At this point in time, in our crazy mixed up world, it feels we must get back to the basics of life. So, got any plants? How simple can it be? Do you know how to properly care for them? Even though it’s winter and spring is a ways away, we need to prepare properly for the months to come.
It sounds trivial, yet in reality it’s a continual state of preparation. When I take care of my plants (particularly my vegetables; flowers are fine but eating my veggies is a delicious treat), I realize that external factors are important and need to occur to keep my plants “looking” healthy. Factors such as adequate sunshine, enough water, proper spacing, and good air flow.
While these external influences are important for the plant to survive, if left all alone these external influence would not be a constant. One constant variable that is often overlooked is the soil. Many say that if you take care of the soil, regardless of the external influences, the plant will not only grow, it will thrive.
So taking care of the soil takes care of the plant, regardless of the external influences that comes its way. This is a philosophy that is based on science, backed by pure instinct. To better understand, we can switch the word soil to mean that of host (our bodies) and instead of external influences you could use seeds or external harm. “Take care of the host and it will be impervious to any harmful seed thrown its way.” (Paraphrasing the highly remarked French scientist Claude Bernard.)
“While other professions are concerned with changing environment to suit the weakened body, Chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to “suit” environment.”-B.J. Palmer, D.C. The best way to take your health into your own hands is to address the body from the inside out. Starting with your central nerve system (CNS). By universal law the CNS controls every human experience that you have to keep you a well adapting machine. Take care of it wisely.