The Many Faces Of Neck Pain

By November 5, 2014 Benefits of Chiropractic

The Many Faces Of Neck Pain

Neck pain is widely becoming a huge issue in our society.  Primarily the way people come into our office for neck pain is due to improper structure.  One of the worst things that we can do for our health is sitting down for a prolonged period of time.  Desk jobs and utilizing a computer for a prolonged period of time causes our structure to become compromised.  Not only is neck pain one of the issues that comes along from sitting for periods of time but just general soreness and stiffness.  We tend to discover our ability to generate poor posture at a very young age while sitting in school.  Then as we continue our schooling or begin a career most of those situations involve sitting down for hours throughout the day.  The actual neck pain does not show up until the end.  What we mean by this is that you will be involved in stiffness, limited range of motion, soreness, and the possibility of other signs and symptoms.  Then your neck pain will finally show up after some time.  Reason being is that your nerves only feel 10% of the sensation of pain.  Your nerves are designed to make sure you are functioning at your true potential.

If neck pain is present, then changes need to be made.  In our office we personalize your care based upon your x-ray and neurological findings.  Gonstead chiropractic allows us to be specific in the way we handle your care and function.  If you are sitting down for prolonged periods of time throughout the day chiropractic will allow your body to combat the poor posture.  Neck pain and chiropractic  do go hand in hand, however we are concerned with how you are functioning on a day to day basis!  Poor posture results in a cause and effect, the effect inevitably being neck pain.  We are talking about posture and neck pain because the significance that is plays in our lives.

Other instances that are recognizable with neck pain are sudden traumas and injuries that we sustain.  If you sustain an injury or trauma to your neck region the best thing for your will be to see a chiropractor.  Even though you might think your okay after a couple of days, the dysfunction is still there.  That is why when we are young and might be involved in a car accident our bodies are able to recover at a faster pace.  If you sustain an accident at a young age and think your “okay”, dysfunction will come later if gone uncorrected.  Specific chiropractic care is your answer if you live with neck pain, or any type of dysfunction in your body.  Have your nerves checked.