We’ve all been around an invididual who claimed that their “back went out” after performing some physical activity. This phrase is often used in Chiropractic offices to describe a particualr problem known as a subluxation (misalignment within the spinal column creating undo stress upon a nerve fiber). Let’s be real though. Most people have never heard of the word subluxation until seeking help after such an event occurs.
Unless you’ve had a major accident, injury, or trauma that violently impacts tendons, ligaments and surrounding soft tissue, your spinal bones do not ‘simply’ move from being aligned to being misaligned. A subluxation is created over time often due to repetitive behaviors that require the body to adapt and heal. Once again, lets be honest. Most people will perform the same physical and mental task Monday – Friday never really giving their body a chance to adapt until Saturday and Sunday or a planned vacation occurs.
Relating to our current events, the fires and smoke we are breathing , let’s use this analogy: Fire Vs. Subluxation
Most of the fires are manmade, often due to neglect and improper care of not knowing the fire regulations.
All subluxations are manmade, often from neglect of your spinal column due to not knowing the important role it plays in protecting your central nerve system.
Most fires will typically start off very slow at first and then gather momentum, sometimes we think they will just ‘go out’ by themselves.
Most subluxations will take years to develop into an actual known health problem. Sometimes pain will be the first symptom to appear and the first to disappear, yet in reality the ‘burn’ is still slowly cooking away.
Then the smoke sets in. Not only creating more health concerns for us, but creating a different reality of our surroundings as well. I look out the window knowing I am supposed to see the Swan Range, yet all I see is smoke.
Paraphrasing Dr. Heidi Haavik, when a subluxation is created and manifests, it alters the reality of the brain to body conneciton. One would almost say that it creates a ‘brain fog’ of the information your brain needs to perceive to keep you healthy.
What’s the moral of the story? “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of a cure” – Benjamin Franklin