How does one judge their health? Most of the time we judge our health on how we ‘feel’ on a day to day basis. WE are a day to day society. We forget the BIG picture that the only easy day was yesterday. Longevity and proper CONTINUAL maintenance is key. Most of the time people judge their health based on certain criteria, external influences that become important because we deem them so, which is a lie. If you really think about it, just because a person might “look” good or perform a certain physical feat doesn’t mean they are healthy. The person who has six-pack abs, runs marathons, is allergic to every type of food, has constant GI problems…and the list goes on, would you consider to be ‘healthy’?
· How we look in the mirror (any wrinkles)
· How much we weigh on the scale
· How long we have been on a certain “diet trend”
· How many push-ups we can do
· How small our double-chin is
· How many signs and symptoms we DON’T have
To judge your health first and foremost begins with looking where your health begins. We can accomplish an accurate assessment of your health via x-ray analysis. By visualizing the spinal bones we are able to access the health of the Central Nerve System (it is your health). The age old adage that ” Beauty lies within” is so relevant to us. We assume the term is for dating and meeting the love of your life. Just as well, the beauty of your spinal column will dictate your overall health and well-being.
By removing any source of irritation to the Central Nerve System the body will be healthy and the spinal column properly aligned. You live your life through your Central Nerve System. By keeping the spine aligned your Central Nerve System has an accurate grip on your health and better able to adapt to the stressors you place it on. Look within the body for health.