warranted to a specific subluxation based on thorough STRUCTURAL analysis via x-rays and other criteria in the system.

·  A manipulation is a distasteful experiment to one’s body to try and create some sort of change with no knowledge to the location or direction of the spinal subluxation.

The structural factor that a subluxation creates is paramount to understanding how it impacts one’s overall health. The structural factor and how to correct it needs a physical approach, not a chemical equation. If you have a physical problem, you need a physical solution. 

Consistency Is The Magic Bean

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In life the only way to see consistent results is to remain consistent. If you want to become “better” at something you need to maintain consistent practice. Learn to play a musical instrument, throw a curve ball, utilize a new language, in order to become “better” requires practice. Your overall health and well-being are no different in this matter. The positive news is that we were born to be healthy and function optimally during our course of life even though stress occurs and takes a toll on the body. This stress negatively impacts our health and ability to function in the state that we want. In order to maintain or change your outlook in health takes…practice.

Instead of waiting for sickness or disease to strike you like our current model of health employs, why not be consistently practicing good health? “We need to change our disease care system into a health care system” – Dr. Frank Lipman.

Chiropractic care employs a model of health and vitality. The Chiropractors responsibility is to get the sick well and to keep the well…well! Chiropractors are trained to access and detect subluxations (misalignment’s in the spinal column) that place undo stress upon a single nerve fiber thus creating a medley of health problems. The reason for this is that your central nerve system is the master control system, without it fully functioning and in an ideal state of harmony, the body cannot fully function.

Contrary to popular belief there is no such thing as a “magic” Chiropractic adjustment. Yep, that’s right. Being healthy is no different than anything else in life. It requires consistency to achieve and maintain a healthy central nerve system. When should you start to take care of your spine? Right away! Once again taking care of your spine is no different than anything else in life. Do we wait to introduce vegetables and fruit to our children until they 40 years old? Do we tell our children to stay inside and sit down all the time and not enjoy physical activity? Taking care of the central nerve system to ensure proper health and vitality begins right away! It’s about being consistent with every other facet in life. 

Freedom Of Health

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This time of year is always very exciting. Fireworks, friends, family, parades we will indeed celebrate to our fullest potential. We live in a special place where we have freedom to act and think however we please, without hindrance or restraining order. Nothing is sweeter than Freedom! Like the America’s departing from the Monarch of Britain, we can depart from the restraints that are holding us back from freedom in health. Our true potential awaits! Chiropractic had not been established in 1776, however we now offer a better way for you and your family to achieve freedom in health. We can all agree that health is not valued until it has been lost, laying in the hospital bed, sick at home, or watching a loved one suffer. This negative experience begins the typical model of traditional medicine: Crisis occurs, and we respond re-actively, due to the circumstances, over and over again in a continual cycle. Were you or your family members just unlucky or is there something else going on? Why did Jimmy get sick, but Timmy did not? True health cannot be found in a bottle, vile, or anything external. Health is found within.

Your Nerve System, the most important structure in your body controls and mediates the healing process of every cell, every tissue, and every organ. The reason why Jimmy got sick and Timmy did not, is solely their body’s ability to adapt in an environment. The key player that causes the Nerve System to have a hindrance or restraining order is a subluxation. The subluxation reduces our freedom of health because it places undo stress on the most important structure in our body. Thus we lose our ability to be our best and most expressive self. With the liberation of these subluxations through specific Gonstead chiropractic adjustments, the Nerve System is freed and expression is restored. In life you are either constantly heading towards sickness or heading towards better health. When we observe our health with an ability to adapt to our environment, instead of fearing the unknown timing of a crisis, we can work proactively on your health. This way of life results in achieving true freedom in health and a break in the continual cycle. We were designed to be dynamic, limitless, and free. We thank you for seeking your fullest potential and better health.

Early Detection: Proper Structure = Proper Posture

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Early detection is key to prevention of postural decline. A posture analysis is eye opening for many and can lead to changes that correct improper posture. The KEY to understanding posture decline is accessing x-ray analysis. X-rays give us the ability to see what is actually going on with the spinal column that directly impacts how easy or hard proper posture can be for you. To see is to actually know, and x-rays give us that valuable tool to see the structure of the spine which directly correlates to your overall HEALTH and well-being.

To understand what health is, is to understand the role of the brain and the nerves, your central nerve system (CNS). The spinal column protects the CNS… literally. The spinal column is the only boney structure that surrounds the most important component of your body, the CNS. The beginning of the disease process begins with posture distortions – Dr. Hans Seyle, Nobel Laureate.

Understand that your brain communicates to your body and vice versa through your spinal cord (which is protected via spinal bones). When a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column placing undo stress upon a single spinal nerve) occurs it creates a constant roadblock of communication that creates chaos from the brain to body and vice versa. To understand a subluxation and how it impacts your health, think of it as road construction. Imagine your spinal cord as a four-lane highway. When a subluxation occurs the four lanes reduce to one lane. Not only does your posture begin to suffer and become harder to perform, your health becomes impacted as well.

The only way to correctly find and locate a subluxation is through x-ray analysis. Then proper construction (adjustments) can occur to reestablish proper connection between the brain and body. Correcting the structure of the spinal column brings about a posture that is easy to accomplish. Ideally, our bones stack up one upon the other: the head rests directly on top of the spine, which sits directly over the pelvis, which sits directly over the knees and ankles. Good posture is critical for maintaining a healthy body and mind. 

Time To Trade In Your Spine

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Steve Jobs first introduced the Macintosh computer in 1984.  It was the first commercially successful personal computer ever at that time.  Since 1984 there has been numerous modifications, upgrades, and changes to make the personal computer even better! Technology constantly is changing and improving to better serve the public masses.  Your body in fact is a computer.  The central nerve system (CNS) is the master controller of all parts of your body, and is constantly adapting to the surrounding environment that you place it under.

Taking the time to ensure that your CNS is optimally functioning helps confirm that your body is able to adapt, modify, and continually function at its optimal potential. This is vitally important due to the fact that you cannot upgrade this version of your body for the newest and latest model. Your version is based on your birth. The longer you have this computer the longer it becomes outdated. You have to take care of what you are given to make sure your model is up to date in the best way that it can be. Self care comes at the cost of looking within the “computer”, the inner parts are what keep the outside functioning and looking pristine.

Instead of waiting to take care of a problem that occurs within your computer, why wouldn’t you want to have regular check-ups to ensure optimal speed, data collection, and firing on all cylinders. When you look to health, look to the spine first and foremost. The chiropractic approach to health care considers the many lifestyle factors, such as exercise, diet, alignment, relaxation, rest and your environment, that affect your health which directly create a positive or negative impact on your CNS. It’s up to you to start making healthy choices today.  

Reason One To See A Chiropractor

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Chiropractic care is often associated with middle aged males who “throw their back out”. One of the biggest misconceptions is to why people seek Chiropractic care. Stress. Stress has become such an ingrained part of our vocabulary and daily existence that it is difficult to believe that our current use of the term originated only a little over 50 years ago, when it was essentially “coined” by Hans Selye. Pre Hans Selye and the development of the word “stress” Chiropractors used the term “Auto-Suggestions” to describe our thought process. Chiropractors understood and still to this day preach that stress is an emotional reaction to life events. 

 It would be easy to say “stop stressing,” yet this holds no merit as we often have to react to external stressors that impact our life. Stress often comes about in two different manners – dealing with chance events and feeling out of control with events. Stress is a very expensive epidemic due to the fact that it aggravates every other form of dis-ease in our body.

How does Chiropractic enter into this equation? The simplest notion is that when your brain has a negative thought your spinal cord is a direct extension off of the brain and will encounter the same response you are creating. To add a little science, when you experience stress, your pituitary gland (in the brain) responds by increasing a hormone called adrenocorticotropic (ACTH). ACTH sets off an alarm system in the brain that travels down the spinal cord to activate the adrenal glands to release a flood of stress hormones including cortisol and adrenaline.  

 When your body is constantly bombarded with negative thoughts you enter into a chemical cascade of events called fight or flight. The tiny intricate muscles of the spinal column that are responsible for proper spinal alignment will “go to sleep” or not function correctly due to the fact that we activate BIG muscles when are body is in a chronic state of fight or flight. Seeing that it is impossible to medicate our way out of any symptom and stress is an emotional response not a biochemical condition (which means drugs have a limited effect on stress) like diabetes it is defiantly safe to say that natural healing through specific spinal adjustments is the course of action. Your health is our top concern.

Investing In Your Health

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Investing in your health is a path that often goes untraveled.  Much like the famous poet Robert Frost in his telling of The Road Less Traveled, we often take the road of the least resistance.  We conform to societies beliefs that your health is something that can be bought.  That health comes in the form of a pill, lotion, or potion conjured to make money off of the sick.  Contrary to popular belief, we were designed to be healthy.  Health is innately given to us and we have to invest in it.  The road less traveled is often in the form of natural healing, letting the body heal itself.  Chiropractors approximately only serve 10% of the population.  Most people think Chiropractors are CRAZY to educate the masses that the most important system that controls, regulates, and services every human function in your body needs periodic check-ups to ensure optimal function.  Most people thought Steven Jobs was CRAZY when he introduced the IPhone without any buttons (the social norm was Blackberries)!   

Investing in your health comes with education.  The role of the Chiropractor is not to simply adjust patients but to “check” patients as well with a systematic scientific technique that looks for imbalances along the spine creating dis-ease not only within the central nerve system but within the body.  Without a healthy central nerve system health does not exist.  Proper education is in place to empower patients.  Much of what Chiropractic stands for is validated scientifically in every human anatomy textbook, yet society will always attempt to perpetuate those methods which better serve mankind.   In this office we have a conviction stronger than a desire not just to please, but to serve the masses with specific and scientifically based natural healing.   

Big business influences the health care policy.  Big business is not interested in the road less traveled.  You don’t see Chiropractic advertisements on television with “Chiropractic Hospitals” you only see medical advertisements.  Realize the central nerve system is the only system in the body protected by bone.  The brain has the skull and the spinal cord has the spinal bones.  It must be pretty important if we were designed that way!  Investing in your health begins with taking care of the inside first, the central nerve system.  A subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column) is not a complete cycle for the body.  Your body’s innate intelligence is designed to keep you functioning.  Chiropractors work with innate intelligence to assist the body in achieving better function and to get it working at optimal potential. 

Don’t Fool The Body With Tricks

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It’s that time of year again when the fool’s and jester’s come out to play. April 1st is upon us and we need to be cautious of the tricks and misdirection to come. Like the biggest prankster in the 5th grade, your body can also play jokes on you. We are talking about symptoms (or lack of symptoms) which can be understandingly misleading.  

It is crucial to get checked by a Chiropractor, and not only on April 1st. Chiropractors do not get fooled by these symptoms but seek the underlying CAUSE for why they are occurring in the first place. Symptoms are simply how the body is expressing a hidden issue at hand. While symptoms are an important piece, we are confident that through our thorough and unmatched Gonstead analysis, we will correct the CAUSE. Above, we stated that a ‘lack of symptoms’ can also be misleading, we see this all of the time. The nerve system controls 100% of all bodily functions. This includes organs, glands, tissue cells, everything! You are a master of 10% of these nerves. This specific 10% carries sensory information from the body to the brain (pain, touch, aches, etc.). The other 90% is in control of movement and bodily functions, which cannot be felt. Often, dysfunctions of these systems can be apparent even if you are unable to ‘feel’ it. Don’t get fooled, get checked!

It should be noted that the body was and never is destined to fail. Sickness, dis-ease, or those sneaky symptoms are a result of the body’s inability to communicate efficiently between brain and body via the nerve system. When this communication is hindered, the body’s optimal performance is reduced and symptoms arise. Chiropractors are more accurately known not as ‘back doctors’ but nerve system specialists. We will continue to seek the CAUSE of your symptoms by checking your nerve system from scratch, every visit. Let us bring HOPE and an ANSWER to you and your family.